This presentation provides a comprehensive overview of the Quality Assurance and Control processes implemented in the HL-LHC IT String. It describes the management of non-conformities related to the test stand, adhering to the policies established by the HL-LHC Project. It explains the tracking process of the validation tests conducted during installation and commissioning of the equipment....
The presentation will address the following topics:
- Overview of cryogenic system commissioning without magnets
- Status of the cryogenic system
- Outcomes of commissioning and lessons learnt
- Upcoming activities for preparation of commissioning with magnets
The presentation will address the following topics:
- Vacuum leak tests and validation programs executed.
- Lessons learned during commissioning of SQXL and Cold Powering System.
- Installation and interconnecting leak test tooling preparations.
- Upcoming activities.
The presentation will address the following topics:
- Lessons learned from installation and commissioning.
- Upcoming activities.
The presentation will address the following topics:
- Performance of the Prototype Cold Powering system
- Completed installation activities and lessons learnt
- Upcoming activities and interfaces
The presentation will address the following topics:
- Status of the preparation activities.
- Plan for installation
- Preliminary tests
- Quality control checks
- Interventions and coactivities
The presentation will address the following topics:
- Status of the collaboration, (procedures, equipment, software...)
- Feedback of the experience of ElQA in the individual magnets and ScLink
- Plan and procedures for the IT String activities
The HL-LHC IT String facility includes accelerator systems such as power converters, quench protection, cryogenics, insulation vacuum and alignment. The applications for the system controls and for the operation of the HL-LHC IT String facility compose a three-layer architecture. The front-end layer is composed of Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC) or Front-End Computers (FEC). The systems’...