1491 / 1491
- Roel Aaij (NIKHEF (NL))
- Andres Abad Rodriguez (CERN)
Armenuhi Abramyan
(Yerevan Physics Institute)
- Author in AliEn Extreme JobBrokering
- Co-author in AliEn: ALICE Environment on the GRID
- Esther Accion Garcia (Unknown)
- Alexey Adakin (Institute of Computational Technologies)
- Jorn Adamczewski-Musch (GSI - Helmholtzzentrum fur Schwerionenforschung GmbH (DE))
- Dagmar Adamova (Nuclear Physics Institute of the AS CR Prague/Rez)
Sunil Ahn
- Author in Belle II Data Handling System
- Raphael Ahrens
- Osman Aidel (Unknown)
- Doina Cristina Aiftimiei (Istituto Nazionale Fisica Nucleare (IT))
- Alberto Aimar (CERN)
- Maria Alandes Pradillo (CERN)
- Fabrizio Alberti (INFN - Milano)
- Stefano Alberto Russo (CERN)
Solveig Albrand
(Universite Joseph Fourier (FR))
- Co-author in A Programmatic View of Metadata, Metadata Services, and Metadata Flow in ATLAS
- Co-author in Conditions and Configuration Metadata for the ATLAS experiment
- Co-author in File and Dataset Metadata Collection and Use in Atlas
- Co-author in Monitoring of computing resource utilization of the ATLAS experiment
- Johannes Albrecht (CERN)
- Manfred Alef (KIT)
- John Allison (University of Manchester (GB))
- Mine Altunay (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Mohammad Al-Turany (GSI)
Alejandro Alvarez Ayllon
(University of Cadiz)
- Author in Web enabled data management with DPM & LFC
- Co-author in DPM: Future-proof storage
George Alverson
(Northeastern University (US))
- Co-author in iSpy: a powerful and lightweight event display
- Silvia Amerio (University of Padova & INFN)
- Roberto Ammendola (INFN Tor Vergata - Roma)
Gabriel Anders
(Ruprecht-Karls-Universitaet Heidelberg (DE))
- Author in The ATLAS Level-1 Trigger System
- Alessandro Andreani (INFN - Milano)
Paolo Andreetto
- Author in New developments in the CREAM Computing Element
- Co-author in CREAM Computing Element: a status update
Julia Andreeva
- Author in Collaborative development. Case study of the development of flexible monitoring applications
- Author in Experiment Dashboard - a generic, scalable solution for monitoring of the LHC computing activities, distributed sites and services
- Author in Providing WLCG Global Transfer monitoring
- Co-author in ATLAS job monitoring in the Dashboard Framework
- Co-author in ATLAS off-Grid sites (Tier 3) monitoring. From local fabric monitoring to global overview of the VO computing activities
- Co-author in Automating ATLAS Computing Operations using the Site Status Board
- Co-author in Designing and developing portable large-scale JavaScript web applications within the Experiment Dashboard framework
- Co-author in hBrowse - Generic framework for hierarchical data visualization
- Co-author in New solutions for large scale functional tests in the WLCG infrastructure with SAM/Nagios: the experiments experience
- Co-author in The “Common Solutions" Strategy of the Experiment Support group at CERN for the LHC Experiments
- Daniele Andreotti (Universita e INFN (IT))
- Alexey Anisenkov (Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics (RU))
- Alberto Annovi (Istituto Nazionale Fisica Nucleare (IT))
- Mario Antonelli (Istituto Nazionale Fisica Nucleare (IT))
- Torsten Antoni (KIT - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (DE))
- Joao Antunes Pequenao (Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (US))
- Steven Aplin (DESY)
- John Apostolakis (CERN)
- Dmitry Arkhipkin (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
Luisa Arrabito
(IN2P3/LUPM on behalf of the CTA Consortium)
- Author in Application of the DIRAC framework in CTA: first evaluation
- Co-author in The Fermi-LAT Dataprocessing Pipeline
- Makoto Asai (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory (US))
- David Asbury (CERN)
Ivan Atanassov
(Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (BG))
- Author in Regression testing in the TOTEM DCS
Collaboration Atlas
- Author in A Programmatic View of Metadata, Metadata Services, and Metadata Flow in ATLAS
- Author in A Study of ATLAS Grid Performance for Distributed Analysis
- Author in Accounting the ATLAS DDM system -- A case study with Oracle, MongoDB and HBase
- Author in AGIS: The ATLAS Grid Information System
- Author in An Extensible Infrastructure for Querying and Mining Event-level Metadata in ATLAS
- Author in An XML generic detector description system and geometry editor for the ATLAS detector at the LHC
- Author in Application of rule based data mining techniques to real time ATLAS Grid job monitoring data
- Author in Atlas Analysis and Conference Notes
- Author in ATLAS DDM/DQ2 & NoSQL databases: Use cases and experiences
- Author in ATLAS Distributed Computing Monitoring tools after full 2 years of LHC data taking
- Author in ATLAS Distributed Computing Operations: Experience and improvements after 2 full years of data-taking
- Author in ATLAS Distributed Computing Shift Operation in the first 2 full years of LHC data taking
- Author in ATLAS DQ2 Deletion Service
- Author in ATLAS Grid Data Processing: system evolution and scalability
- Author in ATLAS job monitoring in the Dashboard Framework
- Author in ATLAS off-Grid sites (Tier 3) monitoring. From local fabric monitoring to global overview of the VO computing activities
- Author in ATLAS Offline Data Quality System Upgrade
- Author in ATLAS R&D Towards Next-Generation Distributed Computing
- Author in ATLAS software packaging
- Author in Automating ATLAS Computing Operations using the Site Status Board
- Author in AutoPyFactory: A Scalable Flexible Pilot Factory Implementation
- Author in Development of noSQL data storage for the ATLAS PanDA Monitoring System
- Author in Distributed Data Analysis in the ATLAS Experiment: Challenges and Solutions
- Author in Enabling data analysis à la PROOF on the Italian ATLAS-Tier2's using PoD
- Author in Evolution of ATLAS PanDA System
- Author in Evolution of grid-wide access to database resident information in ATLAS using Frontier
- Author in Evolution of the ATLAS Nightly Build System
- Author in Evolving ATLAS computing for today's networks
- Author in Experience of using the Chirp distributed file system in ATLAS
- Author in Exploiting Virtualization and Cloud Computing in ATLAS
- Author in File and Dataset Metadata Collection and Use in Atlas
- Author in I/O Strategies for Multicore Processing in ATLAS
- Author in Improving ATLAS grid site reliability with functional tests using HammerCloud
- Author in Integration of Globus Online with the ATLAS PanDA Workload Management System
- Author in Methods and the computing challenges of the realistic simulation of physics events in the presence of pile-up in the ATLAS experiment
- Author in Monitoring of computing resource utilization of the ATLAS experiment
- Author in PD2P : PanDA Dynamic Data Placement for ATLAS
- Author in Performance of the ATLAS Reconstruction Software with high level of Pileup
- Author in Popularity framework for monitoring user workload
- Author in Prompt data reconstruction of the ATLAS experiment
- Author in Prototype of a cloud-based Computing Service for ATLAS at PIC Tier1
- Author in Recent Improvements in the ATLAS PanDA Pilot
- Author in Simulating the ATLAS Distributed Data Management System
- Author in Software installation and condition data distribution via CernVM FileSystem in ATLAS
- Author in Software Validation in ATLAS
- Author in TAG Base Skimming In ATLAS
- Author in The ATLAS Computing activities and developments of the Italian Cloud
- Author in The ATLAS DDM Tracer monitoring framework
- Author in The ATLAS Distributed Data Management project: Past and Future
- Author in The ATLAS physics analysis model and production of derived datasets
- Author in The ATLAS ROOT-based data formats: recent improvements and performance measurements
- Author in The evolving role of Tier2s in ATLAS with the new Computing and Data Model
- Author in The next generation ARC middleware and ATLAS computing model
- Author in Track finding in ATLAS using GPUs
- Co-author in Conditions and Configuration Metadata for the ATLAS experiment
- Co-author in Model of shared ATLAS Tier2 and Tier3 facilities in EGI/gLite Grid flavour
- Co-author in Monitoring the US ATLAS Network Infrastructure with perfSONAR-PS
- Co-author in The Monitoring and Calibration Web Systems for the ATLAS Tile Calorimeter Data Quality Analysis
- Co-author in Toolkit for data reduction to tuples for the ATLAS experiment
- Collaboration Atlas (Atlas)
- Andre Augustinus (CERN)
- Paul Ralph Avery (University of Florida (US))
- Eduard Avetisyan (DESY)
- Giuseppe Avolio (University of California Irvine (US))
- Marian Babik (CERN)
- Duarte Bacelar De Begonha De Meneses (LIP Laboratorio de Instrumentacao e Fisica Experimental de Part)
John Alexander Backus Mayes
(SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory (US))
- Author in DZERO Level 3 DAQ/Trigger Closeout
- William Badgett (Fermilab)
Taegil Bae
- Author in Belle II Data Handling System
- Sergey Baginyan (JINR)
Giuseppe Bagliesi
(Sezione di Pisa (IT))
- Author in Building a Prototype of LHC Analysis Oriented Computing Centers
- Author in CMS resource utilization and limitations on the grid after the first two years of LHC collisions
- Author in Optimization of HEP Analysis activities using a Tier2 Infrastructure
- Co-author in Towards higher reliability of CMS Computing Facilities
Stefano Bagnasco
- Author in AliEn Extreme JobBrokering
- Co-author in AliEn: ALICE Environment on the GRID
- Alexander Bagulya (Russian Academy of Sciences (RU))
Vlado Bahyl
- Co-author in Tape status and strategy at CERN
- Co-author in Tape write efficiency improvements in CASTOR
- Henri Bal (Professor of Computer Science)
- Evgeny Baldin (Budker Institute Of Nuclear Physics)
Robert Ball
(University of Michigan (US))
- Co-author in The DYNES Instrument: A Description and Overview
- Sergio Ballestrero (University of Johannesburg (ZA))
Subho Sankar Banerjee
(LNM Institute of Information Technology)
- Author in AliEn Extreme JobBrokering
- Co-author in AliEn: ALICE Environment on the GRID
Sunanda Banerjee
(Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics (IN))
- Author in CMS Simulation Software
- Author in Recent Developments and Validation of Geant4 Hadronic Physics
- Karoly Banicz (Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US))
- Dario Barberis (Universita e INFN (IT))
- Stefano Barberis (INFN Milano)
- Cecile Barbier (IN2P3/LAPP, CTA Consortium)
- Lucia Barbone (Universita e INFN (IT))
- Artur Jerzy Barczyk (California Institute of Technology (US))
Martin Barisits
(Vienna University of Technology (AT))
- Co-author in ATLAS DDM/DQ2 & NoSQL databases: Use cases and experiences
- Co-author in Popularity framework for monitoring user workload
- Co-author in Simulating the ATLAS Distributed Data Management System
- Co-author in The ATLAS DDM Tracer monitoring framework
- Co-author in The ATLAS Distributed Data Management project: Past and Future
- Steve Barnet (University of Wisconsin Madison)
- Thomas Baron (CERN)
Luciano Barone
(Universita e INFN, Roma I (IT))
- Co-author in WHALE, a management tool for Tier-2 LCG sites
- Vincent BARRA (LIMOS, UMR 6158 CNRS, Univ. Blaise Pascal)
Fernando Harald Barreiro Megino
- Author in Implementing data placement strategies for the CMS experiment based on a popularity mode
- Author in Service monitoring in the LHC experiments
- Co-author in Evolving ATLAS computing for today's networks
- Co-author in Exploiting Virtualization and Cloud Computing in ATLAS
- Co-author in The “Common Solutions" Strategy of the Experiment Support group at CERN for the LHC Experiments
Olof Barring
- Co-author in Hunting for hardware changes in data centers.
