Student Grants
The CERN Accelerator School is offering a limited number of grants for the participation to its courses. They have been created in order to boost accelerator technology for countries developing this field. These grants are awarded to students that will normally not be able to participate in the course and have no source of funding. The students should have studies or employment related to the field of the school.
The grant will cover the full inscription fee for the course, which includes the stay at the school, all meals, the tuition, and scheduled social activities. It does not cover the travel expenses and eventual visa cost, which will remain at the expense of the student. The students must have health and accident cover that includes adequate protection for the country in which the school takes place.
Applicants can register under the registration for grant students. They are expected to provide a curriculum vitae and a recommendation letter to support their application. It should be made clear how they are related to the field and why there is no other funding. They should have a sufficient level of English to be able to follow the course.
The applications will be analysed and ranked according to their relevance:
- It primarily important that the content of the CAS course is of direct use for the present or immediate professional future of the applicant.
- The pre-education needs to be sufficient in order to follow the course.
The grants are aimed at persons in the beginning of their career for
- postgraduate students (ie. minimum of Bachelor’s degree or equivalent)
- employees in accelerator laboratories, and university departments
- engineers and scientists with limited experience in accelerator physics, engineering, or related fields.
The number of grants is not guaranteed and can change according to the circumstances of the school and the number of applicants.
We will ask the accepted applicants for help with the microphones at discussions and eventually help filming the courses while they participate.
Important information: Only one registration type is allowed. If you register as a standard participant, your registration for funding grant requests will be automatically removed. If you apply for a funding grant, you will not be able to change this to a standard application in case of a negative reply for a grant.