17–21 Feb 2025
Vienna University of Technology
Europe/Vienna timezone

Cryogenic Tests of Time of Flight and Scintillating Fiber Tracker Prototypes for the AMS-100 experiment

19 Feb 2025, 11:55


Talk Astroparticle Detectors Astroparticle


Thomas Kirn (Rheinisch Westfaelische Tech. Hoch. (DE))Mr Thomas Oeser (RWTH Aachen, I. Physikalisches Institut B)


The AMS-100 Experiment, a magnetic spectrometer in space, will use plastic scintillators read out by silicon photomultipliers (SiPM) as a time of flight (ToF) detector. The scintillating fiber tracker (SciFi) of AMS-100 will use scintillating fibers (250~$\mu$m thick) read out by SiPMs. The ToF and the SciFi Tracker will be operated in vacuum at cryogenic temperatures.

We will present time resolution and signal shape measurements with a ToF-prototype in the temperature range of $+30^{\circ}$C to $-196^{\circ}$C. Long term tests of a ToF prototype in vacuum and thermocycling tests of the ToF components will be shown.

Thermal studies and light yield measurements of a SciFi tracker prototype at room temperature and at $-196^{\circ}$C in vacuum will be presented.


Thomas Kirn (Rheinisch Westfaelische Tech. Hoch. (DE)) Mr Thomas Oeser (RWTH Aachen, I. Physikalisches Institut B)

Presentation materials