- Rainer Bartoldus (SLAC)
- Valeria Bartsch (University of Sussex (GB))
- Tullio Basaglia (CERN)
- Jim Basney (University of Illinois)
Matej Batic
(Jozef Stefan Institute)
- Author in A new development cycle of the Statistical Toolkit
- Author in Algorithms and parameters for improved accuracy in physics data libraries
- Author in Refactoring, reengineering and evolution: paths to Geant4 uncertainty quantification and performance improvement
- Co-author in Precision analysis of Geant4 condensed transport effects in detectors
Jean-Philippe Baud
- Co-author in DPM: Future-proof storage
- Co-author in Next generation WLCG File Transfer Service (FTS)
Gerry Bauer
(Massachusetts Inst. of Technology (US))
- Author in Upgrade of the CMS Event Builder
- Co-author in Distributed error and alarm processing in the CMS data acquisition system
- Co-author in Health and performance monitoring of the large and diverse online computing cluster of CMS
- Co-author in High availability through full redundancy of the CMS detector controls system
- Co-author in Operational experience with the CMS Data Acquisition System
- Co-author in The CMS High Level Trigger System: Experience and Future Development
- Co-author in The Compact Muon Solenoid Detector Control System
- Lothar A.T. Bauerdick (Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US))
Lothar Bauerdick
- Co-author in Using Xrootd to Federate Regional Storage
- Frederik Beaujean (Max Planck Institute for Physics)
Alexandre Beche
(SUPINFO International University (FR))
- Co-author in DPM: Future-proof storage
Jacek Becla
- Author in Analysis with Extremely Large Datasets
- Chris Bee (Universite d'Aix - Marseille II (FR))
Thomas Beermann
(Bergische Universitaet Wuppertal (DE))
- Co-author in The ATLAS DDM Tracer monitoring framework
- Co-author in The ATLAS Distributed Data Management project: Past and Future
- Marcia Begalli (State Univ. Rio de Janeiro)
- Bagmeet Behera (Deutsches Elektronen–Synchrotron, DESY, Platanenallee 6, D-15738 Zeuthen, Germany)
- Joerg Behr (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE))
Ulf Behrens
(Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE))
- Author in Upgrade of the CMS Event Builder
- Co-author in Distributed error and alarm processing in the CMS data acquisition system
- Co-author in Health and performance monitoring of the large and diverse online computing cluster of CMS
- Co-author in High availability through full redundancy of the CMS detector controls system
- Co-author in Operational experience with the CMS Data Acquisition System
- Co-author in The CMS High Level Trigger System: Experience and Future Development
- Co-author in The Compact Muon Solenoid Detector Control System
- Gerd Behrmann (Nordic Data Grid Facility)
- Tim Bell (CERN)
- Zane W. Bell (ORNL)
- Bertrand Bellenot (CERN)
- Sergey Belov (Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics)
- Sergey Belov (Joint Inst. for Nuclear Research (JINR))
- Vanya Belyaev (ITEP Institute for Theoretical and Experimental Physics (RU))
- Marco Bencivenni (INFN)
Doug Benjamin
(Duke University (US))
- Author in Eurogrid: a new glideinWMS based portal for CDF data analysis.
- Co-author in Model of shared ATLAS Tier2 and Tier3 facilities in EGI/gLite Grid flavour
- Co-author in Scientific Cluster Deployment & Recovery: Using puppet to simplify cluster management
- Co-author in Software installation and condition data distribution via CernVM FileSystem in ATLAS
- Co-author in Using Xrootd to Federate Regional Storage
- Matteo Mario Beretta (Istituto Nazionale Fisica Nucleare (IT))
- Gerard Bernabeu Altayó (PIC (Tier-1))
- Vincent Roger Yvan Bernardoff (Univ. P. et Marie Curie (Paris VI) (FR))
- Pauline Bernat (LAL)
Denis Bertini
(GSI Darmstadt)
- Author in The FairRoot framework
sara bertocco
- Author in New developments in the CREAM Computing Element
- Co-author in CREAM Computing Element: a status update
Latchezar Betev
- Author in AliEn Extreme JobBrokering
- Co-author in A new communication framework for the ALICE Grid
- Co-author in AliEn: ALICE Environment on the GRID
- Co-author in Certified Grid Job Submission in the ALICE Grid Services
- Co-author in Dynamic parallel ROOT facility clusters on the Alice Environment
- Co-author in Employing peer-to-peer software distribution in ALICE Grid Services to enable opportunistic use of OSG resources
- Co-author in The Reputation-Based Trust Model for AliEn2
- Wayne Betts (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
- Kislay Bhatt (BARC)
- Wahid Bhimji (University of Edinburgh (GB))
- andrea biagioni (INFN Roma - Roma)
Fabrizio Bianchi
(Universita' di Torino and INFN Torino)
- Co-author in DIRAC evaluation for the SuperB experiment
- Co-author in Exploiting new CPU architectures in the SuperB software framework
- Co-author in SuperB R&D computing program: HTTP direct access to distributed resources
- Co-author in SuperB Simulation Production System
- Co-author in Testing and evaluating storage technology to build a distributed Tier1 for SuperB in Italy
- Juan Bicarregui (STFC-RAL)
- Kurt Biery (CMS/Fermilab)
- john bigrow
- Sebastien Binet (LAL/IN2P3)
Mathew Binkley
- Co-author in The DYNES Instrument: A Description and Overview
- Emrah Birsin (Institut für Physik, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Newtonstrasse 15, D-12489 Berlin, Germany)
Marcin Blaszczyk
- Co-author in The ATLAS database application enhancements using Oracle 11g
- Co-author in The ATLAS LFC consolidation
Jakob Blomer
(Ludwig-Maximilians-Univ. Muenchen (DE))
- Author in Status and Future Perspectives of CernVM-FS
- Co-author in BOINC service for volunteer cloud computing
- Co-author in CernVM Co-Pilot: an Extensible Framework for Building Scalable Cloud Computing Infrastructures
- Co-author in Long-term preservation of analysis software environment
- Co-author in Managing Virtual Machine Lifecycle in CernVM Project
- Co-author in Software installation and condition data distribution via CernVM FileSystem in ATLAS
Kenneth Bloom
(University of Nebraska (US))
- Author in CMS resource utilization and limitations on the grid after the first two years of LHC collisions
- Author in Controlled overflowing of data-intensive jobs from oversubscribed sites
- Author in glideinWMS experience with glexec
- Co-author in Towards higher reliability of CMS Computing Facilities
- Co-author in Using Xrootd to Federate Regional Storage
- Co-author in Xrootd Monitoring for the CMS experiment
- Barry Jay Blumenfeld (Johns Hopkins University (US))
- Andrey Bobyshev (FERMILAB)
- Tommaso Boccali (INFN Sezione di Pisa)
- Andrea Bocci (CERN)
- Brian Paul Bockelman (University of Nebraska (US))
- Felix Valentin Boehmer (Technische Universitaet Muenchen (DE))
- Stefan Boettger (Kirchhoff-Institut fuer Physik (KIP)-Ruprecht-Karls-Universitaet)
- Mircea Bogdan (The University of Chicago)
- Felix Valentin Böhmer (Technische Universität München)
- Alfonso Boiano (INFN)
- Enrico Bonaccorsi (CERN)
- Daniele Bonacorsi (Universita e INFN (IT))
- Peter Matthew Bond (University of the West of England)
Eric Bonfillou
- Co-author in Hunting for hardware changes in data centers.
