Indico celebrates its 20th anniversary! Check our blog post for more information!

29 August 2011 to 2 September 2011
Europe/Zurich timezone

Arrival Information


To access the CERN site on Monday morning, you should enter through the Reception (building 33) which opens at 08:15.  You should mention to the guard at the desk, there, that you are a participant of the TH-LPCC workshop.  They will then let you pass through and you should follow the corridor through building 5 and into building 4.  At the end of the corridor in building 4 you will find the TH secretariat, where you should collect your conference badge which should be used as a CERN access card.  

If you have a room at the CERN hostel and arrive on Sunday, or before Monday morning, you should inform the guards at the Main Entrance B that you are a participant of the Theory Workshop 'TH-LPCC'.   Before 01:00 a.m. they will let you through to the Hostel Reception in building 39 to pick up your room key.  After 01:00 they will have your room key with them and will give it to you directly. 

Then from Monday morning onwards, during working hours, you should follow the same instructions as for the first paragraph above.  

If you are arriving during the week OUTSIDE working hours, you should follow the same procedure as described above for a Sunday arrival.

There is a map in attachment but for more detailed maps of CERN, you may introduce building numbers in the field 'CERN Buildings' on the left on the CERN webpage at the following link:


Health insurance

In view of the extremely high cost of health care in Geneva, we strongly recommend that all participants ensure that they have health insurance including in the the event of professional or illness cover valid for Switzerland for the duration of their stay, covering illness and accidents. This is a standard requirement for all visitors to CERN.

Please make sure that you bring with you proof of this (a card or attestation/contract).  



The programme for the workshop can be found at the following link:


Computer registration

In order to have access to the wireless internet connection for your laptop, you need to register by following the laptop registration instructions .
Due to the large number of participants, we recommend that you register your laptop in advance, before your actual arrival to CERN.
For this registration process:

- Follow the link to the network connection request form .
- Click on the entry indicating you are a visitor, and then on the entry specifying you do NOT have an account (even if you do have one), then on "Continue".
- In the external visitor registration form, introduce your data, and visit information.
- Do not forget to indicate the hardware address and card type (usually any wireless option should be fine). Do not forget to clik on "Add".
- As contact person, please use: Name: GIANOLIO, First name: ELENA, Cern department: PH, Cern group: AGS

Fixed terminal computer access: Unfortunately, due to computer security protocols at CERN, it will not be possible to provide an account to log in using the fixed computer terminals on site.
The only way to access the internet is by using your own laptops, see above.

- Assistance: For any computer problem, please contact Elena Gianolio (Bldg. 4-2.014, email, tel 74751 or 160579)

- Skype at CERN may be used provided that it is configured to comply with the restrictions which are described on the web page :

If you plan to use skype during your stay at CERN please read this first and configure skype accordingly.


Directions for reaching CERN


A free CERN shuttle service operates from the airport to CERN (except Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays) at: 08:30, 09:20, 10:15, 11:20, 12:15, 13:15, 14:15, 15:15, 16:30, 17:30, 18:30, 19:30.
* Please note that the shuttle stop at the Airport is located at the Door 1 (one floor up from the arrivals) departure area (next to the CFF train station). 
As any person must be in possession of a card issued by CERN certifying that he is authorised to enter the site, the drivers will ask the passengers at the airport to show their CERN access card.
In case they do not have it, they will be dropped off at the CERN entrance near building 55.  You will then need to walk from here to building 33 to pick up your access card as mentioned above.

If you take the public transport, remember that you can get a free pass from the machine located in the baggage collection area, just in front of the doors near the customs declaration. 
General Map 
Different options:

The taxis from the airport will cost approximately 35 CHF

from CORNAVIN TRAIN STATION (downtown Geneva) to CERN

From Cornavin (the stop is to the right of the station as you walk out, on a covered road), you can take the 18 tram, direction CERN. Ticket "Tout Geneve" costs 3chf or 2 euros and allows you to ride the transportation services (including changes) during 1h. The tickets can be purchased at the machine at the tram and bus stops. Credit cards are not accepted.

Taxi from the train station to CERN will cost approximately 45chf

Travelling by car

Cern main entrance address : 385 route de Meyrin
GPS location Reception: Lat: 46.233058, Long: 6.055692
Active map see Get Directions