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21–25 May 2012
New York City, NY, USA
US/Eastern timezone

Refactoring, reengineering and evolution: paths to Geant4 uncertainty quantification and performance improvement

22 May 2012, 13:55
Room 905/907 (Kimmel Center)

Room 905/907

Kimmel Center

Parallel Event Processing (track 2) Event Processing


Dr Maria Grazia Pia (Universita e INFN (IT))


Quantitative results on Geant4 physics validation and computational performance are reported: they cover a wide spectrum of electromagnetic and hadronic processes, and are the product of a systematic, multi-disciplinary effort of collaborating physicists, nuclear engineers and statisticians. They involve comparisons with established experimental references in the literature and ad hoc measurements by collaborating experimental groups. The results highlight concurrent effects of Geant4 software design and implementation on physics accuracy, computational speed and memory consumption. Prototype alternatives, which improve these three aspects, are presented: they span a variety of strategies - from refactoring and reengineering existing Geant4 code to new and significantly different approaches in physics modeling, software design and software development methods. Solutions that simultaneously contribute to both physics and computational performance improvements are highlighted. In parallel, knowledge gaps embedded in Geant4 physics models are identified and discussed: they are due to lack of experimental data or conflicting measurements preventing the validation of the models themselves, and represent a potential source of systematic effects in detector observables.

Primary authors

Gabriela Hoff (CERN) Dr Maria Grazia Pia (Universita e INFN (IT)) Mr Matej Batic (Jozef Stefan Institute) Steffen Hauf (Technische Universitaet Darmstadt-Unknown-Unknown)


Andreas Zoglauer (UC Berkeley) Chan Hyeong Kim (Hanyang Univ.) Georg Weidenspointner (MPI Halbleiterlabor) Hee Seo (Hanyang Univ.) Jason P. Hayward (Univ. of Tennessee) Marcia Begalli (State Univ. Rio de Janeiro) Markus Kuster (XFEL) Mincheol Han (Hanyang Univ.) Paolo Giovanni Saracco Zane W. Bell (ORNL)

Presentation materials