[CEC-01] Large-Scale: Refrigeration and Liquefaction
[CEC-02] Large-Scale: Systems, Facilities, and Testing
[CEC-03] Cryocoolers: Non-Aerospace
[CEC-04] Cryocoolers: Aerospace
[CEC-05] Components: Expanders, Pumps, Compressors, Heat Exchangers, etc.
[CEC-06] Applications: Superconducting Systems
[CEC-07] Applications: Instrumentation, Visualization, and Controls
[CEC-08] Applications: Cryo-fuels Transportation, Testing, and Management
[CEC-09] Applications: Hydrogen and LNG
[CEC-10] Applications: Aerospace
[CEC-11] Applications: Quantum Systems and Materials
[CEC-12] Applications: Medicine and Biology
[CEC-13] Fundamentals: Thermal Properties and Theory/Numerical Studies
[CEC-14] New Devices, Novel Concepts, and Miscellaneous
[CEC-15] Safety Reliability and Standards
[CEC-16] Special Sessions (select only if requested by a committee member to submit)
[ICMC-01] LTS and MgB2: Bulk and Wires
[ICMC-02] BSCCO and Iron-Based Materials: Bulk and Wires
[ICMC-03] ReBCO Coated Conductors
[ICMC-04] LTS, HTS, and Cryo-Conducting Cables
[ICMC-05] Thin Films and Multilayers for Microelectronics and RF Applications
[ICMC-06] Flux-pinning and Critical Current
[ICMC-07] Magnetization and AC Losses
[ICMC-08] Insulation & Impregnation Materials, Polymeric Materials
[ICMC-09] Mechanical Properties of Structural Materials for Cryogenic Applications - Processing and Structure Relationships
[ICMC-10] Physical and Transport Properties at Cryogenic Temperatures
[ICMC-11] Materials for Cryogenic Transport, Space, and Propulsion Applications
[ICMC-12] Hydrogen Technology and Compatible Materials
[ICMC-13] Magnet, Power, and Mobility Applications
[ICMC-14] Cryogenic Power Electronics: Materials, Devices and Properties
[ICMC-15] Cryogenic Electronics, Photonics, Sensors and Detectors, Topological Materials
[ICMC-16] Cryogenic Testing Standards, Procedures, and Measurements
[ICMC-17] Special Session (select only if requested by a committee member to submit)
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