Gas detectors: RPC
- Imad Laktineh (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR))
Gas detectors: Straws
- Christian Fabjan (Austrian Academy of Sciences (AT))
Gas detectors: TPC
- Christian Fabjan (Austrian Academy of Sciences (AT))
Gas detectors: MM
- Jona Bortfeldt (Ludwig Maximilians Universitat (DE))
During the second long shutdown of the LHC at CERN, the most important Phase-1 upgrade within the ATLAS experiment was replacement of the two inner endcap stations of the Muon Spectrometer, with the New Small Wheels (NSW). Consisting of two novel detector technologies, the small-strip Thin Gap Chambers (sTGC) and the resistive strips Micromegas (MM), the NSW is targeting the rejection of fake...
Resistive Plate Chambers (RPCs) are critical components of the muon systems of most HL-LHC experiments. Until 2023, all HL-LHC RPC systems used a so-called standard mixture, consisting of 95.7% C$_2$H$_2$F$_4$ (R134a), 5% i-C$_4$H$_{10}$, and 0.3% SF$_6$, highly tuned for RPC performance but having very high global warming potential (GWP). Environmental impact and increasing difficulty in...
Gaseous detectors play a vital role in particle physics experiments, especially in collider detectors, where they are used in trackers, muon chambers, and calorimeters. However, future advancements face challenges due to limitations on traditional detector gases, driven by regulatory and environmental concerns. To overcome this, our team developed the concept of "hybrid gaseous detectors"....
The IDEA detector concept for a future e+e- collider incorporates an ultra-low-mass helium-based drift chamber as the central tracking system. This chamber is designed to deliver high- efficiency tracking, precise momentum measurements, and excellent particle identification through the cluster counting technique. Simulations using Garfield++ demonstrate that this technique achieves twice the...
The Mu2e experiment will search for charge-lepton flavor violating (CLFV) muon to electron conversion. It aims to achieve a four-orders of magnitude improvement in sensitivity over previous experiments, allowing it to probe new physics at mass scales up to 10^4 TeV. A precision momentum measurement is needed to resolve the monoenergetic electron that is the signal of CLFV conversion from muon...
The COMET experiment at J-PARC aims to search for a lepton-flavour violating process of muon to electron conversion, with a branching-ratio sensitivity of $10^{−17}$. The expected signal of this process is monochromatic 105 MeV single electron. To distinguish such a low energy signal, a material budget of detector is essential since the detection accuracy is primarily limited by multiple...
Recently, advancements in high-intensity laser technology have enabled the exploration of non-perturbative Quantum Electrodynamics (QED) in strong-field regimes. Notable aspects include non-linear Compton scattering and Breit-Wheeler pair production, observable when colliding high-intensity laser pulses and relativistic electron beams. The LUXE experiment at DESY and the E320 experiment at...
A Xenon ElectroLuminescence (AXEL) experiment aims to search for neutrinoless double beta decay (0νββ) using a xenon gas time projection chamber. We have developed a special readout plane for ionization electrons called Electroluminescence Light Collection Cell (ELCC), which enables to achieve high energy resolution, background rejection with track patterns and collecting large mass of 0νββ...
The Super Tau-Charm Facility (STCF) is an electron-positron collider to be built in China. It is designed to operate in the center-of-mass energy range of 2 to 7 GeV with a peak luminosity of $0.5×10^{35}\ cm^{-2}s^{-1}$ or higher. In the STCF detector, the Inner TracKer (ITK) is an important component of the tracking system and needs to achieve a spatial resolution in the $r$-$\phi$ direction...
The Near Detector (ND280) of the T2K experiment at JPARC was recently upgraded to reduce systematic uncertainties affecting the measurement of oscillation parameters. Two large horizontal Time-Projection Chambers were added to measure charged particles produced at high azimuthal angle from the central active target. Each High-Angle TPC (HATPC) has an active gaseous volume of approximately 3m^3...
A Time Projection Chamber (TPC) module with GridPixes consisting of Timepix3 chips with integrated amplification grids have a high efficiency to detect single ionization electrons. This combination promises excellent tracking and dE/dx potential necessary to exploit the full physics reach of future colliders such as ILC, CLIC, CEPC, FCCee or EIC.
We have constructed a module with 32 GridPix...
The PICOSEC Micromegas (MM) is a gaseous detector for a precise timing measurement at the level of tens of ps. It combines a Cherenkov radiator equipped with a photocathode and a two-stage MM amplification structure. During the proof-of-concept phase, the first detector achieved an excellent time resolution below 25 ps for measurements with 150 GeV muons. Current developments towards...
The PICOSEC-Micromegas (PICOSEC-MM) detector is a novel gaseous detector providing precise timing on the order of tens of picoseconds. The precision is achieved by eliminating the time jitter from charged particles in ionization gaps, using UV Cherenkov light emitted in a crystal, and captured by a Micromegas photodetector coupled with a photocathode. Timing resolution below 25 ps for MIPs was...
In the framework of the ECFA Roadmap for Detector R&D the presented work aims to establish the use of single amplification stage resistive MPGD based on Micromegas (MM) technology as a tracking/tagging detector for future HEP experiments. The main characteristics of the proposed solution are: ability to efficiently operate up to 10 MHz/cm2 counting rate; high granularity readout with small...
We describe the design, fabrication and initial test of a new generation of Gas Pixel Detector where the amplification structure is built directly on top of a CMOS ASIC. In this concept the chip works at the same time as readout electronics, collection plane and electron amplification structure.
We use an ASIC from the XPOL family, successfully operating on-board the IXPE polarimetric and...