CERN - Ukraine 2024: "Past - Present – Future" Conference, Kyiv Ukraine, May 28-29, 2024

from Tuesday, May 28, 2024 (9:00 AM) to Wednesday, May 29, 2024 (11:27 PM)

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
May 28, 2024
May 29, 2024
10:00 AM
Opening Plenary Session - Nicolas Berger (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR)) (until 12:00 PM) ()
10:00 AM Welcome from CERN Director-General - Fabiola Gianotti (CERN)   ()
10:10 AM Welcome from First Deputy Minister at the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine - Yevhen Kudriavets (Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine)   ()
10:20 AM Welcome from the President of the National Academy of Science of Ukraine - Prof. Anatoly Zagorodny (National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine)   ()
10:30 AM CERN Highlights and Future Plans - Joachim Josef Mnich (CERN)   ()
11:00 AM ECFA Highlights - Paris Sphicas (CERN/Athens)   ()
11:20 AM CERN70 Celebration Events - Inspiring the Future - Luciano Musa (CERN)   ()
11:40 AM Ukraine - СERN: the Way to Cooperation - Boris Grynyov (Kharkov State University (KSU)) Boris Grynyov (National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (UA))   ()
9:00 AM
Session IV - Boris Grynyov (National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (UA)) (until 11:00 AM) ()
9:00 AM LIA France-Ukraine in the CERN Projects - Sergey Barsuk (Université Paris-Saclay (FR))   ()
9:20 AM Implementation of the ECFA Detector R&D Roadmap and CERN - DRD1 Collaboration - Dr Maksym Titov (IRFU, CEA Saclay, Université Paris-Saclay (FR))   ()
9:40 AM CERN- Ukraine: Junior Academy of Science of Ukraine - Oleksandr Yurov (National Center Junior Academy of Science of Ukraine)   ()
10:00 AM Studies of the LPM and TSF effects at CERN - Dr Sergii Fomin (NSC KIPT)   ()
10:15 AM Experimental investigation on steering of ultrarelativistic particle beams through axially oriented bent crystals - Laura Bandiera (Universita e INFN, Ferrara (IT))   ()
10:30 AM Study of Orientation Effects in the Passage of High-Energy Particles through Straight and Bent Crystals - Dr Igor Kyryllin (NSC 'Kharkiv Institute of Physics and Technology')   ()
10:45 AM Unexpected large isospin breaking in high-energy collisions - Prof. Francesco Giacosa (Kielce University)   ()
11:00 AM --- Coffee Break ---
11:30 AM
Session V - Tetiana Hryn'ova (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR)) (until 12:15 PM) ()
11:30 AM Fixed-target experiments at LHC with bent crystals. MDM measurement of short lived particles. - Alex FOMIN (IJCLab , Universite Paris-Saclay, IN2P3/CNRS)   ()
11:45 AM Spin-correlation effects in tau-lepton pair induced by anomalous magnetic and electric dipole moments - Alexandr Korchin (NSC Kharkiv Institute of Physics and Technology, Kharkiv, Ukraine)   ()
12:00 PM Fluctuations and local charge conservation - Mr Oleh Savchuk (Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies)   ()
12:00 PM
Session I - Nicolas Berger (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR)) (until 1:00 PM) ()
12:00 PM Highlights from ATLAS Experiment - Andreas Hoecker (CERN)   ()
12:30 PM Highlights from CMS Experiment - Patricia McBride   ()
1:00 PM
Lunch Break (until 2:00 PM) ()
2:00 PM
Highlights from CERN LHC Experiments - Andriy Boyaryntsev (National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (UA)) (until 4:00 PM) ()
2:00 PM Highlights from LHCb Experiment - Vincenzo Vagnoni (INFN Bologna (IT))   ()
2:30 PM Highlights from ALICE Experiment - Marco Van Leeuwen (Nikhef National institute for subatomic physics (NL))   ()
3:00 PM Interference effects in the ionization loss of high-energy particles. Theory and CERN SPS experiments - Dr Sergii Trofymenko (NSC 'Kharkiv Institute of Physics and Technology')   ()
