Bogdan Lobodzinski
The H1 Collaboration at HERA is now in the era
of high precision analyses based on the final
and complete data sample. A natural consequence
of this is the huge increase in requirement for
simulated Monte Carlo (MC) events. As a
response to this increase, a framework for
large scale MC production using the LCG Grid
Infrastructure was developed. After 3 years,
the H1 MC Computing Framework has become a
high performance, reliable and robust platform
operating on the top of gLite infrastructure.
The original framework has been expanded into a
tool which can handle 600 million simulated MC
events per month and 20,000 simultaneously
supported jobs on the LHC Grid, decreasing
operator effort to the minimum. An annual MC
event production rate of over 2.5 billion
events has been achieved, and the project is
integral to the data analysis performed by H1.
Tools have also been developed to allow
modifications of H1 detector details, for
different levels of MC production steps and for
full monitoring of the jobs on the Grid
sites. The H1 MC Framework will be described,
based on the experience gained during the
successful MC simulation for the H1 Experiment,
focussing on the solutions which can be
implemented for other types of experiments -
not only those devoted to HEP. Failure states,
deficiencies, bottlenecks and scaling
boundaries observed during this full scale
physics analysis endeavour are also addressed.
Bogdan Lobodzinski