PIKIMO Spring 2024

Saturday, 4 May 2024 - 09:00
Loomis Laboratory of Physics (Room 151)

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
4 May 2024
Welcoming Remarks -Dr Julia Shelton (until 09:35) (Room 151)
Talks - Christina Gao (until 10:15) (Room 151)
09:35 Detecting Axion Dark Matter with Black Hole Polarimetry - Xucheng Gan   (Room 151)
09:55 Statistics of axion wind detection with superfluid Helium-3 - Aarav Mande   (Room 151)
10:15 --- Coffee Break ---
Talks - Wen Han Chiu (UIUC) (until 11:35) (Room 151)
10:35 Visible Axinovae: Axion Star Explosions with Photon Emissions - Huangyu Xiao (Fermilab)   (Room 151)
10:55 Generalized Global Symmetries and Nonperturbative Quantum Flavodynamics - Seth Koren (University of Notre Dame)   (Room 151)
11:15 Amplifying CMB phase shift with dark matter-radiation interactions - Daven Wei Ren Ho   (Room 151)
11:35 --- Lunch Break ---
Invited Talk - Yonatan Kahn (until 13:55) (Room 151)
13:00 CHIME is Secretly an Axion Experiment - Prof. Katelin Schutz   (Room 151)
Talks - Shashin Pavaskar (until 14:55) (Room 151)
13:55 Multi-electron muon decays - Tony Menzo   (Room 151)
14:15 Large Blue Spectral Index From a Conformal Limit of a Rotating Complex Scalar - SAI CHAITANYA TADEPALLI   (Room 151)
14:35 Topological aspects of particle production in the early universe - Ms Nidhi Sudhir (University of Wisconin-Madison)   (Room 151)
14:55 --- Coffee Break ---
Invited Talk - Aida El-Khadra (University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign) (until 16:10) (Room 151)
15:15 Tortured Phenomenology Department, or why we need quantum computers - Hank Lamm   (Room 151)
Talks - Avery Tishue (UIUC) (until 17:10) (Room 151)
16:10 A tale of tails via QCD insights - Alex Edison (Northwestern University)   (Room 151)
16:30 Seeing highly anisotropic gravitational wave backgrounds from the early universe - Arushi Bodas (University of Chicago and Fermilab)   (Room 151)
16:50 Crescendo Beyond the Horizon: More Gravitational Waves from Domain Walls Bounded by Inflated Cosmic Strings - Yunjia Bao (University of Chicago)   (Room 151)
Closing Remarks - Aida El-Khadra (University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign) (until 17:20) (Room 151)