8โ€“11 Apr 2024
The Spine, Liverpool
Europe/London timezone


Exhibitors and Posters Reception - I

8 Apr 2024, 18:00
The Spine, Level 12, Rooms 8 & 9 and the Atrium

The Spine, Level 12, Rooms 8 & 9 and the Atrium

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
Shaikah Moslat M Alsubayae (University of Liverpool)
08/04/2024, 18:00
Frank Browne (University of Manchester (GB))
08/04/2024, 18:00
Piotr Krawczun (University Of Sheffield)
08/04/2024, 18:00
Asli Acar (University Of York)
08/04/2024, 18:00
Alina Hagan (Lancaster University (GB))
08/04/2024, 18:00
Gee Bartram (University Of Surrey)
08/04/2024, 18:00
Andrzej Gawdzik (University Of Manchester)
08/04/2024, 18:00
Dylan White (UWS)
08/04/2024, 18:00
Alex Brooks (University Of Birmingham)
08/04/2024, 18:00
Maxwell Conroy (University Of Birmingham)
08/04/2024, 18:00
Clement Devanne (University of Liverpool)
08/04/2024, 18:00
Daniel Matthew Jones (University of Liverpool (GB))
08/04/2024, 18:00
Lanxing Li (University of Manchester (GB))
08/04/2024, 18:00
Building timetable...