Jeff Boote
- Co-author in The DYNES Instrument: A Description and Overview
- Carlos Borrego Iglesias (IFAE)
- Jonathan Bouchet (Kent State University)
- Olivier Bouffet (CERN)
- Dimitri Bourilkov (University of Florida (US))
- David Bouvet (Universite Claude Bernard-Lyon I (FR))
Matthew Bowen
(University of the West of England)
- Author in Upgrade of the CMS Event Builder
- Co-author in Distributed error and alarm processing in the CMS data acquisition system
- Co-author in Health and performance monitoring of the large and diverse online computing cluster of CMS
- Co-author in High availability through full redundancy of the CMS detector controls system
- Co-author in Operational experience with the CMS Data Acquisition System
- Co-author in The CMS High Level Trigger System: Experience and Future Development
- Co-author in The Compact Muon Solenoid Detector Control System
- Eric Boyd (Internet2)
- Dan Bradley (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
Daniel Charles Bradley
(High Energy Physics)
- Co-author in Using Xrootd to Federate Regional Storage
- Co-author in Xrootd Monitoring for the CMS experiment
James Branson
(Univ. of California San Diego (US))
- Co-author in Distributed error and alarm processing in the CMS data acquisition system
- Co-author in Health and performance monitoring of the large and diverse online computing cluster of CMS
- Co-author in High availability through full redundancy of the CMS detector controls system
- Co-author in Operational experience with the CMS Data Acquisition System
- Co-author in The CMS High Level Trigger System: Experience and Future Development
James Branson
(UC San Diego)
- Author in Upgrade of the CMS Event Builder
- Co-author in The Compact Muon Solenoid Detector Control System
- Loic Brarda (CERN)
- Franco Brasolin (Universita e INFN (IT))
- Hans-Peter Bretz (Rheinisch-Westfaelische Tech. Hoch. (DE))
- Hans-Peter Bretz (III. Physikalisches Institut A, RWTH Aachen University, Germany)
- Chris Brew (Particle Physics-Rutherford Appleton Laboratory-STFC - Science &)
- Chris Brew (STFC - Science & Technology Facilities Council (GB))
- Arnau Bria (Port d'Informació Científica (PIC))
- Ricardo Brito Da Rocha (CERN)
- Frederic Brochu (University of Cambridge (GB))
Walter E Brown
- Co-author in The art framework
Aaron Brown
- Co-author in The DYNES Instrument: A Description and Overview
Bobby Brown
- Co-author in The DYNES Instrument: A Description and Overview
- Rene Brun (CERN)
- The HEP Group Brunel University (Brunel)
- Alessandro Brunengo (Sezione di Genova (INFN)-Universita e INFN)
- Riccardo Brunetti (Unknown)
- Wilhelm Buehler (KIT)
- Florentin Bujor (University of Wisconsin (US))
Sebastian Bukowiec
- Author in Upgrade of the CMS Event Builder
- Co-author in Distributed error and alarm processing in the CMS data acquisition system
- Co-author in Health and performance monitoring of the large and diverse online computing cluster of CMS
- Co-author in High availability through full redundancy of the CMS detector controls system
- Co-author in Operational experience with the CMS Data Acquisition System
- Co-author in The CMS High Level Trigger System: Experience and Future Development
- Co-author in The Compact Muon Solenoid Detector Control System
Predrag Buncic
- Co-author in BOINC service for volunteer cloud computing
- Co-author in CernVM Co-Pilot: an Extensible Framework for Building Scalable Cloud Computing Infrastructures
- Co-author in Long-term preservation of analysis software environment
- Co-author in Managing Virtual Machine Lifecycle in CernVM Project
- Co-author in Software installation and condition data distribution via CernVM FileSystem in ATLAS
- Co-author in Status and Future Perspectives of CernVM-FS
Paul Burkimsher
- Co-author in Regression testing in the TOTEM DCS
- Ignas Butenas (Vilnius University (LT))
Will Buttinger
(University of Cambridge (GB))
- Co-author in The ATLAS Level-1 Trigger System
Jose Caballero Bejar
(Brookhaven National Laboratory (US))
- Co-author in AutoPyFactory: A Scalable Flexible Pilot Factory Implementation
- Co-author in Recent Improvements in the ATLAS PanDA Pilot
- Marco Caberletti (Istituto Nazionale Fisica Nucleare (IT))
Anatael Cabrera
- Co-author in The Double Chooz Online System
Luiz Fernando Cagiano Parodi De Frias
(Univ. Federal do Rio de Janeiro (BR))
- Co-author in Atlas Analysis and Conference Notes
- Paolo Calafiura (Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (US))
- Allen Caldwell (Max Planck Institute)
Olivier Callot
(LAL-Orsay (FR))
- Co-author in Offline Processing in the Online Computer Farm
- Prasad Calyam (Ohio SC OARNet)
- David Cameron (University of Oslo (NO))
Simone Campana
- Co-author in ATLAS DQ2 Deletion Service
- Co-author in ATLAS job monitoring in the Dashboard Framework
- Co-author in Automating ATLAS Computing Operations using the Site Status Board
- Co-author in Evolving ATLAS computing for today's networks
- Co-author in Model of shared ATLAS Tier2 and Tier3 facilities in EGI/gLite Grid flavour
- Co-author in Providing WLCG Global Transfer monitoring
- Co-author in The ATLAS Computing activities and developments of the Italian Cloud
- Co-author in The ATLAS LFC consolidation
- Co-author in The “Common Solutions" Strategy of the Experiment Support group at CERN for the LHC Experiments
Philippe Canal
- Author in Improvements in ROOT I/O
- Co-author in Cling - The LLVM-based C++ Interpreter
- Luca Canali (CERN)
German Cancio Melia
- Author in Tape status and strategy at CERN
- Co-author in Tape write efficiency improvements in CASTOR
Eric Cano
- Co-author in Status and evolution of CASTOR (Cern Advanced STORage)
- Co-author in Tape status and strategy at CERN
- Co-author in Tape write efficiency improvements in CASTOR
Fabio Capannini
- Author in New developments in the CREAM Computing Element
- Co-author in CREAM Computing Element: a status update
- Co-author in Multi-platform Automated Software Building and Packaging
- Vincenzo Capone (Universita e INFN (IT))
- Vincenzo Capone (Universita e INFN (IT))
- Costin Caramarcu (Horia Hulubei National Institute of Physics and Nuclear Enginee)
- Ruggero Caravita (Universita e INFN (IT))
Franco Carena
- Co-author in ALICE moves into warp drive.
- Co-author in Orthos, an alarm system for the ALICE DAQ operations
- Co-author in Preparing the ALICE DAQ upgrade
- Co-author in The ALICE DAQ Detector Algorithms framework
Wisla Carena
- Co-author in ALICE moves into warp drive.
- Co-author in Orthos, an alarm system for the ALICE DAQ operations
- Co-author in Preparing the ALICE DAQ upgrade
- Co-author in The ALICE DAQ Detector Algorithms framework
- Giampaolo Carlino (INFN, Sezione di Napoli-Universita & INFN, Napoli)
Federico Carminati
- Author in A reflection on Software Engineering in HEP
- Author in AliEn Extreme JobBrokering
- Author in Rethinking particle transport in the many-core era
- Co-author in A new communication framework for the ALICE Grid
- Co-author in AliEn: ALICE Environment on the GRID
- Co-author in Dynamic parallel ROOT facility clusters on the Alice Environment
- Co-author in Employing peer-to-peer software distribution in ALICE Grid Services to enable opportunistic use of OSG resources
- Co-author in Parallelization of the AliRoot event reconstruction by performing a semi- automatic source-code transformation
- Co-author in The Reputation-Based Trust Model for AliEn2
- Leonardo Carminati (INFN Sezione di Milano (INFN))
- Concetta Cartaro (SLAC National Accelerator Lab.)
- Diego Casadei (New York University (US))
Adrian Casajus Ramo
(University of Barcelona (ES))
- Author in DIRAC RESTful API
- Author in Executor framework for DIRAC
- Author in Status of the DIRAC Project
- Co-author in Integration of WS-PGRADE/gUSE portal and DIRAC
- Co-author in The Integration of CloudStack and OpenNebula with DIRAC
- Tony Cass (CERN)
- Marco Cattaneo (CERN)
- Marc Caubet Serrabou (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)
- Francesca Cavallari (Universita e INFN, Roma I (IT))
- Alessandro Cavalli (INFN-CNAF)
- Andrea Ceccanti (Istituto Nazionale Fisica Nucleare (IT))
Marco Cecchi
(Istituto Nazionale Fisica Nucleare (IT))
- Author in New developments in the CREAM Computing Element
- Author in Workload management in the EMI project
- Co-author in Consolidation and development roadmap of the EMI middleware
- Co-author in CREAM Computing Element: a status update
Daniele Cesini
- Author in WMSMonitor advancements in the EMI era
- Irakli Chakaberia (Kansas State University)
- Phool Chand (BARC)
Sylvain Chapeland
- Author in Orthos, an alarm system for the ALICE DAQ operations
- Author in The ALICE DAQ Detector Algorithms framework
- Co-author in ALICE moves into warp drive.
