IT Infrastructure
- There are no conveners in this block
IT Infrastructure
- Helge Meinhard (CERN)
IT Infrastructure
- Helge Meinhard (CERN)
IT Infrastructure
- Helge Meinhard (CERN)
Wayne Salter
24/10/2011, 14:00
IT Infrastructure and Services
There are a number of projects currently underway to improve and extend the CERN computing facilities which have been reported at previous HEPiX meetings. An update will be given on the current status of these projects and particular emphasis will be placed on efficiency improvements that have been made in the CERN Computer Centre and the resulting energy, and hence cost, savings.
Jan Kundrat
24/10/2011, 14:30
IT Infrastructure and Services
The proposed talk discusses the Deska project [1], our attempt at delivering an inventory database whose goal is to provide a central source of machine-readable information about one's computing center. We mention the motivation behind the project, describe the design choices we have made and talk about how the Deska system could help reduce maintenance effort on other sites.
connie sieh
24/10/2011, 15:00
IT Infrastructure and Services
Current status of Scientific Linux
Futures of Scientific Linux
Veronique Lefebure
24/10/2011, 16:00
IT Infrastructure and Services
SINDES, Secure INformation DElivery System, is a tool aimed at ensuring enough level of privacy in storing and delivering confidential files. Initially written at CERN in 2005, SINDES is now being rewritten in order to have its user-interface, flexibility and maintainability improved: access control granularity, logging, file modifications, history, machine upload, unattended installations and...
Matthias Schroeder
24/10/2011, 16:30
IT Infrastructure and Services
CERN has started to use OCS Inventory for the HW and SW inventory of SLC nodes on site, and plans to do the same for the MacOS nodes.
I will report about the motivation for this, the setup used and the experience gained.
Christopher Huhn
(GSI Darmstadt)
25/10/2011, 15:10
IT Infrastructure and Services
GSI is successfully utilizing Cfengine for configuration management since almost a decade.
Even though Cfengine is powerful as well as reliable we started to test the configuration management system Chef as a successor or complement to Cfengine to implement features we are lacking up to now.
Wayne Salter
25/10/2011, 16:00
IT Infrastructure and Services
A detailed study of approximately 4000 vendor interventions for hardware failures experienced in CERN IT computing facility in 2010-2011 will be presented. The rates of parts replacements are compared for different components and as expected disk failures are dominating with approximately 1% quarterly replacement rate. When plotting the variation with age a higher rate is seen in the first...
Giuseppe Lo Presti
25/10/2011, 16:30
IT Infrastructure and Services
The TSM server network at CERN - with its 17 TSM servers in production, 30 drives, ~1300 client nodes and ~4 PB of data - often needs an overwhelming amount of effort to be properly managed by the few TSM administrators.
Hence, the need for a central monitoring system able to cope with the increasing number of servers, client nodes and volumes. We will discuss our approach to this issue,...