We present a compact scintillating fiber timing detector developed for the Mu3e experiment. Mu3e is a novel experiment that will search for the charged lepton avor violating neutrinoless mu+ -> e+e-e+ decay with unprecedented sensitivity of 10^-16. In cojunction with the Si-pixel tracker, the fiber detector will allow for a full 4D track reconstruction (in space and in time).
We will report in detail the development of the SciFi detector, from the scintillating fibers through the SiPM array photosensors up to the front-end electronics and the data acquisition, including the
time calibration of the detector. The SciFi detector is formed by staggering three layers of Kurary SCSF-78 250 um multiclad scintillating fibers. The fiber ribbons are coupled at both ends to multi-channel silicon photomultiplier arrays. We will focus on the performance of this very thin (thickness of ~720 um, i.e. < 0:2% of a radiation length) fiber detector in terms of the achieved timing resolution of ~250 ps, matched clusters detection effciency of ~97%, and spatial resolution of ~100 um. We will also report on developments to improve the light yield of existing scintillating fibers.
The 3000 channels of the fiber detector will be read out with a dedicated mixed mode ASIC,the MuTRiG, especially developed for this experiment. We will discuss in detail the functioning, operation, and performance of the MuTRiG ASIC, and the development of the front-end electronics.
Primary experiment | Mu3e |