- Co-author in Improving Software Quality of the ALICE Data-Acquisition System through Program Analysis
- Co-author in Preparing the ALICE DAQ upgrade
Douglas Chapin
- Author in DZERO Level 3 DAQ/Trigger Closeout
- Ioannis Charalampidis (Aristotle Univ. of Thessaloniki (GR))
Philippe Charpentier
- Author in Major changes to the LHCb Grid computing model in year 2 of LHC data
- Author in The LHCb Data Management System
- Co-author in Consistency between Grid Storage Elements and File Catalogs for the LHCb experiment's data
- Co-author in LHCbDIRAC: distributed computing in LHCb
- Co-author in Offline Processing in the Online Computer Farm
Pierre Charrue
- Co-author in The new CERN Controls Middleware
- Laurent Chevalier (CEA - Centre d'Etudes de Saclay (FR))
Vasco Chibante Barroso
- Author in ALICE moves into warp drive.
- Co-author in Orthos, an alarm system for the ALICE DAQ operations
- Co-author in Preparing the ALICE DAQ upgrade
- Co-author in The ALICE DAQ Detector Algorithms framework
- Andrea Chierici (INFN-CNAF)
- Lisa Azzurra Chinzer (Universita e INFN (IT))
Dmitry Chirkin
(UW Madison)
- Co-author in IceCubes GPGPU's cluster for extensive MC production
Kihyeon Cho
- Author in Belle II Data Handling System
- Peter Chochula (CERN)
- Dmitri Chubarov (Institute of Computational Technologies)
Jiri Chudoba
(Acad. of Sciences of the Czech Rep. (CZ))
- Co-author in IPv6 testing and deployment at Prague Tier 2
- Thorsten Chwalek (KIT - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
Janusz Chwastowski
(Polish Academy of Sciences (PL))
- Co-author in The CC1 project - Cloud Computing for Science
Vincenzo Ciaschini
- Author in A General Purpose Grid Portal for simplified access to Distributed Computing Infrastructures
- Co-author in DIRAC evaluation for the SuperB experiment
- Co-author in Exploiting new CPU architectures in the SuperB software framework
- Co-author in SuperB R&D computing program: HTTP direct access to distributed resources
- Co-author in SuperB Simulation Production System
- Co-author in Testing and evaluating storage technology to build a distributed Tier1 for SuperB in Italy
Krzysztof Ciba
- Co-author in LHCbDIRAC: distributed computing in LHCb
- Marek Ciganek (CERN)
Mattia Cinquilli
(Univ. of California San Diego (US))
- Author in Experiment Dashboard - a generic, scalable solution for monitoring of the LHC computing activities, distributed sites and services
- Author in Implementing data placement strategies for the CMS experiment based on a popularity mode
- Co-author in A gLite FTS based solution for managing user output in CMS
- Co-author in CRAB3: Establishing a new generation of services for distributed analysis at CMS
- Co-author in The “Common Solutions" Strategy of the Experiment Support group at CERN for the LHC Experiments
- Claudia Ciocca (Dipartimento di Fisica-Universita degli Studi di Bologna-Univers)
- Cristian Cirstea (Technische Universtiteit Eindhoven)
- Mauro Citterio (Universita e INFN (IT))
Sergio Cittolin
(Univ. of California San Diego (US))
- Author in Upgrade of the CMS Event Builder
- Co-author in Distributed error and alarm processing in the CMS data acquisition system
- Co-author in Health and performance monitoring of the large and diverse online computing cluster of CMS
- Co-author in High availability through full redundancy of the CMS detector controls system
- Co-author in Operational experience with the CMS Data Acquisition System
- Co-author in The CMS High Level Trigger System: Experience and Future Development
- Co-author in The Compact Muon Solenoid Detector Control System
- Philip Clark (University of Edinburgh (GB))
- Peter Clarke (University of Edinburgh (GB))
- Richard Claus (SLAC)
- Marco Clemencic (CERN)
- Joel Closier (CERN)
Jose Antonio Coarasa Perez
- Author in Upgrade of the CMS Event Builder
- Co-author in Distributed error and alarm processing in the CMS data acquisition system
- Co-author in Health and performance monitoring of the large and diverse online computing cluster of CMS
- Co-author in High availability through full redundancy of the CMS detector controls system
- Co-author in Operational experience with the CMS Data Acquisition System
- Co-author in The CMS High Level Trigger System: Experience and Future Development
- Co-author in The Compact Muon Solenoid Detector Control System
- Andrea Coccaro (Universita e INFN (IT))
- Miguel Coelho Dos Santos (CERN)
- Josh Cogan (SLAC)
- David Collados Polidura (CERN)
David Colling
(Imperial College Sci., Tech. & Med. (GB))
- Author in Investigating the performance of CMSSW on the AMD Bulldozer micro-architecture
- Author in Optimising the read-write performance of mass storage systems through the introduction of a fast write cache
- Co-author in Preparing for long-term data preservation and access in CMS
- Co-author in The Memory of MICE, the Configuration Database
- Tommaso Colombo (Universita e INFN (IT))
- J. Colomé (Institut de Ciències de l'Espai, IEEC-CSIC, Campus UAB, Facultat de Ciències, Torre C5 par-2, Bellaterra, 08193, Spain)
- Gabriele Compostella (Max-Planck-Institut fuer Physik-Max-Planck-Gesellschaft (MPG))
Linda Coney
(University of California, Riverside)
- Author in Project Management Web Tools at the MICE experiment
- Author in The MICE Online Systems
Janet Conrad
- Co-author in Double Chooz Physical Environment Monitoring System
- Lionel Cons (CERN)
- Carlos Contreras (Departamento de Fisica-Univ. Tecnica Federico Santa Maria (UTFSM)
- Gene Cooperman (Unknown)
- Gene Cooperman (Northeastern University)
- Mirko Corosu (INFN)
- Joao Correia Fernandes (CERN)
- Alina Corso Radu (University of California Irvine (US))
Marco Corvo
- Author in Exploiting new CPU architectures in the SuperB software framework
- Co-author in DIRAC evaluation for the SuperB experiment
- Co-author in SuperB R&D computing program: HTTP direct access to distributed resources
- Co-author in SuperB Simulation Production System
- Co-author in Testing and evaluating storage technology to build a distributed Tier1 for SuperB in Italy
- Gabriele Cosmo (CERN)
- Fabio Cossutti (Universita e INFN (IT))
Filippo Costa
- Co-author in ALICE moves into warp drive.
- Co-author in Orthos, an alarm system for the ALICE DAQ operations
- Co-author in Preparing the ALICE DAQ upgrade
- Co-author in The ALICE DAQ Detector Algorithms framework
Ignacio Coterillo Coz
(Universidad de Cantabria (ES))
- Co-author in The Database on Demand service
Kyle Stuart Cranmer
(New York University (US))
- Author in RECAST
- Co-author in RooStats: Statistical Tools for the LHC
- Jack Cranshaw (Argonne National Laboratory (US))
- Matt Crawford (Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (Fermilab))
- Alberto Crescente (INFN)
- Andrea Cristofori (INFN-CNAF, IGI)
David Crooks
(University of Glasgow/GridPP)
- Co-author in Bolting the Door
- Co-author in Engaging with IPv6: addresses for all
- David Crooks (University of Glasgow)
- for the CTA consortium (CTA)
- Cristobal Cuenca Almenar (Yale University (US))
Alberto Cuesta Noriega
(Universidad de Oviedo)
- Co-author in A PROOF Analysis Framework
- Alberto Cuesta-Noriega (Universidad de Oviedo)
- Samir Cury Siqueira (Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (BR))
David Cutts
(Brown University (US))
- Author in DZERO Level 3 DAQ/Trigger Closeout
- Patrick Czodrowski (Technische Universitaet Dresden (DE))
- Simon Dadoun (CNRS)
Waseem Daher
- Author in Ksplice: Update without rebooting
- Jonas Dahlblom (CSC — IT Center for Science Ltd)
- Gianni Dalla Torre
- Stefano Dal Pra (INFN)
- Georgiana Lavinia Darlea (Polytechnic University of Bucharest (RO))
- Diogo Raphael Da Silva Di Calafiori (Eidgenoessische Tech. Hochschule Zuerich (CH))
- Diego Da Silva Gomes (Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (BR))
Sridhara Dasu
(University of Wisconsin (US))
- Co-author in Using Xrootd to Federate Regional Storage
- Co-author in Xrootd Monitoring for the CMS experiment
- Saverio D'Auria (University of Glasgow (GB))
- Brian Davies (STFC RALLCG2 Tier1)
Kaushik De
(University of Texas at Arlington (US))
- Author in ATLAS Data Caching based on the Probability of Data Popularity
- Co-author in Evolution of ATLAS PanDA System
- Co-author in Exploiting Virtualization and Cloud Computing in ATLAS
- Co-author in PD2P : PanDA Dynamic Data Placement for ATLAS
- Co-author in Recent Improvements in the ATLAS PanDA Pilot
Hubert Degaudenzi
(Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (CH))
- Co-author in A CMake-based build and configuration framework
- Co-author in LHCb Conditions Database Operation Assistance Systems
- Donato De Girolamo (INFN-CNAF)
- Simon Delamare (INRIA)
Christian Deldicque
- Author in Upgrade of the CMS Event Builder
- Co-author in Distributed error and alarm processing in the CMS data acquisition system
- Co-author in Health and performance monitoring of the large and diverse online computing cluster of CMS
- Co-author in High availability through full redundancy of the CMS detector controls system
- Co-author in Operational experience with the CMS Data Acquisition System
- Co-author in The CMS High Level Trigger System: Experience and Future Development
- Co-author in The Compact Muon Solenoid Detector Control System
- Manuel Delfino Reznicek (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (ES))
- Andrea Dell'Acqua (CERN)
- Luca dell'Agnello (INFN-CNAF)
- Giuseppe Della Ricca (University & INFN, Trieste)
- Domenico DelPrete (INFN Napoli)
Domenico DelPrete
(INFN Napoli)
- Co-author in DIRAC evaluation for the SuperB experiment
- Co-author in Exploiting new CPU architectures in the SuperB software framework
- Co-author in SuperB R&D computing program: HTTP direct access to distributed resources
- Co-author in SuperB Simulation Production System
- Philip DeMar (FERMILAB)
Ervin Denes
(Hungarian Academy of Sciences (HU))
- Co-author in ALICE moves into warp drive.
