jill gemmill
RIDER is an NSF-funded study (Award #1223688) of the current and future 2020
international data requirements of the science and engineering community,
specifically flow of data into the US. Results will assist NSF in predicting future
capacity requirements and planning funding for the International Research Network
Connections (IRNC) programs.
This BoF is an opportunity to provide your input to this NSF study. Discussion
topics will include:
* Are you thinking about moving data from other countries into the US now and in
the future? What data? From where?
* What do you view as the current top three data sources important to your research?
* What would you expect the top three data drivers to be in 2020?
* How do you access large data sets originating overseas (What are the steps?)
* What worries/concerns you about current and future international data movement?
* Are there gaps in current network infrastructure ? Do you forsee possible future
gaps ?
* How do you let your funding agencies know about your future international network
requirements? (by email? Phone? Face to face?other? )
* How do you let your network / infrastructure support people know of your future
international network requirements? ? (by email? Phone? Face to face? Other?)
* What else should be paid attention to besides moving the data? Are storage and
access (search/locate) adequately addressed? What will be the challenges in 2020?
* Will there be large amounts of data coming from new international sources? What
data? What countries?