17–21 Feb 2025
Vienna University of Technology
Europe/Vienna timezone

Development and Performance Evaluation of Readout Systems for Belle II ARICH Upgrade

Not scheduled
Vienna University of Technology

Vienna University of Technology

Gusshausstraße 27-29, 1040 Wien
Poster Cherenkov Detectors


Shunsuke Kurokawa (Tokyo Metropolitan University)


The Aerogel Ring Imaging CHerenkov (ARICH) counter of the Belle II detector takes the role of particle identification. It detects Cherenkov ring images using Hybrid Avalanche Photo Detectors (HAPD).
In the future upgrade, it is planned to replace HAPDs with other photon detectors. The new detectors should be resistant against the high neutron radiation and magnetic field. The candidates are Multi-Pixel Photon Counter (MPPC).and Large Area Picosecond Photo Detector (LAPPD). In this research, several readout systems are being developed and evaluated in parallel considering using with MPPCs or LAPPDs.
For the readout system of MPPCs, the prototype ASIC “TF01A64” is developed. This is customized for ARICH and is the upgraded edition of current ASIC used in ARICH. The evaluation of the requirements for the ASIC has been done using MPPC signals.
The other readout system is also developed using ToFPETv2 or FastIC ASICs. This system is designed for the readout of either LAPPDs or MPPCs. The evaluation for an LAPPD is ongoing, using ToFPETv2 ASIC with built-in ADC and TDC.
Now the development of each readout system is ongoing towards the beam test to demonstrate the Cherenkov light detection.
In this presentation, the development and evaluation status of the readout systems will be reported.

Primary experiment Belle II


Shunsuke Kurokawa (Tokyo Metropolitan University)


Alja Hvala (Jozef Stefan Institute) Andrej Lozar (Jozef Stefan Institute (SI)) Andrej Seljak (Jozef Stefan Institute (SI)) Gayane Ghevondyan (A.I.Alikhanyan National Laboratory) Dr Gevorg Karyan (A. I. Alikhanyan National Science Laboratory) Gevorg Nazaryan Hidekazu Kakuno (Tokyo Metropolitan University) Ichiro Adachi (KEK) Kanta Motohashi (Tokyo Metropolitan University) Kenta Uno (KEK) Kodai Matsuoka (Nagoya University) Kristof Spenko (Jozef Stefan Institute (SI)) Luka Santelj (Jozef Stefan Institute) Dr Makoto Tabata (Chiba University) Masayoshi Shoji (KEK) Momoka Shoji (Toho University) Peter Krizan (Jozef Stefan Institute (SI)) Raffaele Giordano (INFN) Rok Dolenec (Jozef Stefan Institute (SI)) Rok Pestotnik (Jozef Stefan Institute (SI)) Saki Iwaki (Tokyo Metropolitan University) Samo Korpar Satoru Ogawa (Toho University (JP)) Shohei Nishida Shuichi Iwata (Tokyo Metropolitan College of Industrial Technoligy) Dr Sourav Dey (KEK) Takashi Koriki (High Energy Accelerator Res. Organ. (KEK)) Takayuki SUMIYOSHI Toru Iijima Yoshiaki Seino (Toyama College) Yosuke Yusa Yun-Tsung Lai Yuta Takinami (Niigata University)

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