Plenary selected R&D
- Florian Reindl (Vienna University of Technology (AT))
The Resistive Plate Chambers (RPC) are gaseous detectors with excellent timing performance used for muon triggering in LHC experiments. They operate using a gas mixture of C2H2F4/i-C4 H10/SF6, which allows their operation in avalanche mode, essential for high-luminosity collider experiments. This mixture provides optimal gas density, low current, and a large separation between avalanche and...
The combination of gaseous detectors with high-granularity charge readout offers very specific possibilities, which otherwise could not be achieved. Examples are high-resolution tracking of low-momentum particle beams (i.e. requiring low-material budget), X-ray polarimetry and the detection of low-energetic (< 2 keV) X-rays, as well as rare-event searches that rely on event-selection based on...
In recent years, silicon carbide (SiC) has gained growing interest as a material for radiation-hard particle detectors due to its increasing availability for industrial power devices. Compared to silicon, SiC offers lower leakage currents post-irradiation, higher thermal conductivity, and larger charge carrier saturation velocity. Its suitability for particle detection and the influence of...
The ALPHA-g experiment at CERN's Antiproton Decelerator recently published the first direct measurement of the gravitational free fall of antihydrogen [Nature 621, 716–722 (2023)]. The anti-atoms were produced and trapped in a magnetic-minimum trap and slowly released by ramping down the upper and lower solenoidal coils. One of crucial prerequisite for experiment sensitive to gravitational...