- Co-author in Orthos, an alarm system for the ALICE DAQ operations
- Co-author in Preparing the ALICE DAQ upgrade
- Co-author in The ALICE DAQ Detector Algorithms framework
- Jianrong Deng (University of California Irvine (US))
- ziyan Deng (Institute of High Energy Physics, Beijing, China)
Laura De Oliveira Fernandes Moraes
(Univ. Federal do Rio de Janeiro (BR))
- Co-author in Atlas Analysis and Conference Notes
- Alessandro De Salvo (Universita e INFN, Roma I (IT))
- Asoka De Silva (TRIUMF (CA))
- John Steven De Stefano Jr (Brookhaven National Laboratory (US))
- Daniel DeTone (University of Michigan)
- Gregory Deuerling (Fermilab)
- Adrien Devresse (University of Nancy I (FR))
- Alastair Dewhurst (STFC - Science & Technology Facilities Council (GB))
- Partha Dhara (Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre, Kolkata (India))
Juan Carlos Díaz Vélez
(UW Madison)
- Co-author in IceCubes GPGPU's cluster for extensive MC production
- Michele Dibenedetto (INFN CNAF)
Michele Dibenedetto
- Author in SYNCAT - Storage Catalogue Consistency
- Daniel Dieguez Arias (University of Vigo (ES))
Victor Diez Gonzalez
(CERN fellow)
- Author in The LCG/AA integration build system
Alessandro Di Girolamo
- Author in Collaborative development. Case study of the development of flexible monitoring applications
- Author in Service monitoring in the LHC experiments
- Co-author in AGIS: The ATLAS Grid Information System
- Co-author in ATLAS Distributed Computing Shift Operation in the first 2 full years of LHC data taking
- Co-author in Automating ATLAS Computing Operations using the Site Status Board
- Co-author in New solutions for large scale functional tests in the WLCG infrastructure with SAM/Nagios: the experiments experience
- Co-author in The ATLAS Computing activities and developments of the Italian Cloud
- Co-author in The “Common Solutions" Strategy of the Experiment Support group at CERN for the LHC Experiments
- Salvatore Di Guida (CERN)
- Hans Dijkstra (CERN)
- Alberto Di Meglio (CERN)
Gancho Dimitrov
(Brookhaven National Laboratory (US))
- Author in The ATLAS database application enhancements using Oracle 11g
- Co-author in Accounting the ATLAS DDM system -- A case study with Oracle, MongoDB and HBase
- Co-author in ATLAS DDM/DQ2 & NoSQL databases: Use cases and experiences
- Co-author in Monitoring of computing resource utilization of the ATLAS experiment
- Maria Dimou (CERN)
- Roberto Di Nardo (Istituto Nazionale Fisica Nucleare - Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati (IT))
Lorenzo Dini
- Co-author in Grid Information Systems Revisited
- Co-author in Multi-platform Automated Software Building and Packaging
- Co-author in Why Are Common Quality and Development Policies Needed?
- Alan Dion (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
Andrea Di Simone
(Universita degli Studi di Roma Tor Vergata (IT))
- Co-author in DIRAC evaluation for the SuperB experiment
- Co-author in Exploiting new CPU architectures in the SuperB software framework
- Co-author in SuperB R&D computing program: HTTP direct access to distributed resources
- Co-author in SuperB Simulation Production System
- Co-author in Testing and evaluating storage technology to build a distributed Tier1 for SuperB in Italy
- Riccardo Di Sipio (Universita e INFN (IT))
- Guenther Dissertori (Eidgenoessische Tech. Hochschule Zuerich (CH))
Roberto Divia
- Co-author in ALICE moves into warp drive.
- Co-author in Orthos, an alarm system for the ALICE DAQ operations
- Co-author in Preparing the ALICE DAQ upgrade
- Co-author in The ALICE DAQ Detector Algorithms framework
Marc Dobson
- Author in Upgrade of the CMS Event Builder
- Co-author in Distributed error and alarm processing in the CMS data acquisition system
- Co-author in Health and performance monitoring of the large and diverse online computing cluster of CMS
- Co-author in High availability through full redundancy of the CMS detector controls system
- Co-author in Operational experience with the CMS Data Acquisition System
- Co-author in The CMS High Level Trigger System: Experience and Future Development
- Co-author in The Compact Muon Solenoid Detector Control System
Thomas Doherty
(Department of Physics and Astronomy-University of Glasgow)
- Co-author in TAG Base Skimming In ATLAS
- Thomas Doherty (University of Glasgow (GB))
- Matthew Doidge (Lancaster University)
- Klaus Dolag (MPI für Astrophysik, Garching, Germany)
- Marek Domaracky (CERN)
- Xin Dong (Northeastern University)
- Danilo Dongiovanni (INFN-CNAF, IGI)
Giacinto Donvito
- Author in A General Purpose Grid Portal for simplified access to Distributed Computing Infrastructures
- Author in Connecting multiple clouds and mixing real and virtual resources via the open source WNoDeS framework
- Author in SSD Scalability Performance for HEP data analysis using PROOF
- Author in SuperB R&D computing program: HTTP direct access to distributed resources
- Co-author in DIRAC evaluation for the SuperB experiment
- Co-author in Exploiting new CPU architectures in the SuperB software framework
- Co-author in SuperB Simulation Production System
- Co-author in Testing and evaluating storage technology to build a distributed Tier1 for SuperB in Italy
- Giacinto Donvito (Universita e INFN (IT))
- Alessandra Doria (Universita e INFN (IT))
- Alessandra Doria (Univ. + INFN)
Alvise Dorigo
- Author in New developments in the CREAM Computing Element
- Co-author in CREAM Computing Element: a status update
- Tim Dos Santos (Bergische Universitaet Wuppertal (DE))
- Jeffrey Michael Dost (University of California San Diego)
- Andrea Dotti (CERN)
- Ran Du (Chinese Academy of Sciences (CN))
- Xi Duan (Illinois Institute of Technology)
- Laurent Duflot (Universite de Paris-Sud 11 (FR))
- vibhuti duggal (BARC)
- Liam Duguid (University of London (GB))
- Catalin Lucian Dumitrescu (Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US))
- Irina Dumitru (University of Bucharest (RO))
- Monica Dunford (CERN)
Aymeric Arnaud Dupont
- Author in Upgrade of the CMS Event Builder
- Co-author in Distributed error and alarm processing in the CMS data acquisition system
- Co-author in Health and performance monitoring of the large and diverse online computing cluster of CMS
- Co-author in High availability through full redundancy of the CMS detector controls system
- Co-author in Operational experience with the CMS Data Acquisition System
- Co-author in The CMS High Level Trigger System: Experience and Future Development
Aymeric Arnaud Dupont
- Co-author in The Compact Muon Solenoid Detector Control System
- Valentina Dutta (Massachusetts Inst. of Technology (US))
Andrzej Dworak
- Author in The new CERN Controls Middleware
Dave Dykstra
(Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US))
- Author in Comparison of the Frontier Distributed Database Caching System with NoSQL Databases
- Author in Identifying gaps in Grid middleware on fast networks with the Advanced Network Initiative
- Author in LCG Persistency Framework (POOL, CORAL, COOL) - Status and Outlook
- Co-author in Evolution of grid-wide access to database resident information in ATLAS using Frontier
- Co-author in Operational Experience with the Frontier System in CMS
- Co-author in Secure Wide Area Network Access to CMS Analysis Data Using the Lustre Filesystem
Ivan Antoniev Dzhunov
(University of Sofia)
- Author in Collaborative development. Case study of the development of flexible monitoring applications
- Author in Experiment Dashboard - a generic, scalable solution for monitoring of the LHC computing activities, distributed sites and services
- Author in Key developments of the Ganga task-management framework.
- Co-author in BESIII and SuperB: Distributed job management with Ganga
- Co-author in Designing and developing portable large-scale JavaScript web applications within the Experiment Dashboard framework
- Co-author in hBrowse - Generic framework for hierarchical data visualization
- David Eads (Fermilab)
- Marcus Ebert (SLAC National Accelerator Lab.)
