Nov 4 – 8, 2024
US/Central timezone

Cost Comparison of On-Premises Storage with S3 Interfaces

Nov 5, 2024, 1:30 PM
Storage & Filesystems Storage & Filesystems


Mr Nathan Thompson (Spectra Logic)


Abstract: To evaluate the cost of various on-premises storage solutions with traditional and S3 interfaces, including flash, disk, and tape.

This presentation compares the costs, factors of flash, disk, and tape-based storage systems, including systems that are compatible with AWS S3. Key metrics to be considered include purchase price, power consumption, cooling requirements, product lifetime and performance characteristics. Additionally, the presentation will explore the long-term implications of each storage type and their impact on the environment.
This presentation will also review current and upcoming technologies that may be leveraged to provide long term exascale storage at a fraction of environment footprint of traditional methods.

Desired slot length 30
Speaker release Yes

Primary author

Mr Nathan Thompson (Spectra Logic)


Mr Matt Ninesling (Spectra Logic) Matthew Starr (Spectra Logic Corporation)

Presentation materials