Jakob Lettenbichler
(HEPHY Vienna, Austria)Mr
Moritz Nadler
(Austrian Academy of Sciences (AT))
Rudolf Fruhwirth
(Austrian Academy of Sciences (AT))
The Silicon Vertex Detector (SVD) of the Belle II experiment is a
newly developed device with four measurement layers. The detector is
designed to enable track reconstruction down to the lowest momenta
possible, in order to significantly increase the effective data sample
and the physics potential of the experiment. Both track finding and
track fitting have to deal with these requirements. We describe the
outline of the track finding procedure and details of the track fit.
An immportant aspect of the latter is the correct treatment of
material effects such as multiple Coulomb scattering and energy loss
by ionization at very low particle energies. As the SVD is an
ultra-light design, non-Gaussian tails in the multiple scattering
distributions are non-negligible and have to be dealt with. We present
results from a Deterministic Annealing Filter (DAF) and compare its
performance to the baseline Kalman filter. Both methods are
implemented using the GENFIT package. We describe the various
modifications and improvements of GENFIT that are required for a
successful application in the Belle II environment.
Student? Enter 'yes'. See http://goo.gl/MVv53 | yes |
Moritz Nadler
(Austrian Academy of Sciences (AT))
Jakob Lettenbichler
(HEPHY Vienna, Austria)
Rudolf Fruhwirth
(Austrian Academy of Sciences (AT))