4 May 2024
Loomis Laboratory of Physics
US/Central timezone

Topological aspects of particle production in the early universe

4 May 2024, 14:35
Room 151 (Loomis Laboratory of Physics)

Room 151

Loomis Laboratory of Physics

1110 W Green St, Urbana, Illinois 61801


Ms Nidhi Sudhir (University of Wisconin-Madison)


We study topological aspects of particle production using Stokes phenomenon. An explicit map between the standard $\beta$-coefficient computation, and Stokes constants from the perspective of the F-matrix formalism is presented. In scenarios where the particle dispersion relation reduces in the long wavelength limit ($k\rightarrow 0$) to the form $z^n$ $(n\in \mathbb{Z}_{>0})$ in complexified time $z$, the corresponding mode equation satisfies a $\mathbb{Z}_{n+2}$ symmetry. This symmetry, combined with the F-matrix formalism fixes the Stokes constants and the $\beta$-coefficient as simple trigonometric functions of $n$. Here we extend the above computation to small non-zero values of $k$ by computing the lowest order corrections to the Stokes constants for scenarios where the mode equation retains a $\mathbb{Z}_{n+2}$ symmetry. These corrections are then used to estimate the topological contribution corresponding to $k\approx 0$ to the total particle production in two scalar field models of interest for early universe cosmology.

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Primary authors

Prof. Daniel Chung (University of Wisconsin-Madison) Ms Nidhi Sudhir (University of Wisconin-Madison)

Presentation materials