28–29 Sept 2024
University of Tokyo
Asia/Tokyo timezone

Travel Information


Koshiba Hall, The Univeristy of Tokyo (Hongo campus)
7 Chome-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo City, Tokyo 113-0033

Google map: https://maps.app.goo.gl/p55by4WbVdcf7bY48


Most of participants will come from Nagasaki after HP2024, therefore take a domestic flight and arrive at Haneda airport in Tokyo. 

From Haneda airport to Tokyo city

Via train:

From Haneda airport to Tokyo city, Tokyo Monorail Line or Keikyu Line connect you to JR Line. For Monorail Line, change the train at Hamamatsu-cho (浜松町) station (last stop) to JR Yamanote Line. For Keikyu Line, change at Shinagawa (品川) station to JR Yamanote Line. In both cases, take JR Yamonote Line (山手線) bound for Tokyo station or Ueno (上野) station (Yamanote Line Inner Loop "内回り") to the station close to your hotel.

Note that some trains go toward Keikyu Yokohama instead of Keikyu Shinagawa Station. We recommend you to take the Tokyo Monorail Line if you are not familiar with Keikyu line.

Via bus:

From Haneda airport to Tokyo station, you can also take express bus to Tokyo station or Akihabara station. Please see more detail in the following page:


From Narita airport to Tokyo city

From Narita airport to Ueno station, take the express train called "Keisei Skyliner" (~40min). See more detailed information in the follwoing page:


Direction from the nearby station to Koshiba Hall

There are several stations of public transportation such as JR Line and Tokyo Metro subway near Koshiba Hall in the University of Tokyo. Below is a list of possible routes from the nearby station to the venue on Google map. Please check the route depending on the place you will stay and how long it takes on foot. 

From Ueno (上野) station, ~20 minutes
(JR Line, Keisei Line, Tokyo Metro subway)

  • About 20 minutes walking distance from Ueno station to Koshiba Hall by walking through Ueno park.
  • or take a bus "上01" and get off at the bus stop "Toudai-Kounai" meaning "inside Univ. of Tokyo".


From Hongo-sanchome (本郷三丁目), ~12 minutes
(Tokyo Metro subway)

From Nezu (根津) station, ~10 minutes
(Tokyo Metro subway)

From Yushima (湯島) station, ~16 minutes
(Tokyo Metro subway)

From Today-mae (東大前), ~9 minutes
(Tokyo Metro subway)


More information on the local tranportation can be found in the link below:


Information about "Welcome Suica" and other tranportation IC card

The "Welcome Suica" is a e-money card for moving around and shopping. Once you have this card with enough balance, you just need to touch the card to the ticket gate (the fare will be automatically deducted from the balance) and don't need to buy a paper ticket.

*This card can be also accepted in any convenience stores and most supermarkets  and vending machines in Tokyo.
*You can recharge money to the "Welcome Suica" card at any stations.
*Please note that no refunds can be made regardless of the validity period status or balance loaded on the card.

If you get SUGOCA during the stay in Nagasaki for HP2024, SUGOCA can be used for transportation and many shops/restaurants in Tokyo, as it has a mutural compatability. Other IC card such as PASMO and ICOCA, if you have, can be also used. 



We assume most of participants will attend HP2024 in Nagasaki before this workshop. People who need visa to visit Japan should request an invitation letter in the registration process of HP2024 and express your intention of participation in this workshop, so that the letter can cover this workshop. If you need a visa but do not attend HP2024, please contact us via email below.

If you have any questions, please contact us via email to: softjet24-core@cns.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp.