IOP Joint APP, HEPP and NP Annual Conference 2024

The Spine, Liverpool

The Spine, Liverpool

    • 12:00 PM
      Coffee and Registration

      A light lunch will be provided.

    • Plenary Session: Monday I The Spine, Level 13, Rooms 1 & 2

      The Spine, Level 13, Rooms 1 & 2

      Convener: Joost Vossebeld (University of Liverpool (GB))
      • 1
        Speaker: Prof. Tim Jones (Vice-Chancellor University of Liverpool)
      • 2
        Higgs and SM Physics at the LHC (25'+5')
        Speaker: Jonathon Mark Langford (Imperial College (GB))
      • 3
        BSM Physics at the LHC and HL-LHC upgrades (25'+5')
        Speaker: Sara Alderweireldt (The University of Edinburgh (GB))
      • 4
        Anatomy of Hadron Collisions - And Challenges for the Future (17'+3')
        Speaker: Prof. Peter Skands (Monash University (AU) & University of Oxford)
      • 5
        Sustainability in the subatomic sciences (17'+3')
        Speaker: Veronique Boisvert (Royal Holloway, University of London)
    • 3:00 PM
      Tea and coffee and start of Poster Session I
    • Plenary Session: Monday - II The Spine, Level 13, Rooms 1 & 2

      The Spine, Level 13, Rooms 1 & 2

      Convener: Tara Shears (University of Liverpool (GB))
    • Exhibitors and Posters Reception - I The Spine, Level 12, Rooms 8 & 9 and the Atrium

      The Spine, Level 12, Rooms 8 & 9 and the Atrium

      • 11
        A Study on Dose Monitoring in Carbon Therapy Using Secondary Protons
        Speaker: Shaikah Moslat M Alsubayae (University of Liverpool)
      • 12
        A Time-Dependent Wave-Packet Approach to the 12C + 12C Reaction Using DC-TDHF Potentials.
        Speaker: Grant Close (University Of Surrey)
      • 13
        An overview of the Miniball spectrometer at ISOLDE
        Speaker: Frank Browne (University of Manchester (GB))
      • 14
        Analysis of particle/nuclei cross sections within neutrino generator final state interaction models
        Speaker: Tom Peacock (University Of Sheffield)
      • 15
        Assembly and QA/QC of the readout electronics for the DarkSide-20k veto photodetector modules
        Speaker: Giovanni Rogers (University of Birmingham (GB))
      • 16
        Beam Studies using a Cherenkov Diffraction based Beam Position Monitor in the AWAKE common beamline
        Speaker: Bethany Spear (University of Oxford (GB))
      • 17
        Calculation of Neutron Production in (alpha, n) Reactions with SOURCES4 and ONYSC
        Speaker: Piotr Krawczun (University Of Sheffield)
      • 18
        Commissioning the Isolde Solenoidal Spectrometer with a measurement of the (d,p)23Ne reaction
        Speaker: Ben Jones (University of Liverpool)
      • 19
        Elucidating Strangeness with electromagnetic probes
        Speaker: Asli Acar (University Of York)
      • 20
        Examining the north-west limit of octupole correlations in the light-actinide region using alpha decay spectroscopy
        Speaker: Ben Hogg (University of the West of Scotland)
      • 21
        Experimental Investigation of High-K Isomer Decays in Neutron-Rich 183,184Hf isotopes Using the KISS Facility
        Speaker: Siddharth Doshi (University Of Brighton)
      • 22
        Exploring Proton Structure: Gluon TMDs at ATLAS
        Speaker: Alina Hagan (Lancaster University (GB))
      • 23
        Exploring unphysical quadrupole triaxiality in 200,202Hg using Coulomb Excitation
        Speaker: Gregory Willmott (University Of Surrey)
      • 24
        First operation of an ACHINOS equipped Spherical Proportional Counter with individual anode read-out
        Speaker: Lex Millins (University Of Birmingham)
      • 25
        Investigating Charge Sharing Effect in HVCMOS Silicon Detectors during Carbon Ion Beam Therapy
        Speaker: Fajer Alqahtani (University of Liverpool)
      • 26
        Isomeric and Beta Decays in the Neutron-Rich N=126 Region
        Speaker: Gee Bartram (University Of Surrey)
      • 27
        Light simulation optimisation for the DarkSide-20k detector
        Speaker: Andrzej Gawdzik (University Of Manchester)
      • 28
        Measurement of Nuclear Schiff Moment in 199Hg
        Speaker: Dylan White (UWS)
      • 29
        Measurement of the production cross section for the single top quark in association with a Z boson at the ATLAS detector
        Speaker: Alberto Plebani (University of Cambridge (GB))
      • 30
        Measurement of the |Vcb| element of the CKM matrix in ttbar decays with the ATLAS detector
        Speaker: Mo Ghani (University of Warwick)
      • 31
        Neutron Beams at Birmingham: HF-ADNeF
        Speaker: Alex Brooks (University Of Birmingham)
      • 32
        OpenMC simulations of the UoB HF-ADNeF for Medical Isotope Production
        Speaker: Maxwell Conroy (University Of Birmingham)
      • 33
        Optimising Phenomenological Optical Model Parameters to Reproduce Reaction Cross Sections using Particle Swarm Optimisation and a Feed-Forward Neural Network
        Speaker: Samuel Sullivan (University Of Surrey)
      • 34
        Progress on designing a beta-gamma detection system for criticality monitoring of spent nuclear fuel rods and operational nuclear reactors
        Speaker: Sifa Elizabeth Poulton
      • 35
        The 2023 MUonE Test Run
        Speaker: Clement Devanne (University of Liverpool)
      • 36
        The current status of Jet measurements from Run 3 at ALICE
        Speaker: Daniel Matthew Jones (University of Liverpool (GB))
      • 37
        The VELO Monitoring during the Run-III
        Speaker: Lanxing Li (University of Manchester (GB))
      • 38
        Using U-nets for the Application of Machine Learning to Improve Acquisition Times for Muography
        Speaker: William O'Donnell (University of Glasgow)
    • Plenary Session: Tuesday I The Spine, Level 13, Rooms 1 & 2

      The Spine, Level 13, Rooms 1 & 2

      Convener: Alison Mary Bruce (University of Brighton (GB))
      • 39
        Nuclear Structure with AGATA (25'+5')
        Speaker: Rosa Perez (LNL, INFN)
      • 40
        Recent advances in hadron structure at Jlab (17'+3')
        Speaker: David Hamilton (University of Glasgow)
      • 41
        Quantum Algorithms applied to nuclear structure (25'+5')
        Speaker: Paul Stevenson (University of Surrey)
      • 42
        Novel Probes of Primordial Hot Quark Soup (25'+5')
        Speaker: Krishna Rajagopal (Massachusetts Inst. of Technology (US))
    • 10:50 AM
      Tea and coffee
    • Plenary Session: Tuesday II The Spine, Level 13, Rooms 1 & 2

      The Spine, Level 13, Rooms 1 & 2

      Convener: Teppei Katori (King's College London)
    • APP AGM The Spine, Room 1

      The Spine, Room 1

    • Lunch break
    • Plenary Session: Tuesday III The Spine, Level 13, Rooms 1 & 2

      The Spine, Level 13, Rooms 1 & 2

      Convener: Dr Marc Herve Rene Labiche (STFC Daresbury Laboratory (GB))
      • 47
        Laser Spectroscopy of Super Heavy Elements (25'+5')
        Speaker: Premaditya Chhetri (KU Leuven (BE))
      • 48
        In-Source Laser Spectroscopy @ ISOLDE (17'+3')
        Speaker: James Cubiss (University of York (GB))
      • 49
        Combined gamma-ray and electron spectroscopy for studies of shape coexistence (25'+5')
        Speaker: Janne Pakarinen (University of Jyvaskyla (FI))
      • 50
        Neutrinoless double beta decay and absolute neutrino mass (17'+3')
        Speaker: Ruben Saakyan (University College London)
    • 3:45 PM
      Tea and coffee and start of Poster Session II
    • Plenary Session: Tuesday IV The Spine, Level 13, Rooms 1 & 2

      The Spine, Level 13, Rooms 1 & 2

      Convener: Christos Touramanis (University of Liverpool (GB))
    • Exhibitors and Poster Reception - II The Spine, Level 12, Rooms 8 & 9 and the Atrium

