Andreas Heiss
(KIT - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (DE))
GridKa, operated by the Steinbuch Centre for Computing at KIT, is the German regional centre for high energy and
astroparticle physics computing, supporting currently 10 experiments and serving as a Tier-1 centre for the four LHC
experiments. Since the beginning of the project in 2002, the total compute power is upgraded at least once per year to follow
the increasing demands of the experiments. The hardware is typically operated for about four years until it is replaced by
more modern machines. The GridKa compute farm thus consists of a mixture of several generations of compute nodes differing
in several parameters, e.g. CPU types, main memory, network connection bandwidth etc.
We compare the CPU efficiency (CPU time to wall time ratio) of high energy physics and astrophysics compute jobs on these different types of compute nodes and estimate the impact of the ongoing trend towards many-core CPUs.
Andreas Heiss
(KIT - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (DE))