21–25 Oct 2024
Europe/Zurich timezone

Certificate of Attendance

The school is organised in the framework of the HITRIplus EU-funded project, and therefore, the agenda of lectures and networking activities are planned accordingly. However, provisions are made to facilitate world-wide participation (for example via accessing the lectures recordings through the HITRIplus YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/@hitriplus9177/about etc 

Participants  interested in receiving a certificate of attendance are asked to submit a request via the form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdFIvQuenOiDTrY9fVyD2gb_zolapFdf0nKpvzkDa3spd46tA/viewform

A certificate of attendance will be granted to participants who attend 80% of the session's overall. This is going to be verified via the participant Zoom IDs. Therefore, participants who intend to request a certificate of attendance are advised to take this request into account and avoid following the meetings via webcast. 

However, please note that the Monday 3 July morning opening session will be on webcast only (and not on zoom). Therefore, the 80% attendance will be estimated without taking Monday morning into account. 

Delivery of the hands-on tasks related to session 7 on Wednesday 5th July in the afternoon is not mandatory to obtain the certificate. However, the certificate will acknowledge participants who do deliver the hands-on task. 

The hands-on task results are to be delivered via email to nicholas.sammut@um.edu.mt in pdf format by Monday 10th July at the latest. Please use as email subject: HITRIplus school results of “NameName” and attach the report giving as file name: NameName.pdf where NameName would be the First and Last name of the participant who delivers the results. 

Participants who cannot fulfill the 80% attendance on zoom requirement for justified reasons (e.g. non-European time zone, etc.) may contact the organizers to work out a solution (for example they may suggest, as a compensation, to submit a written assignment going deeper on the schools subjects and , in addition, mandatory delivery of the hands-on results).