      The Spine, Level 12, Rooms 8 & 9 and the Atrium

      • 54
        "Search for μ+ → e+e+e− at the Mu3e experiment and the Commissioning of the Pixel Tracker."
        Speaker: Charles Kinsman (University Of Liverpool)
      • 55
        12C(a,g): Accurate Measurements of phi12 Over the 1- Resonance
        Speaker: Kristian Haverson (Sheffield Hallam Univeristy)
      • 56
        A microscopic study of 12C+12C fusion interactions
        Speaker: Khlood Alharthi (University Of Surrey)
      • 57
        ATLAS Run 3 Search for New Physics in the Dielectron Channel
        Speaker: Tom Elliot (RHUL)
      • 58
        Calibrating the Short-Baseline Near Detector with Cosmic-Ray Muons
        Speaker: Anna Beever (University Of Sheffield)
      • 59
        Cocktail Beam Coulomb-Excitation of 50Cr and 50Ti
        Speaker: Christopher Cousins (University Of Surrey)
      • 60
        Commissioning of the MIGDAL detector with fast neutrons at ISIS/NILE
        Speaker: Lex Millins (University Of Birmingham)
      • 61
        Construction, Installation, and Commissioning of the SFGD Detector
        Speaker: Mr Jake McKean (Imperial College (GB))
      • 62
        Decay Spectroscopy of 152Tb as a Theragnostic Radionuclide
        Speaker: Edward O'Sullivan (University of Surrey)
      • 63
        Designing Calorimeters for the Luminosity Monitoring System at the Electron-Ion Collider
        Speaker: Alex Smith (University Of York)
      • 64
        Exploring nuclear shapes and sizes of Thulium using laser spectroscopy (On behalf of the COLLAPS collaboration)
        Speaker: Jack Hughes (University of Liverpool)
      • 65
        Exploring Tau Identification in $t\bar{t}$ dilepton final state with ATLAS 2022 Data
        Speaker: Sudev Pradhan (University of Sheffield (GB))
      • 66
        Gaussian Processes: Machine Learning for Observable Interpolation and Data Analysis
        Speaker: Ryan Ferguson (University of Glasgow)
      • 67
        Improving the Performance and Reliability of High Purity Germanium (HPGe) Detectors through the monitoring of trace signals
        Speaker: Thomas Wonderley (University of Liverpool)
      • 68
        Kaon Cross Section Measurement with NuMI Beam at MicroBooNE
        Speaker: Natsumi Taniuchi (University Of Cambridge)
      • 69
        Measurement of the electric dipole moment of the muon at the Fermilab g-2 experiment.
        Speaker: Katherine Ferraby (University of Liverpool (GB))
      • 70
        Measuring the lifetimes of low-lying 146Ba energy levels using fast-timing techniques
        Speaker: Faye Rowntree (University of Liverpool)
      • 71
        Novel Techniques for α/β Pulse Shape Discrimination Using Silicon Strip Detectors
        Speaker: Olivia Tindle (Sheffield Hallam University)
      • 72
        Progress towards Strontium Atom Interferometry at RAL Space
        Speaker: Kamran Hussain (University of Liverpool)
      • 73
        Studying displacement damage in silicon detectors with the University of Birmingham MC40 Cyclotron
        Speaker: Eric Liu (University of Birmingham (GB))
      • 74
        The 2x2 DUNE Near Detector Demonstrator
        Speaker: Akeem Hart (Queen Mary University of London)
      • 75
        The effect of kinematic-specific calibrations on the timing resolution of the the BigBite Timing Hodoscope for the GMn experiment at Jefferson Lab.
        Speaker: Andrew Cheyne
      • 76
        The MUonE experiment: a novel way to measure the hadronic contribution to the muon g-2
        Speaker: Giorgia Cacciola (University of Liverpool)
      • 77
        The QUantum Enhanced Space-Time experiment poster
        Speaker: Abhinav Patra (Cardiff University)
      • 78
        Unfolding Jet Observables with Machine Learning
        Speaker: Nicodemos Andreou (University of Derby (GB))
      • 79
        Wavelength Shifting Plates to Improve the Photon Detection Efficiency for the Southern Wide-Field Gamma-Ray Observatory
        Speaker: Jazmin Stewart (University of Leicester)
    • Parallel Sessions: Wednesday I Session A The Spine, Space One

