1 January 2024 to 31 December 2024
Europe/Zurich timezone



Before starting any exercise regime you should consider consulting a qualified fitness or sports adviser to ensure the regime is suitable for you and your own doctor if you have a medical condition or taking medication or have related concerns. Participation in the CERN Fitness Club's activities is at the sole choice and risk of the participant.

Subscribe for General Fitness Classes:
  1. Decide how many classes/week and which days you want to come to general fitness classes
    (Afro Caribbean dance, Boot camp, Circuit training, HIIT, PowHer Lifting, Zumba) and complete the following on-line form to subscribe to the club. You then need to indicate which class you want to take part in on INDICO (classes are limited to 20, if you have not registered for the class you will not be able to take part) 
  2. Check the price for the number of classes you wish to do/week on the Prices page and transfer your funds in CHF ONLY (no EUROS) to the Fitness Club bank account, indicating name of the person for the subscription/General Fitness/ number of classes per week:
    Account: 279-287931.01J
    IBAN: CH33 0027 9279 2879 3101 J
    Please note that REVOLUT/Some foreign banks might replace the above BIC with this one: UBSWCHZH12B which is also valid (it's a generic Geneva UBS BIC, the BIC above is a generic Swiss UBS BIC)
  3. Upload the proof of payment and your signed disclaimer  (Link to disclaimer) here: https://cernbox.cern.ch/s/JdJjFDQTJlnWDVQ (Indicating your name in the title of the document). Please note that only the Cern Fitness Club committee members will have access to the documents. 
  4. Send Fitness.club@cern.ch an email confirming your subscription, kind of subscription you take, classes per week and that you transferred the documents to the Cern Box.
  5. Sign up to the applicable egroup:  General Fitness mailing list, (Functional Training and HIIT) , Afro-Caribbean mailing list, Zumba mailing list to be kept informed of any class updates (cancellations etc). (if you don't have a cern account, please follow these instructions and create an external account)
  6. If you miss any of the above steps your subscription is invalid and you will not be permitted to take part in fitness club activities
The same steps apply for renewal.
Subscribe for Pilates Classes:
  1. Complete the on-line form to subscribe to the Fitness club and then register for the class you want to participate in . 
  2. Sign-up to the pilates mailing list (if you don't have a cern account, please follow these instructions and create an external account)
  3. Check the price for the number of classes you wish to do/week on the Prices page and transfer your funds in CHF ONLY (no EUROS)  to the Fitness Club bank account, , indicating name of the person for the subscription/Pilates/ number of classes per week:
    Account: 279-287931.01J
    IBAN: CH33 0027 9279 2879 3101 J
    Please note that REVOLUT/Some foreign banks might replace the above BIC with this one: UBSWCHZH12B which is also valid (it's a generic Geneva UBS BIC, the BIC above is a generic Swiss UBS BIC)
  4. Upload the proof of payment and your signed disclaimer  (Link to disclaimer) here: https://cernbox.cern.ch/s/JdJjFDQTJlnWDVQ. Please note that only the Cern Fitness Club committee members will have access to the documents.
  5. Send Fitness.club@cern.ch an email confirming your subscription, kind of subscription you take, classes per week and that you transferred the documents to the Cern Box.
  6. If you miss any of the above steps your subscription is invalid and you will not be permitted to take part in fitness club activities.
The same steps apply for renewal.
Subscribe for Fit-Boxing:
  1. Please contact the fit-boxing section directly. Trainings are Monday, Wednesday and Friday.  No need to pre-register. If you at a beginner please go to Wednesday or Friday class. 
Subscribe for Powerlifting: 
  1. Register to the powerlifting egroup:  indicating which subscription you wish to take.
  2. Then follow the instructions here to transfer your fees, sign the disclaimner and request access to the booking system.