- Johannes Ebke (Ludwig-Maximilians-Univ. Muenchen (DE))
- Ulrik Egede (Imperial College Sci., Tech. & Med. (GB))
Marek Elias
- Co-author in IPv6 testing and deployment at Prague Tier 2
- Sabine Elles (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR))
- Peter Elmer (Princeton University (US))
Johannes Elmsheuser
(Ludwig-Maximilians-Univ. Muenchen (DE))
- Co-author in ATLAS Distributed Computing Shift Operation in the first 2 full years of LHC data taking
- Co-author in Experience in Grid Site Testing for ATLAS, CMS and LHCb with HammerCloud
- Co-author in Improving ATLAS grid site reliability with functional tests using HammerCloud
- Co-author in Key developments of the Ganga task-management framework.
- Andrew Elwell (CERN)
- Dmitry Emeliyanov (STFC - Science & Technology Facilities Council (GB))
- Jan Dominik Engels (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY))
- Stephane Eranian (Google)
- Hege Austrheim Erdal (Bergen University College (NO))
- Martin Erdmann (Rheinisch-Westfaelische Tech. Hoch. (DE))
- Martin Erdmann (III. Physikalisches Institut A, RWTH Aachen University, Germany)
Samim Erhan
(Univ. of California Los Angeles (US))
- Author in Upgrade of the CMS Event Builder
- Co-author in Distributed error and alarm processing in the CMS data acquisition system
- Co-author in Health and performance monitoring of the large and diverse online computing cluster of CMS
- Co-author in High availability through full redundancy of the CMS detector controls system
- Co-author in Operational experience with the CMS Data Acquisition System
- Co-author in The CMS High Level Trigger System: Experience and Future Development
- Co-author in The Compact Muon Solenoid Detector Control System
Michael Ernst
- Co-author in Using Xrootd to Federate Regional Storage
Xavier Espinal Curull
(Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (ES))
- Author in Dimensioning storage and computing clusters for efficient High Throughput Computing
- Author in Managing a site with Puppet
- Co-author in Automating ATLAS Computing Operations using the Site Status Board
- Co-author in Model of shared ATLAS Tier2 and Tier3 facilities in EGI/gLite Grid flavour
- Co-author in Prototype of a cloud-based Computing Service for ATLAS at PIC Tier1
- Rosario Esposito (INFN (IT))
- Giulio Eulisse (Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US))
- Dave Evans (Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US))
- Edgar Mauricio Fajardo Hernandez (Universidad de los Andes (CO))
- Enrico Fattibene (INFN-CNAF, IGI)
- Simon William Fayer (Imperial College Sci., Tech. & Med. (GB))
Valeri Fayn
(Brookhaven National Laboratory (US))
- Co-author in A Study of ATLAS Grid Performance for Distributed Analysis
- Co-author in Evolution of ATLAS PanDA System
- Gilles Fedak (INRIA)
- Ivan Fedorko (CERN)
- Mirjam Lena Fehling (Albert-Ludwigs-Universitaet Freiburg (DE))
Armando Fella
- Author in BESIII and SuperB: Distributed job management with Ganga
- Author in DIRAC evaluation for the SuperB experiment
- Co-author in Exploiting new CPU architectures in the SuperB software framework
- Co-author in SuperB R&D computing program: HTTP direct access to distributed resources
- Co-author in SuperB Simulation Production System
- Co-author in Testing and evaluating storage technology to build a distributed Tier1 for SuperB in Italy
- Victor Manuel Fernandez Albor (Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (ES))
Alvaro Fernandez Casani
(Universidad de Valencia (ES))
- Co-author in IFIC-Valencia Analysis Facility
Enol Fernandez Del Castillo
- Co-author in A PROOF Analysis Framework
- Enol Fernández-del-Castillo (Instituto de Física de Cantabria (UC-CSIC))
Pedro Ferreira
- Author in Indico: CERN Collaboration Hub
- John Peter Fetzko (Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL)-Unknown-Unknown)
- Matthias Feyerabend (GSI)
Lukas Fiala
(Acad. of Sciences of the Czech Rep. (CZ))
- Co-author in IPv6 testing and deployment at Prague Tier 2
Laurence Field
- Author in Grid Information Systems Revisited
- Co-author in Consolidation and development roadmap of the EMI middleware
- Andrej Filipcic (Jozef Stefan Institute (SI))
Felipe Fink Grael
(Univ. Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ))
- Co-author in Atlas Analysis and Conference Notes
Thomas Finnern
- Co-author in From IPv4 to eternity - the HEPiX IPv6 working group
- Robert Fischer (Rheinisch-Westfaelische Tech. Hoch. (DE))
- Ian Fisk (Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US))
José Flix
- Author in CMS resource utilization and limitations on the grid after the first two years of LHC collisions
- Author in Collaborative development. Case study of the development of flexible monitoring applications
- Author in Monitoring techniques and alarm procedures for CMS services and sites in WLCG
- Author in Performance studies and improvements of CMS Distributed Data Transfers
- Author in Service monitoring in the LHC experiments
- Author in The benefits and challenges of sharing glidein factory operations across nine time zones between OSG and CMS
- Author in Towards higher reliability of CMS Computing Facilities
- Co-author in CMS Data Transfer operations after the first years of LHC collisions
- Co-author in Making Connections - Networking the distributed computing system with LHCONE for CMS
- Co-author in Providing WLCG Global Transfer monitoring
Alexander Flossdorf
- Author in Upgrade of the CMS Event Builder
- Co-author in Distributed error and alarm processing in the CMS data acquisition system
- Co-author in Health and performance monitoring of the large and diverse online computing cluster of CMS
- Co-author in High availability through full redundancy of the CMS detector controls system
- Co-author in The CMS High Level Trigger System: Experience and Future Development
Alexander Flossdorf
(Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE))
- Co-author in Operational experience with the CMS Data Acquisition System
- Co-author in The Compact Muon Solenoid Detector Control System
Gero Flucke
(Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE))
- Co-author in Alignment Procedures for the CMS Silicon Tracker
- Sandro Fonseca De Souza (Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (BR))
- Alessandra Forti (University of Manchester (GB))
David Foster
- Co-author in From IPv4 to eternity - the HEPiX IPv6 working group
- Stephen Foulkes (Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (Fermilab))
- Steve Foulkes (Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US))
- Paolo Franchini (INFN CNAF, Bologna, Italy)
Markus Frank
- Author in An Information System to Access Status Information of the LHCb Online
- Author in LCG Persistency Framework (POOL, CORAL, COOL) - Status and Outlook
- Author in Optimization of the HLT Resource Consumption in the LHCb Experiment
- Co-author in A Fully Software-based Online Test-bench for LHCb
- Co-author in Offline Processing in the Online Computer Farm
- Martin Frank (UVA)
Arthur Franke
(Columbia University)
- Co-author in The Double Chooz Online Monitor Framework
- Co-author in The DoubleChooz DAQ systems.
- Kyle Fransham (University of Victoria)
- Sebastien Franz (CERN)
- Dan Fraser (Argonne National Laboratory)
- Michael Frey (Bucknell University)
- ottorino Frezza (INFN Roma - Roma)
Eric Frizziero
(Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro)
- Author in New developments in the CREAM Computing Element
- Co-author in CREAM Computing Element: a status update
- Daniel Froidevaux (CERN)
- David Front (Weizmann Institute of Science (IL))
- David Front (SW engineer)
Oliver Frost
- Author in Regression testing in the TOTEM DCS
Rudolf Fruhwirth
(Austrian Academy of Sciences (AT))
- Co-author in low momentum track finding in Belle 2
- Co-author in Track Reconstruction in Belle 2
Ulrich Fuchs
- Co-author in ALICE moves into warp drive.
- Co-author in Orthos, an alarm system for the ALICE DAQ operations
- Co-author in Preparing the ALICE DAQ upgrade
- Co-author in The ALICE DAQ Detector Algorithms framework
- Paloma Fuente Fernandez (CERN)
Patrick Fuhrmann
- Author in dCache, agile adoption of storage technology
- Author in Dynamic federations: storage aggregation using open tools and protocols
- Author in Evaluation of benefits of a three tier data model for WLCG analysis
- Author in Experience with HEP analysis on mounted filesystems
- Author in The DESY Grid Lab in action
- Co-author in Consolidation and development roadmap of the EMI middleware
- Jerome Fulachier (Universite Joseph Fourier (FR))
Fabrizio Furano
- Author in Dynamic federations: storage aggregation using open tools and protocols
- Author in SYNCAT - Storage Catalogue Consistency
- Author in The ATLAS LFC consolidation
- Co-author in DPM: Future-proof storage
- Ian Gable (University of Victoria (CA))
Thomas Gadfort
(Brookhaven National Laboratory (US))
- Author in DZERO Level 3 DAQ/Trigger Closeout
- Frank-Dieter Gaede (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE))
- Luciano Gaido (INFN-TO, IGI)
Elizabeth Gallas
(University of Oxford (GB))
- Author in Conditions and Configuration Metadata for the ATLAS experiment
- Co-author in A Programmatic View of Metadata, Metadata Services, and Metadata Flow in ATLAS
- Co-author in Evolution of grid-wide access to database resident information in ATLAS using Frontier
- Co-author in File and Dataset Metadata Collection and Use in Atlas
- Andrea Galvani (Infn - sezione di Ferrara)
Philippe Galvez
- Author in From EVO to SeeVogh
- Carlos Fernando Gamboa (Department of Physics-Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL)-Unkno)
- Gerardo Ganis (CERN)
- Igor Gaponenko (SLAC National Accelerator Lab.)