      The Spine, Space One

      Convener: Sara Alderweireldt (The University of Edinburgh (GB))
      • 80
        Search for long lived ALPs that decay into diphoton in Run 3 (12'+3')
        Speaker: Rebecca Katie Irwin (University of Liverpool (GB))
      • 81
        Searches for the Inert Doublet Model (12'+3')
        Speaker: Edward Curtis (Imperial College (GB))
      • 82
        Search for dark showers in the b-parking dataset (12'+3)
        Speakers: Kai Hong Law (Imperial College (GB)), Kai Hong Law (Imperial College London)
      • 83
        Re-thinking the CMS Level 1 Trigger with Machine Learning (12'+3')
        Speaker: Maciej Mikolaj Glowacki (University of Bristol (GB))
      • 84
        The ATLAS Run III L1 calorimeter trigger (12'+3')
        Speaker: Panagiotis Bellos (University of Birmingham (GB))
      • 85
        Measurement of Higgs boson properties via the H-> ττ decay channel (12'+3')
        Speaker: Roxani Lazaridou (University of Warwick (UK))
    • Parallel Sessions: Wednesday I Session B The Spine, Space Two

      The Spine, Space Two

      Convener: Tracey Berry (University of London (GB))
      • 86
        A search for lepton flavour violating τ →3μ decays with the ATLAS experiment (12'+3')
        Speaker: Conor McPartland (University of Liverpool (GB))
      • 87
        Search for light long-lived neutral particles from Higgs boson decays via vector-boson-fusion production from proton-proton collisions at sqrt(s)=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector (12'+3')
        Speaker: Richards González (The University of Edinburgh (GB))
      • 88
        Searching for direct stau production in the lepton-hadron final state at ATLAS using machine learning (12'+3')
        Speaker: Sebastian Rutherford Colmenares (University of Cambridge (GB))
      • 89
        Searching for Supersymmetry with the ATLAS Detector (12'+3')
        Speaker: Alessandro Ruggiero (University of Oxford (GB))
      • 90
        A search for tri-Higgs production at the ATLAS detector (12'+3')
        Speaker: Maggie Chen (University of Oxford (GB))
      • 91
        ML and BSM reinterpretation - challenges and opportunities (12'+3')
        Speaker: Tomasz Procter (University of Glasgow (GB))
    • Parallel Sessions: Wednesday I Session C The Spine, Space Four

      The Spine, Space Four

      Convener: Kostas Mavrokoridis (University of Liverpool (GB))
      • 92
        Beyond the standard model particle searches in MicroBooNE (12'+3')
        Speaker: Luciano Arellano (The University of Manchester)
      • 93
        Sensitivity to HNLs with the ANUBIS detector (12'+3')
        Speaker: Anna Jane Mullin (University of Cambridge (GB))
      • 94
        Developing the Reconstruction of a Magnetised Gaseous Argon TPC for the DUNE Near Detector (12'+3')
        Speaker: Francisco Martinez Lopez (Queen Mary University of London (GB))
      • 95
        A Data-Driven Extrapolation Technique for the DUNE-PRISM Oscillation Analysis (12'+3')
        Speaker: Alexander J Wilkinson (University College London)
      • 96
        Measuring Reactor Antineutrino Oscillation at SNO+ (12'+3')
        Speaker: James Page (University of Sussex)
    • Parallel Sessions: Wednesday I Session D The Spine, Space Five

      The Spine, Space Five

      Convener: Amy Cottle
      • 97
        Stopping Effects and Sensitivity of Sub-GeV Dark Matter in QUEST-DMC (12'+3')
        Speaker: Neda Darvishi (Royal Holloway University of London)
      • 98
        Cryogenic qualification of SiPM array detectors for the DarkSide-20k experiment (12'+3')
        Speaker: Alice Hamer (University of Edinburgh)
      • 99
        Boosted Dark Matter Sensitivity in the DarkSide-20k Detector (12'+3')
        Speaker: Zoe Balmforth (Royal Holloway University of London)
      • 100
        The APEX Experiment: a dark matter search at Jefferson Lab Hall A (12'+3')
        Speaker: Oliver Jevons (University of Glasgow)
      • 101
        Status of the LUX-ZEPLIN (LZ) Dark Matter Experiment (12'+3')
        Speaker: Ewan Fraser
      • 102
        LZ Outer Detector: Calibration, Monitoring and Performance in Contribution to First Science Result (12'+3')
        Speakers: Sam Woodford, Sam Woodford (University Of Liverpool)
    • Parallel Sessions: Wednesday I Session E The Spine, Space Seven

