Session III
- Mark Gorenstein
Some results are presented on the activities of scientists of the Institute for Nuclear Research NAS Ukraine (KINR) within the framework of international collaborations LHCb, MEDIPIX and ENLIGHT (CERN, Geneva),
The LHCb Collaboration functions for almost 30 years with the main goal to study the CP violation, in heavy flavor hadrons (beauty, charm) as one of the possible reasons for...
For luminosity measurement at LHCb, a key component is the luminosity detector, which typically employs silicon sensors or other types of radiation detectors to measure the rate of collisions between particles, such as protons, in the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) beams. These detectors are often placed around the interaction region to capture particles produced in the collisions.
A new...
The collaboration between ISMA and CERN began in the early 1990s when ISMA (then part of the Institute for Single Crystals), played a pioneering role in the development of lead tungstate (PbWO4), a scintillator implemented in both in CMS and ALICE experiments at the Large Hadron Collider. Works by L. Nagornaya et al. demonstrated the feasibility of achieving an extremely fast scintillation...
One of the key achievements within last decade in creating vertex detectors for upgrade existing and creating new detectors for physics experiments is developing and using novel thin silicon novel thin Monolithic Active Pixel Sensors (MAPS) e.g. ALPIDE MAPS developed by ALICE collaboration for Upgraded Inner Tracking System (ALICE ITS2). Using such thin (~50um thick) silicon sensors allows to...
The SHiP experiment is a recently approved beam-dump experiment aimed at searching for light long-lived particles with astonishing 6e20 protons on target. I will discuss the status of the experiment and its prospects in finding new physics and, in particular, testing the relation of newly seen particles to the Beyond the Standard Model problems, with a focus on heavy neutral leptons.
This abstract describes the results of the Geant4 simulation done by participants in the Group of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv in LHCb collaboration in close coworking with researchers at Université Paris-Saclay, CNRS/IN2P3, IJCLab, France.
The calorimeters play an essential role in high-energy physics detector setups. One of the widely used nowadays calorimeter techniques...