21–25 May 2012
New York City, NY, USA
US/Eastern timezone

Multi-threaded Event Reconstruction with JANA

24 May 2012, 13:30
4h 45m
Rosenthal Pavilion (10th floor) (Kimmel Center)

Rosenthal Pavilion (10th floor)

Kimmel Center

Poster Event Processing (track 2) Poster Session


Dr David Lawrence (Jefferson Lab)


The JANA framework has been deployed and in use since 2007 for development of the GlueX experiment at Jefferson Lab. The multi-threaded reconstruction framework is routinely used on machines with up to 32 cores with excellent scaling. User feedback has also helped to develop JANA into a user-friendly environment for development of reconstruction code and event playback. The basic design of JANA will be presented along with results of scaling tests on many-core machines.


Dr David Lawrence (Jefferson Lab)

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