      The Spine, Space Seven

      Convener: Sam Jenkins (University of Liverpool)
    • Parallel Sessions: Wednesday I Session F The Spine, Space Eight

      The Spine, Space Eight

      Convener: Paolo Beltrame
      • 108
        Status of the Fermilab Muon g-2 Experiment (12'+3')
        Speaker: Ce Zhang (University of Liverpool (GB))
      • 109
        Measurement of the anomalous spin precession frequency ω_a in the Muon g-2 experiment at Fermilab (12'+3')
        Speaker: Lorenzo Cotrozzi (University Of Liverpool)
      • 110
        Search for an explanation to the muon anomalous magnetic moment through the non-resonant production of two additional Higgs bosons (12'+3')
        Speaker: Klitos Savva (Imperial College (GB))
      • 111
        Status of the MUonE experiment (12'+3')
        Speaker: Riccardo Pilato (University of Liverpool (GB))
      • 112
        Measurement of the muon electric dipole moment at the Fermilab Muon g-2 experiment (12'+3')
        Speakers: Lucy Bailey (University College London), Miss Lucy Bailey Bailey
      • 113
        Nuanced Beta Spectral Shapes and Their Role in Exploring Physics Beyond the Standard Model (12'+3')
        Speaker: Marlom Ramalho (University Of Jyväskylä)
    • Parallel Sessions: Wednesday I Session G The Spine, Space Six

      The Spine, Space Six

      Convener: Marielle Chartier (University of Liverpool)
      • 114
        Silicon detector upgrades in ALICE: ITS3 and ALICE 3 (12'+3')
        Speaker: Jian Liu (University of Liverpool (GB))
      • 115
        Low transverse momentum jet measurements in heavy-ion collisions with ALICE (12'+3')
        Speaker: Jaime Norman (University of Liverpool (GB))
      • 116
        Exploring Neutron stars EoS with coherent π⁰π⁰ photoproduction at A2@MAMI (12'+3')
        Speaker: Mihai Mocanu (University of York, UK)
      • 117
        Probing the strange meson spectrum through the analysis of photoproduction reaction yp->K+K-ɣɣp at the GlueX experiment (12'+3')
        Speaker: Darius Darulis (University Of Glasgow)
      • 118
        Studying gluon GPDs at the Electron Ion Collider via DVMP (12'+3')
        Speaker: Stuart Fegan (University Of York)
      • 119
        Measurement of the Electric Form Factor of the Neutron (12'+3')
        Speaker: Gary Penman
    • Parallel Sessions: Wednesday I Session H The Spine, Space Nine

      The Spine, Space Nine

      Convener: David Jenkins (University of York)
    • 10:30 AM
      Tea and coffee
    • Parallel Sessions: Wednesday II Session A The Spine, Space One

      The Spine, Space One

      Convener: Nikolaos Rompotis (University of Liverpool (UK))
      • 126
        Search for Decays of the Higgs Boson into a Z Boson and a Light Hadronically Decaying Resonance (12'+3')
        Speaker: Chonghao Wu (University of Birmingham (GB))
      • 127
        Transformer Neural Networks for Large Radius Jet Classification and Regression for Boosted Higgs Bosons at the ATLAS Detector (12'+3')
        Speaker: Andrius Vaitkus (University College London (GB))
      • 128
        Constraining Anomalous Quartic Gauge Couplings in Production of Three Massive Vector Bosons with the ATLAS detector (12'+3')
        Speaker: Patrick Dougan (University of Manchester (GB))
      • 129
        The first measurement of the ttZ->nunu cross section. (12'+3')
        Speaker: Michael Antony Postill (University of Sheffield (GB))
      • 130
        Top quark mass measurement in the boosted lepton+jets channel in pp collisions at √s=13 TeV using the ATLAS detector at the LHC (12'+3')
        Speaker: Elliot Watton (University of Glasgow (GB))
    • Parallel Sessions: Wednesday II Session B The Spine, Space Two