3:20 PM NSC KIPT participation in the CMS experiment: the history and present activities - Leonid G. Levchuk (NSC Kharkiv Institute of Physics and Technology, 61108 Kharkiv, Ukraine)   ()
4:00 PM --- Coffee Break ---
4:30 PM
Session III - Mark Gorenstein (until 6:30 PM) ()
4:30 PM BEAUTY, CHARM and STRANGENESS of LHCb. (View in Ukraine from the 70 years tower of CERN) - Prof. Valery Pugatch (Institute for Nuclear Research, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (UA))   ()
4:50 PM Software development for PLUME detector at LHCb experiment - Vladyslav Orlov (Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv (UA))   ()
5:10 PM ISMA – CERN collaboration in the field of oxide scintillators - Oleg Sidletskiy (Institute for Scintillation Materials, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (UA))   ()
5:30 PM Low material budget aluminium-polyimide adhesiveless interconnection elements for detectors for LHC and future colliders - Ihor Tymchuk (National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (UA))   ()
5:50 PM The SHiP experiment and hunt for heavy neutral leptons - Oleksii Mikulenko (Leiden University (NL))   ()
6:10 PM Studying the influence of the edge effects on the energy resolution of the novel GRAiNITA calorimeter - Denys Klekots (Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv (UA))   ()
6:30 PM --- Conference Reception ---
12:15 PM
CERN-Ukraine Discussion Session: Inputs to the European Strategy Update and Future of CERN-Ukraine Research Activities - Tetiana Hryn'ova (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR)) (until 1:15 PM) ()
12:15 PM Roundtable Discussion in English and Ukrainian - Prof. Christoph Schaefer (CERN) Prof. Anatoly Zagorodny (National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine)   ()
1:15 PM --- Lunch Break ---
2:00 PM
Session VI - Oleksandr Sorokin (until 4:15 PM) ()
2:00 PM PHYSICS BEYOND THE STANDARD MODEL: ACHIVEMENTS AND PROSPECTS - Tetiana Obikhod (Institute for Nuclear Research NAS of Ukraine)   ()
2:15 PM Determination of the electric dipole moment of heavy $\Lambda$ and $\Lambda_c^+$ baryons in electron-positron annihilation - Mr Roman Ovsiannikov (V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, NSC «Kharkov Institute of Physics and Technology»)   ()
2:30 PM Energy correlation of bottom quarks from decays of top quarks in electron-positron annihilation at high energy - Ivan Truten (NSC Kharkiv Institute of Physics and Technology, Kharkiv, Ukraine)   ()
2:45 PM Four types of phase transitions in interacting meson (boson) matter at high temperatures - Dr Denys Zhuravel (Bogolyubov Institute for Theoretical Physics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine) Prof. Dmitry Anchishkin (Bogolyubov Institute for Theoretical Physics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine)   ()
3:00 PM Critical Point and Onset of Deconfinement - Mark Gorenstein (BITP Kyiv)   ()
3:15 PM Axial Channeling and Stochastic Deflection as Tools to Manipulate Trajectories of Charged Particle Beams - Dr Andrea Mazzolari (INFN)   ()
3:30 PM Correlation between multiple scattering angle and ionization energy loss in electron detectors - Micola Bondarenco   ()
3:45 PM Modeling soft physics in heavy ion collision experiments: from GeV to TeV energies - Yuriy Sinyukov (Bogolyubov Institute for Theoretical Physics)   ()
4:00 PM Dip-bump structure in proton diffractive dissociation at the LHC - László Jenkovszky (BITP) Prof. Laszlo Jenkovszky (Bogolubov ITP, Kiev) Laszlo Jenkovszky (National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine)   ()
4:15 PM
Conference Closing & Outlook - Boris Grynyov (National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (UA)) (until 5:00 PM) ()