Semiconductor General 2
- Manqi Ruan (Chinese Academy of Sciences (CN))
Extensive studies of effects of annealing at 60°C on charge collection efficiency were made during development and production of sensors for ATLAS ITk strip detector. After irradiation with neutrons or low energy protons, at bias voltages below ~ 900 V, “typical” annealing behaviour was observed: beneficial effect of short term annealing was followed by a drop of charge collection efficiency...
To face the higher levels of radiation due to the 10-fold increase in integrated luminosity during the H-L LHC, the CMS detector will replace the current endcap calorimeters with the new High-Granularity Calorimeter (HGCAL). The electromagnetic section as well as the high-radiation regions of the hadronic section of the HGCAL (fluences above 1.0e14 neq/cm2) will be equipped with silicon pad...
Allpix Squared is a versatile open-source simulation framework for semiconductor detectors, enabling detailed end-to-end simulations for both single sensors and more complex setups. While originally developed for silicon pixel detectors in HEP, the framework is capable of simulating several detector types, semiconductor materials, and geometries for a variety of applications in e.g. space and...
Organic technologies are of active scientific interest due to their tuneable, scalable, and cost-effective nature. I will present radiation sensors based on organic semiconductor technology, particularly applications related to detection of hadronic radiation consisting of α radiation and thermal and fast neutrons. Neutron detection is useful in various fields, from fundamental particle and...