      The Spine, Space Two

      Convener: Carl Gwilliam (University of Liverpool (GB))
    • Parallel Sessions: Wednesday II Session C The Spine, Space Four

      The Spine, Space Four

      Convener: Neil McCauley (The University of Liverpool)
      • 137
        Sensitivity Studies for a Gaseous Argon Near Detector for DUNE (12'+3')
        Speaker: Naseem Khan (Imperial College (GB))
      • 138
        Analysing the fast oscillations of atmospheric neutrinos at Super-Kamiokande (12'+3')
        Speaker: George Burton (Kings College London)
      • 139
        Sterile Neutrino Oscillation Searches using the VALOR Fitting Framework at SBN (12'+3')
        Speaker: Beth Slater (University Of Liverpool)
      • 140
        Improving Neutrino Energy Reconstruction with Machine Learning (12'+3')
        Speaker: Margot MacMahon (University College London)
      • 141
        Joint analysis between Super-Kamiokande atmospheric and T2K accelerator neutrinos (12'+3')
        Speaker: Zhenxiong Xie (King's College London)
      • 142
        Supernova triggering at DUNE from machine-learning based clustering (12'+3')
        Speaker: Dennis Lindebaum (University of Bristol (GB))
    • Parallel Sessions: Wednesday II Session D The Spine, Space Five

      The Spine, Space Five

      Convener: Sergey Burdin (University of Liverpool (GB))
    • Parallel Sessions: Wednesday II Session E The Spine, Space Seven

      The Spine, Space Seven

      Convener: Prof. David Waters (UCL)
      • 149
        Measuring muon antineutrino charged-current interactions without mesons in the final state, in the NOvA Near Detector. (12'+3')
        Speaker: Kevin Vockerodt (Queen Mary University of London)
      • 150
        TPC Calibration in the Short Baseline Near Detector (SBND) (12'+3')
        Speakers: Robert Darby (University of Sussex), Robert Darby (University Of Sussex)
      • 151
        Modelling Cosmic Ray Muon Spallation for a Hyper-Kamiokande DSNB Analysis (12'+3')
        Speaker: Jack Fannon (University of Sheffield)
      • 152
        Constraints on the Cosmic Neutrino Background from NGC1068 (12'+3)
        Speaker: Jack Franklin (Durham University)
      • 153
        The SNO+ Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay Programme (12'+3')
        Speaker: Dr Benjamin Tam (University of Oxford)
      • 154
        Cold Atoms, Cool Physics: Progress in the AION Project (12'+3')
        Speaker: Elizabeth Pasatembou
    • Parallel Sessions: Wednesday II Session F The Spine, Space Eight

      The Spine, Space Eight

      Convener: Paras Naik (University of Liverpool (GB))
      • 155
        Characterization of irradiated Silicon Photomultipliers for LHCb Upgrade II (12'+3')
        Speaker: Constantinos Vrahas (The University of Edinburgh (GB))
      • 156
        Amplitude Analysis of B 0 → D 0 D ¯ 0 K + π − decays with the LHCb experiment (12'+3')
        Speaker: Jake Amey (University of Bristol (GB))
      • 157
        Search for rare Bd -> phi phi decays in the full Run 1 + Run 2 dataset from the LHCb experiment (12'+3')
        Speaker: Mary Richardson-Slipper (The University of Edinburgh (GB))
      • 158
        Angular analysis of rare Bs decays involving electrons at the LHCb Experiment (12'+3')
        Speaker: Lorenzo Paolucci (University of Warwick (GB))
      • 159
        Test of lepton flavour universality using B+ -> K+l+l− processes at high dilepton invariant mass (12'+3')
        Speaker: James Herd (Imperial)
      • 160
        Search for Right-Handed Weak Decays with the LHCb Detector (12'+3')
        Speaker: James Brown (University of Liverpool (GB))
    • Parallel Sessions: Wednesday II Session G The Spine, Space Six

