Scientific Organising Committee
- Alain Blanchard, IRAP Toulouse
- Anthony Banday, IRAP Toulouse
- Barbara Latacz, CERN
- Fiorenza Donato, University of Torino (co-chair)
- Elena Gramellini, University of Manchester
- Geraldine Servant, DESY Hamburg
- Jens Chluba, University of Manchester
- Luigi Tibaldo, IRAP Toulouse (chair)
- Michael Charlton, Swansea University
- Michael Doser, CERN, MIT Cambdrige
- Miguel Escudero Abenza, CERN
- Mikhail Chapochnikov, EPFL Losanne
- Nicolao Fornengo, University of Torino
- Pasquale Di Bari, University of Southampton
- Peilian Li, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing
- Peter von Ballmoos, IRAP Toulouse (co-chair)
- Roberta Sparvoli, University of Roma Tor Vergata
Local Organising Committee
- Barbara Latacz, CERN
- Miguel Escudero Abenza, CERN
- Luigi Tibaldo, IRAP Toulouse