2:00 PM
General information
Frank Zimmermann
(18/3-008 - CLIC Meeting room)
2:20 PM
Update on the GHC lattice
- Dr
Katsunobu Oide
(Universite de Geneve (CH))
(18/3-008 - CLIC Meeting room)
2:35 PM
Report on IP Feedback studies at SuperKEKB
- Mr
John Patrick Salvesen
(University of Oxford, CERN)
(18/3-008 - CLIC Meeting room)
3:00 PM
Non-Linear Optics Measurement at SuperKEKB
Mael Le Garrec
(Goethe University Frankfurt (DE))
(18/3-008 - CLIC Meeting room)
3:25 PM
Optics tuning working group update
Rogelio Tomas Garcia
Jacqueline Keintzel
(18/3-008 - CLIC Meeting room)