      The Spine, Space Six

      Convener: Liam Gaffney (University of Liverpool (GB))
      • 161
        Comparing Post Processing Nucleosynthesis (PPN) codes: An investigation into the impact that different reaction rate libraries and PPN codes can have on a variety of different astrophysical environments (12'+3')
        Speaker: Alexander Hall-Smith (The University Of York)
      • 162
        Constraining the NiCu cycle in X-ray bursts: Spectroscopy of 60Zn (12'+3')
        Speaker: Mr Connor Thomas O'Shea (University of Surrey (GB))
      • 163
        A new Measurement of 16O(p, α)13N reaction rate using MUSIC detector at the energies relevant to SNIa (12'+3')
        Speaker: May Alruwaili (University of York)
      • 164
        Neutron irradiations at the University of Birmingham High Flux Accelerator Driven Neutron Facility (HF-ADNeF) (12'+3')
        Speaker: Jack Bishop (University Of Birmingham)
      • 165
        Spectroscopy of 23F Following a One-Neutron Removal Reaction (12'+3')
        Speaker: Luke Tetley (University of York)
      • 166
        Coulomb Excitation in 80Sr (12'+3')
        Speaker: Reuben Russell (University of Surrey)
    • Parallel Sessions: Wednesday II Session H The Spine, Space Nine

      The Spine, Space Nine

      Convener: Jack Henderson (University of Surrey)
    • 12:30 PM
    • HEPP AGM The Spine, Room 1

      The Spine, Room 1

      Topic: IOP HEPP AGM 2024
      Time: Apr 10, 2024 12:45 PM London

      Join Zoom Meeting

      Meeting ID: 722 6542 3859
      Passcode: 2024

      Convener: Tracey Berry (University of London (GB))
    • Parallel Sessions: Wednesday III Session A The Spine, Space One

      The Spine, Space One

      Convener: Eva Vilella Figueras (University of Liverpool (GB))
      • 173
        UKRI-MPW1: Simulations and preliminary Evaluations of an HV-CMOS sensor optimised for high radiation tolerance (12'+3')
        Speaker: Benjamin Wade (University of Liverpool (GB))
      • 174
        Pre-clinical Investigations of Spatially Fractionated Radiotherapy (12'+3')
        Speaker: Josie Mcgarrigle (Imperial College London)
      • 175
        Characterization of Secondary Neutrons in Carbon Ion Beam Therapy Using TOPAS Monte Carlo Simulations (12'+3')
        Speaker: Fajer Alqahtani (University of Liverpool)
      • 176
        Design of an Ion-Acoustics Proof-of-Principle Experiment for LhARA (12'+3')
        Speaker: Maria Maxouti (Imperial College London)
      • 177
        A feasibility study using an array of LaBr3(Ce) scintillation detectors as a Compton camera for prompt gamma imaging during BNCT (12'+3')
        Speaker: Kiran Nutter
    • Parallel Sessions: Wednesday III Session B The Spine, Space Two

      The Spine, Space Two

      Convener: Jonathan Butterworth (UCL)
      • 178
        Fiducial differential measurement of the production of the Higgs boson through Vector Boson Fusion in the τ+τ− channel with the ATLAS Detector (12'+3')
        Speaker: Eva Guilloton (University of Warwick (GB))
      • 179
        Differential Cross-Section Measurement of Inclusive W^± (→l^± ν)γ Process in proton-proton collision at √s=13 TeV with the ATLAS Detector (12'+3')
        Speaker: Zuchen Huang (University of Manchester)
      • 180
        Studies on Z-gamma Scattering at 13 TeV with ATLAS Detector (12'+3')
        Speaker: Gitanjali Poddar (University of London (GB))
      • 181
        Uncertain systematics in combinations (12'+3')
        Speaker: Enzo Canonero (University of London (GB))
      • 182
        First measurement of high-mass ttll and LFU-inspired EFT interpretations with the ATLAS detector (12'+3')
        Speaker: Gianna Loeschcke Centeno (University of Sussex (GB))
    • Parallel Sessions: Wednesday III Session C The Spine, Space Four

      The Spine, Space Four

      Convener: Rhiannon Susan Jones (University of Sheffield (GB))
    • Parallel Sessions: Wednesday III Session D The Spine, Space Five

