Minimum Bias and Underlying Event Working Group
TH Theory Conference Room
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Cross sections, diffraction and forward physics
The goal of the session is to review recent results from all experiments, and discuss the following points:
o comparison/correlation/complementarity between the inelastic cross section measured by ALICE/ATLAS/CMS and the forthcoming measurements from TOTEM (e.g. impact of diffractive studies on allowing central experiments to reduce the model dependence in the extrapolation of the inelastic rate)
o interplay of diffractive measurements performed by central experiments, and potential of TOTEM
o interplay of very forward neutral energy flow studies by LHCf and central data, and constraints on MC codes for cosmic ray propagation in the atmosphere- 1
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Coffee break
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Lunch break
New recent MB/UE results
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Coffee break
Tuning and tunes
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