- Francisca Garay Walls (University of Edinburgh (GB))
Aran Garcia-Bellido
(University of Rochester)
- Author in DZERO Level 3 DAQ/Trigger Closeout
- Nicoletta Garelli (CERN)
Jean-Christophe Garnier
- Co-author in A Fully Software-based Online Test-bench for LHCb
- Laurent Garnier (LAL-IN2P3-CNRS)
Vincent Garonne
- Co-author in Accounting the ATLAS DDM system -- A case study with Oracle, MongoDB and HBase
- Co-author in ATLAS DDM/DQ2 & NoSQL databases: Use cases and experiences
- Co-author in ATLAS DQ2 Deletion Service
- Co-author in Popularity framework for monitoring user workload
- Co-author in Simulating the ATLAS Distributed Data Management System
- Co-author in The ATLAS DDM Tracer monitoring framework
- Co-author in The ATLAS Distributed Data Management project: Past and Future
- Co-author in The ATLAS LFC consolidation
- Xavier Garrido (CNRS)
- Gabriele Garzoglio (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
Gabriele Garzoglio
- Author in Identifying gaps in Grid middleware on fast networks with the Advanced Network Initiative
- Author in Supporting Shared Resource Usage for a Diverse User Community: the OSG experience and lessons learned
- Co-author in End-To-End Solution for Integrated Workload and Data Management using glideinWMS and Globus Online
Clara Gaspar
- Co-author in A Fully Software-based Online Test-bench for LHCb
- Co-author in An Information System to Access Status Information of the LHCb Online
- Co-author in Offline Processing in the Online Computer Farm
Ruben Domingo Gaspar Aparicio
- Author in The Database on Demand service
- Martin Gasthuber (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE))
- Stavro Gayazov (Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics (RU))
- Marek Gayer (CERN)
Andreas Gellrich
- Author in Optimizing Resource Utilization in Grid Batch Systems
- Author in Virtualization of Grid Services
- Co-author in The DESY Grid Centre
- Simon George (University of London (GB))
- Marco Gersabeck (CERN)
Claudio Fernando Resin Geyer
- Co-author in JavaFIRE: A Replica and File System for Grids
- Andrei Gheata (CERN)
Francesco Giacomini
- Co-author in DIRAC evaluation for the SuperB experiment
- Co-author in Exploiting new CPU architectures in the SuperB software framework
- Co-author in SuperB R&D computing program: HTTP direct access to distributed resources
- Co-author in SuperB Simulation Production System
- Co-author in Testing and evaluating storage technology to build a distributed Tier1 for SuperB in Italy
- Francesco Giacomini (INFN CNAF)
Alessio Gianelle
(Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN))
- Author in New developments in the CREAM Computing Element
- Co-author in CREAM Computing Element: a status update
- Paola Giannetti (Sezione di Pisa (IT))
Alberto Gianoli
(INFN Ferrara)
- Co-author in DIRAC evaluation for the SuperB experiment
- Co-author in Exploiting new CPU architectures in the SuperB software framework
- Co-author in SuperB R&D computing program: HTTP direct access to distributed resources
- Co-author in SuperB Simulation Production System
- Co-author in Testing and evaluating storage technology to build a distributed Tier1 for SuperB in Italy
Walter Giele
- Co-author in A GPU-based multi-jet event generator for the LHC
- Manuel Giffels (CERN)
Dominique Gigi
- Author in Upgrade of the CMS Event Builder
- Co-author in Distributed error and alarm processing in the CMS data acquisition system
- Co-author in Health and performance monitoring of the large and diverse online computing cluster of CMS
- Co-author in High availability through full redundancy of the CMS detector controls system
- Co-author in Operational experience with the CMS Data Acquisition System
- Co-author in The CMS High Level Trigger System: Experience and Future Development
- Co-author in The Compact Muon Solenoid Detector Control System
- Raffaele Giordano (INFN)
Domenico Giordano
- Author in An innovative seeding technique for photon conversion reconstruction at CMS
- Author in CMS reconstruction improvements for the tracking in large pile-up events
- Author in Implementing data placement strategies for the CMS experiment based on a popularity mode
- Co-author in The “Common Solutions" Strategy of the Experiment Support group at CERN for the LHC Experiments
Emidlo Giorgio
(Istituto Nazionale Fisica Nucleare (IT))
- Co-author in EMI-european Middleware Initiative
Massimo Giovannozzi
- Co-author in BOINC service for volunteer cloud computing
- Maria Girone (CERN)
Tom Glanzmann
(SLAC, Fermi-LAT Collaboration)
- Co-author in The Fermi-LAT Dataprocessing Pipeline
Frank Glege
- Author in Upgrade of the CMS Event Builder
- Co-author in Distributed error and alarm processing in the CMS data acquisition system
- Co-author in Health and performance monitoring of the large and diverse online computing cluster of CMS
- Co-author in High availability through full redundancy of the CMS detector controls system
- Co-author in Operational experience with the CMS Data Acquisition System
- Co-author in The CMS High Level Trigger System: Experience and Future Development
- Co-author in The Compact Muon Solenoid Detector Control System
- Vladimir Gligorov (CERN)
Sebastien Goasguen
(Clemson University)
- Author in Middleware Evolution
- Steven Goldfarb (University of Michigan (US))
Tobias Golling
(Yale University (US))
- Co-author in ATLAS Offline Data Quality System Upgrade
- Dmitri Golubkov (Institute for High Energy Physics (IHEP)-Unknown-Unknown)
- Vitor Emanuel Gomes Gouveia (Universidade de Lisboa)
Daniel Gomez Blanco
- Co-author in The Database on Demand service
- Guillelmo Gomez Ceballos Retuerto (Massachusetts Inst. of Technology (US))
Robert Gomez-Reino Garrido
- Author in The Compact Muon Solenoid Detector Control System
- Author in Upgrade of the CMS Event Builder
- Co-author in Distributed error and alarm processing in the CMS data acquisition system
- Co-author in Health and performance monitoring of the large and diverse online computing cluster of CMS
- Co-author in High availability through full redundancy of the CMS detector controls system
- Co-author in Operational experience with the CMS Data Acquisition System
- Co-author in The CMS High Level Trigger System: Experience and Future Development
- Alvaro Gonzalez Alvarez (CERN)
Isidro Gonzalez Caballero
(Universidad de Oviedo (ES))
- Author in A PROOF Analysis Framework
- Co-author in Integrating PROOF Analysis in Cloud and Batch Clusters
- Santiago Gonzalez De La Hoz (Universidad de Valencia (ES))
- Santiago Gonzalez De La Hoz (IFIC-Valencia)
Jose Benito Gonzalez Lopez
- Author in Indico: CERN Collaboration Hub
- Horst Göringer (GSI)
- Giacomo Govi (Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US))
Stephen Gowdy
- Co-author in JavaFIRE: A Replica and File System for Grids
- Co-author in Performance Tests of CMSSW on the CernVM
Dushyant Goyal
(LNM Institute of Information Technology (IN))
- Author in AliEn Extreme JobBrokering
- Co-author in AliEn: ALICE Environment on the GRID
Ricardo Graciani Diaz
(University of Barcelona (ES))
- Author in Major changes to the LHCb Grid computing model in year 2 of LHC data
- Author in Status of the DIRAC Project
- Author in The Integration of CloudStack and OpenNebula with DIRAC
- Co-author in Application of the DIRAC framework in CTA: first evaluation
- Co-author in Consistency between Grid Storage Elements and File Catalogs for the LHCb experiment's data
- Co-author in DIRAC RESTful API
- Co-author in Executor framework for DIRAC
- Co-author in Integration of WS-PGRADE/gUSE portal and DIRAC
- Co-author in LHCbDIRAC: distributed computing in LHCb
Stewart Graeme
- Co-author in The ATLAS LFC consolidation
- Norman Anthony Graf (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory (US))
- Luis Granado Cardoso (CERN)
- Stefanie Granato (MPI Halbleiterlabor)
- Eric Grancher (CERN)
- Claudio Grandi (INFN - Bologna)
- Heather Gray (CERN)
- Norman Gray (The University of Glasgow)
- Julia Grebenyuk (DESY)
Christopher Green
(Department of Physics)
- Author in The art framework
- Daniele Gregori (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN))
Francois Grey
(University of London (GB))
- Co-author in BOINC service for volunteer cloud computing
- Vladimir Grichine (Russian Academy of Sciences (RU))
- Vytautas Grigaliunas (Fermilab)
Costin Grigoras
- Author in A new communication framework for the ALICE Grid
- Author in AliEn Extreme JobBrokering
- Co-author in AliEn: ALICE Environment on the GRID
- Co-author in Certified Grid Job Submission in the ALICE Grid Services
- Co-author in Dynamic parallel ROOT facility clusters on the Alice Environment
- Co-author in Employing peer-to-peer software distribution in ALICE Grid Services to enable opportunistic use of OSG resources
- Co-author in The Reputation-Based Trust Model for AliEn2
Alina Gabriela Grigoras
- Author in A new communication framework for the ALICE Grid
- Author in AliEn Extreme JobBrokering
- Co-author in AliEn: ALICE Environment on the GRID
- Co-author in The Reputation-Based Trust Model for AliEn2
Alexandru Grigore
(Polytechnic University of Bucharest (RO))
- Co-author in ALICE moves into warp drive.