      The Spine, Space Five

      Convener: Teppei Katori (King's College London)
    • Parallel Sessions: Wednesday III Session E The Spine, Space Seven

      The Spine, Space Seven

      Convener: Joe Price
    • Parallel Sessions: Wednesday III Session F The Spine, Space Eight

      The Spine, Space Eight

      Convener: David Hutchcroft (University of Liverpool (GB))
      • 199
        Search for the very rare $B^+ \rightarrow \pi^+ e^+ e^-$ electroweak penguin decay at LHCb (12'+3')
        Speaker: Richard Morgan Williams (University of Cambridge (GB))
      • 200
        Search for the Lepton Flavour Violating Decay Λb → Λ(1520)μe at the LHCb Detector (12'+3')
        Speaker: Dan Thompson (University of Birmingham (GB))
      • 201
        Novel sources and uses of quantum-correlated charm systems (12'+3')
        Speaker: Paras Naik (University of Liverpool (GB))
      • 202
        Measurement of the Z Mass at LHCb with 2016 pp collision data (12'+3')
        Speaker: Emir Muhammad (University of Warwick (GB))
      • 203
        CMS Run 3 RK measurement and di-electron triggers (12'+3')
        Speaker: Jay Odedra (Imperial College (GB))
      • 204
        A Top Friendship: Measurement of ttH production in the H(bb) decay channel at ATLAS with Transformer Networks (12'+3')
        Speaker: Levi Evans (Royal Holloway, University of London (GB))
    • Parallel Sessions: Wednesday III Session G The Spine, Space Six

      The Spine, Space Six

      Convener: James Keatings
      • 205
        The New MARA-LEB Facility and Experimental Prospects (12'+3')
        Speaker: Jorge Romero (University of Liverpool)
      • 206
        Lifetime measurements in 53Ca (12'+3')
        Speaker: Sidong Chen
      • 207
        High-Spin Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy at the Proton Drip Line: The Study of 131Eu (12'+3')
        Speaker: Conor Sullivan (University Of Liverpool)
      • 208
        Octupole correlations in neutron deficient plutonium isotopes (12'+3')
        Speaker: Hamid Ayatollahzadeh (University of the West of Scotland)
      • 209
        Electromagnetic moments of ground and excited states calculated in nearly spherical and well-deformed odd nuclei (12'+3')
        Speaker: Jacek Dobaczewski (University of York)
    • Parallel Sessions: Wednesday III Session H The Spine, Space Nine

      The Spine, Space Nine

      Convener: Philippos Papadakis
      • 210
        In-source Laser Spectroscopy Studies of Neutron-rich Thallium at IDS/ RILIS-ISOLDE (12'+3')
        Speaker: Zixuan Yue (University of York (GB))
      • 211
        Shape studies in neutron-rich cerium isotopes (12'+3')
        Speaker: Maria-Magdalini Satrazani (University of Liverpool (GB))
      • 212
        Decay spectroscopy of isomerically pure 178Aug,m at the ISOLDE Decay Station, CERN (12'+3')
        Speaker: Christopher Page (University of York (GB))
      • 213
        Onset of deformation in the neutron-rich krypton isotopes with the ISOLDE Solenoidal Spectrometer (12'+3')
        Speaker: Annie Dolan (University of Liverpool (GB))
      • 214
        Decays of K isomers in the extremely deformed neutron-deficient A = 130 region (12'+3')
        Speaker: Andy Briscoe (University of Liverpool)
      • 215
        Investigating nucleon-nucleon correlations through QFS reactions (12'+3')
        Speaker: Ryo Taniuchi (Department of Physics, University of York)
    • NP AGM The Spine, Room 4

      The Spine, Room 4

    • 3:00 PM
      Tea and coffee
    • Plenary Session: STFC Town Meeting ( ZOOM link : Password: Town@IOP24 ) The Spine, Level 13, Rooms 1 & 2

      The Spine, Level 13, Rooms 1 & 2

      Convener: Karen Elizabeth Clifford
    • 7:30 PM
      Conference Dinner at the Crowne Plaza Included in the registration fee The Crowne Plaza Hotel

      The Crowne Plaza Hotel