The EVO (Enabling Virtual Organizations) system is based on a new distributed and unique architecture, leveraging the 14+ years of unique experience of developing and operating large distributed production based collaboration systems. The primary objective being to provide to the High Energy and Nuclear Physics experiments a system/service that meet their unique requirements of usability, quality, scalability, reliability, and cost necessary for nationally and globally distributed research organizations. Today, he EVO system is heavily use by the LHC and more generally by High Energy and Nuclear Physics community and the LIGO community with more than 5,000 meetings a month.
As more features/functionality as been added to the system to better support the research community, we developed a new advanced and unified client called SeeVogh fully compatible with previous version that will be available to the community via authenticated portal (CERN, LIGO, etc.. ) using unified SSO.
The new service model and SeeVogh client will be described during this talk.