- Co-author in Orthos, an alarm system for the ALICE DAQ operations
- Co-author in Preparing the ALICE DAQ upgrade
- Co-author in The ALICE DAQ Detector Algorithms framework
- Maxim Grigoriev (Fermilab)
David Groep
- Author in Introduction of CHEP2013 in Amsterdam
David Groep
- Co-author in Scalable proxy cache for Grid Data Access
- Kyle Gross (Open Science Grid / Indiana University)
- Andrea Guarise (INFN-TO, IGI)
- Fernando Guimaraes Ferreira (Univ. Federal do Rio de Janeiro (BR))
Sergio Guinez-Molinos
(School of Bioinformatics Engineering, Universidad de Talca)
- Co-author in The Reputation-Based Trust Model for AliEn2
- Christian Gumpert (Technische Universitaet Dresden (DE))
- Yuyi Guo (Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US))
- Oliver Gutsche (Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US))
- Jean-Marie Guyader (CERN)
Suzanne Gysin
- Co-author in Electronic Collaboration Logbook
- Vardan Gyurjyan (JEFFERSON LAB)
- Oystein Haaland (University of Bergen (NO))
Andrew Haas
(SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Author in DZERO Level 3 DAQ/Trigger Closeout
- Christophe Haen (Univ. Blaise Pascal Clermont-Fe. II (FR))
- Stephan G. Hageboeck (University of Bonn)
- John Haggerty (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
Vanessa Hamar
(CPPM-IN2P3-CNRS, Marseille)
- Author in Status of the DIRAC Project
- Vanessa Hamar (CPPM-IN2P3-CNRS)
- Mincheol Han (Hanyang Univ.)
- Yanliang Han (IHEP)
Pierrick Hanlet
(Illinois Institute of Technology)
- Author in Automating MICE Controls and Monitoring
- Co-author in The Memory of MICE, the Configuration Database
- Per Ola Hansson (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory (US))
Andrew Hanushevsky
- Author in Tiered Storage For LHC
- Co-author in Using Xrootd to Federate Regional Storage
- Kalle Happonen (Helsinki Institute of Physics HIP)
Takanori HARA
- Author in Computing at Belle II
- Robert Duane Harrington Jr (University of Edinburgh)
Christian Hartl
- Author in Upgrade of the CMS Event Builder
- Co-author in Distributed error and alarm processing in the CMS data acquisition system
- Co-author in Health and performance monitoring of the large and diverse online computing cluster of CMS
- Co-author in High availability through full redundancy of the CMS detector controls system
- Co-author in Operational experience with the CMS Data Acquisition System
- Co-author in The CMS High Level Trigger System: Experience and Future Development
- Co-author in The Compact Muon Solenoid Detector Control System
Artem Harutyunyan
- Author in CernVM Co-Pilot: an Extensible Framework for Building Scalable Cloud Computing Infrastructures
- Co-author in BOINC service for volunteer cloud computing
- Co-author in Long-term preservation of analysis software environment
- Co-author in Managing Virtual Machine Lifecycle in CernVM Project
- Co-author in Software installation and condition data distribution via CernVM FileSystem in ATLAS
- Co-author in Status and Future Perspectives of CernVM-FS
- John Harvey (CERN)
- Mihael Hategan (University of Chicago)
- Athanasios Hatzikoutelis (UTK)
- Steffen Hauf (Technische Universitaet Darmstadt-Unknown-Unknown)
Andreas Haupt
(Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE))
- Author in The DESY Grid Centre
- Reiner Hauser (Michigan State University (US))
- Thomas Hauth (KIT - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (DE))
- Marilyn Hay (BCNet)
- Soichi Hayashi (Indiana University)
Helen Hayward
(University of Liverpool (GB))
- Co-author in ATLAS Offline Data Quality System Upgrade
- Jason P. Hayward (Univ. of Tennessee)
- Miao HE (Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Martin Heck (KIT)
John Hefferman
- Co-author in Overview of storage operations at CERN
- Co-author in Status and evolution of CASTOR (Cern Advanced STORage)
Jeroen Hegeman
- Author in Upgrade of the CMS Event Builder
- Co-author in Distributed error and alarm processing in the CMS data acquisition system
- Co-author in Health and performance monitoring of the large and diverse online computing cluster of CMS
- Co-author in High availability through full redundancy of the CMS detector controls system
- Co-author in Operational experience with the CMS Data Acquisition System
- Co-author in The CMS High Level Trigger System: Experience and Future Development
- Co-author in The Compact Muon Solenoid Detector Control System
- Benedikt Hegner (CERN)
- Andreas Heiss (KIT - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (DE))
- Martin Philipp Hellmich (University of Edinburgh)
- Robert Henderson (Lancaster University)
- Valerie Hendrix (Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (US))
- Koeppel Hendryk (Deutsches Elektronen–Synchrotron, DESY, Platanenallee 6, D-15738 Zeuthen, Germany)
- Karol Hennessy (Liverpool)
- Ryan Herbst (SLAC)
- Fabio Hernandez (IN2P3/CNRS Computing Centre & IHEP Computing Centre)
- Jose Hernandez Calama (Centro de Investigaciones Energ. Medioambientales y Tecn. - (ES)
- Ted Hesselroth (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Yu.nakahama Higuchi (CERN)
- Takeo Higuchi (KEK)
- Andreas Hinzmann (Rheinisch-Westfaelische Tech. Hoch. (DE))
- SON HOANG (University of Houston)
Alex Liam James Hodgkins
(Loughborough University of Tech.)
- Author in The LCG/AA integration build system
Mark Hodgkinson
(University of Sheffield)
- Co-author in Software Validation in ATLAS
- Andreas Hoecker (CERN)
Bruno Heinrich Hoeft
(KIT - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (DE))
- Co-author in From IPv4 to eternity - the HEPiX IPv6 working group
- Co-author in Status and trends in networking at LHC Tier1 facilities
- Gabriela Hoff (CERN)
Dirk Hoffmann
(CPPM, Aix-Marseille Université, CNRS/IN2P3, Marseille, France)
- Author in PLUME – FEATHER
- Author in Prototyping a 10Gigabit-Ethernet Event-Builder for a Cherenkov Telescope Array
- Co-author in DCS Data Viewer, a Application that Access ATLAS DCS Historical Data.
- Co-author in Simultaneous Operation and Control of about 100 Telescopes for the Cherenkov Telescope Array
- Claudia Höhne (JLU Giessen, Giessen)
- Nils Hoimyr (CERN)
- Christopher Hollowell (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
- Oliver Holme (Eidgenoessische Tech. Hochschule Zuerich (CH))
- Don Holmgren (Fermilab)
- Burt Holzman (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
Andre Georg Holzner
(Univ. of California San Diego (US))
- Author in Upgrade of the CMS Event Builder
- Co-author in Distributed error and alarm processing in the CMS data acquisition system
- Co-author in Health and performance monitoring of the large and diverse online computing cluster of CMS
- Co-author in High availability through full redundancy of the CMS detector controls system
- Co-author in Operational experience with the CMS Data Acquisition System
- Co-author in The CMS High Level Trigger System: Experience and Future Development
- Co-author in The Compact Muon Solenoid Detector Control System
- Christian Höppner (Technische Universität München)
- Jiri Horky (Institute of Physics of the AS CR Prague)
Jiri Horky
(Acad. of Sciences of the Czech Rep. (CZ))
- Co-author in IPv6 testing and deployment at Prague Tier 2
Glenn Horton-Smith
(Kansas Univeristy)
- Co-author in Double Chooz Physical Environment Monitoring System
- Julien Houles (Centre de Physique des Particules de Marseille)
- John Hover (Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL)-Unknown-Unknown)
Jacob Russell Howard
(University of Oxford (GB))
- Co-author in GPU-based algorithms for ATLAS High-Level Trigger
- Alexander Howard (Institut fuer Teilchenphysik-Eidgenoessische Tech. Hochschule Z)
Julius Hrivnac
(Universite de Paris-Sud 11 (FR))
- Author in Implementing Parallel Algorithms
- Co-author in TAG Base Skimming In ATLAS
Ivana Hrivnacova
(IPN Orsay, CNRS/IN2P3)
- Author in The Geant4 Virtual Monte Carlo
- qiulan huang (Institute of High Energy Physics, Beijing)
- Jin Huang (Huazhong University of Science and Technology)
Chih-Hao Huang
(Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Co-author in Data storage accounting and verification in LHC experiments
- Co-author in From toolkit to framework - the past and future evolution of PhEDEx
- Co-author in No file left behind - monitoring transfer latencies in PhEDEx
- Co-author in The PhEDEx next-gen website
- Michael Huffer (SLAC)
Dirk Hufnagel
(Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US))
- Author in CMS Tier-0: Preparing for the future
Taesang Huh
- Author in Belle II Data Handling System
Soonwook Hwang
- Author in Belle II Data Handling System
Yi Ling Hwong
- Author in Upgrade of the CMS Event Builder
- Co-author in Distributed error and alarm processing in the CMS data acquisition system
- Co-author in Health and performance monitoring of the large and diverse online computing cluster of CMS
- Co-author in High availability through full redundancy of the CMS detector controls system
- Co-author in Operational experience with the CMS Data Acquisition System
- Co-author in The CMS High Level Trigger System: Experience and Future Development
- Co-author in The Compact Muon Solenoid Detector Control System
- Robert Illingworth (Fermilab)
- Emir Imamagic (SRCE)
- Sebastien Laurent Incerti (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR))
Vincenzo Innocente
- Author in Development and Evaluation of Vectorised and Multi-Core Event Reconstruction Algorithms within the CMS Software Framework
- Co-author in Handling of time-critical Conditions Data in the CMS experiment - Experience of the first year of data taking
- Co-author in Numerical accuracy and auto-vectorization of probability density functions used in high energy physics
- Alessandro Italiano (INFN-CNAF)