1 January 2024 to 31 December 2024
Europe/Zurich timezone

Fitness Club Instructors and Committee members

CERN Fitness Club's Instructors

All of the CERN Fitness Club instructors have the required qualifications to teach their activity, ensuring your safety and a thorough work-out


​Né à Aruba dans les Caraïbes, Jorge arrive en Europe vers 13 ans et passe par les Pays-Bas, l'Angleterre puis Paris pour être joueur de football, mais « les blessures et le froid ont finalement raison de lui ». Ce passionné d'art martial combine taekwondo, judo et jujitsu, mais c'est vers la danse qu'il se tourne après la photo et qu'il pratique comme une seconde nature, avec « un plaisir fou » et de façon ludique.

Après avoir pratiqué le sport de haut niveau pendant plusieurs années, c’est tout naturellement qu'il s'est tourné vers le coaching par la suite. C’est avec passion qu'il aime transmettre les joies du sport et ses bienfaits. Les cours collectifs sont fais de manières à développer toutes les capacités physiques (Endurance, Force, Coordination, Agilité, Equilibre….) en utilisant principalement le poids de son corps. Ces cours s’adressent a un panel très large allant du sportif débutant à l’athlète confirmé et permettent d’individualiser son entrainement en fonction de son niveau, afin d’avoir une progression constante et régulière. 


​Hi everyone! My name is Melody (You can call me Mel)! I am a born and raised New Yorker now living in the beautiful landscapes of France. My fitness journey traces back to my childhood when I first delved into the world of Kenpo Karate and kickboxing. For a remarkable 17 years, I honed my skills in these disciplines before transitioning to powerlifting and jiu-jitsu. Over the past 2-3 years, I've embraced both disciplines wholeheartedly, finding passion and joy in the challenge they bring. I've shared my expertise by teaching karate for 6 years, kickboxing for 8, and serving as a dedicated personal trainer for the last few years. My diverse clientele has included children, women, men, and elders, each presenting unique opportunities for growth and empowerment.I love helping people make positive changes in their lives, and I can't wait to continue this journey with all of you! 


A qualified Zumba Instructor since Jan 2014, come and shake it at her weekly zumba classes. Join the party, have fun, burn up to 500 calories hour, you'll have so much fun you won't even realise you are exercising!

Hey, I'm Sebastian! I Collided into CERN in 2019, and started giving fitness classes since 2023.

Certified gym wizard doing mostly bootcamps and functional fitness, with a pinch of HIIT.

I love OCR racing and long distance runs and hikes. I'm a guy who treks entire mountain chains for fun!

In my classes, we mix up cardio, weightlifting, HIIT, calisthenics, and a touch of fitness games.

It's a workout fiesta, concocted both for fitness connoisseurs and those who look for a new workout flavour.

Yoyo trained as a dancer originally at the Merce Cunningham School in New York and then went on tour with different dance companies all over the world. She had a number one hit in the European Charts with the song "Rytmo della Noche". More recently Yoyo graduated as a Pilates teacher and since 2014, has been giving pilates classes for all levels at the CERN Fitness Club. 

Former Instructors



Originally from Germany, Natalia graduated from Humboldt University, Berlin with an MSc in Physical Therapy. Since then she has worked as a Fitness Instructor and Personal Trainer in Germany, the UK and now Swi


Germana obtained the FISAF diploma as Fitness Group Instructor in 2011. She joined the CERN fitness club in 2012. She is a very dynamic instructor and she motivates participants by proposing both cardio work-outs and muscular training for building strength and stamina. The classes are for everyone with all fitness levels. The moves are simple and the music together with the group effect push to overcome everyone own limit. Join Germana classes to burn calories and to get in shape!


High Intensity Interval Training
With 8 years as a Volleyball player and pretty much an all life of involvment in different sports like soccer, karate, kayaking and many others, Cristóvão is a sports passionate with more than 9 years of personal experience in gym activities and health and therapeutical care.
Come and join the HIIT classes. Experience a new level of exhaustion that will get you in shape faster than you imagine

Christoph Functional fitness classes are for everyone, who is getting tired of doing burpees alone in their living room, independent of the fitness level. We will work together on improving body stamina, balance, and strength. Personally I am CrossFit Lvl1 Coach with 8 years of competition and teaching experience in the fields of CrossFit, gymnastics, Olympic weightlifting and powerlifting. CERN Ph.D. student since September 2020.​
noelia.JPG Noélia The CERN Fitness Club's latest recruit, Noélia brings a touch of her Spanish background to her zumba classes, vamonos!
david_c2.jpg David David brings a dynamic and effective functional training experience. He specialises in boot-camp style training.

Fitness Club Committee members and helpers

Misha & Co.
Helen  ​Communication
  Maria Secretary
General Fitness
Vice- President