Giacinto Donvito
(Universita e INFN (IT))
A Consortium between four LHC Computing Centers (Bari, Milano, Pisa
and Trieste) has been formed in 2010 to prototype Analysis-oriented
facilities for CMS data analysis, using a grant from the Italian
Ministry of Research. The Consortium aims to the realization of an
ad-hoc infrastructure to ease the analysis activities on the huge data
set collected by the CMS Experiment, at the LHC Collider. While
"Tier2" Computing Centres, specialized in organized processing tasks
like Monte Carlo simulation, are nowadays a well established concept,
with years of running experience, site specialized towards end user
chaotic analysis activities do not yet have a de-facto standard
implementation. In our effort, we focus on all the aspects which can
make the analysis tasks easier for a physics user not expert in
computing. On the storage side, we are experimenting on storage
techniques allowing for remote data access and on storage optimization
on the typical analysis access patterns. On the networking side, we are
studying the differences between flat and tiered LAN architecture,
also using virtual partitioning of the same physical networking for
the different use patterns. Finally, on the user side, we are
developing tools and instruments to allow for an exhaustive monitoring
of their processes at the site, and for an efficient support system in
case of problems.
We will report about the results of the test executed on different subsystem and give a description of the layout of the infrastructure in place at the site participating to the consortium.
Giacinto Donvito
(Universita e INFN (IT))
Giuseppe Bagliesi
(Sezione di Pisa (IT))
Giuseppe Della Ricca
(University & INFN, Trieste)
Marco Paganoni
(Univ. degli Studi Milano-Bicocca (IT))
Tommaso Boccali
(Sezione di Pisa (IT))