December 18, 2024
Europe/Zurich timezone
The main goals of this review are to present the LHC beam halo monitoring functional specifications and to evaluate the performance and limitations of the beam instruments studied (and developed where applicable) to meet these specifications. 
This evaluation will include assessing the clarity, completeness, and consistency of the specifications, as well as advising on the monitors' architecture and proposed implementation.
The review will also highlight the main risks for successfully deploying the system in the LHC during Long Shutdown 3 (LS3), considering both budget and schedule factors.

Composition of the Review Panel
1. Ubaldo Iriso CELLS, Chair
2. Giovanni Rumolo BE-ABP
3. Jorg Wenninger BE-OP
4. Markus Zerlauth ATS-DO
Linkperson: Federico Roncarolo (SY-BI)

Charge Questions
The Review Panel members are asked to answer the following questions:
1. Are the functional specifications comprehensive and clear? Is there any ambiguity, excessively stringent specification, or other inconsistency in the final document?
2. For each proposed technical solution
a. does the monitor meet all functional specifications?
b. are budget and schedule clearly explained?
c. Is the proposed strategy and are the milestones to address remaining technical issues or unknowns well-defined and aligned with implementation during LS3?
3. Are the pros and cons of the different technical solutions properly addressed?
4. Are there changes to the functional specifications that could increase the chances of success in terms of budget and schedule?


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