12 December 2024
University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway
Europe/Oslo timezone

A probabilistic expanding universe under functors of actions

12 Dec 2024, 14:20
Room 1

Room 1


Pierros Ntelis (Aix Marseille University)


In this contributed talk, I will discuss how to embrace information by presenting important concepts of abstract information field theory, probabilities, and probabilistic dimensions, in the view of functors of actions theories and other abstract theories. I will present a collection of manifolds and metric systems with probabilistic notions, different flavors of an expanding sub-manifold to metric systems describing simpler dynamics of space around massive objects. Furthermore, I will talk about the derivation of the equation of motions of a simplified gravity model in a probabilistic expanding Universe. Finally, I will introduce the notions of probabilistic actions and concepts of novel categories of abstract field-particles, such as the probablons and informatons. These are the first steps towards a concrete description of a probabilistic gravity, and a probabilistic expanding Universe.


Pierros Ntelis

Internet talk Maybe
Is this an abstract from experimental collaboration? Yes
Name of experiment and experimental site Observations of large scale structure, be it from Euclid, DESI, SDSS, and CMB from Planck
Is the speaker for that presentation defined? Yes


Pierros Ntelis (Aix Marseille University)

Presentation materials