10–11 Mar 2025
Krakow, AGH, building D11, room 104
Europe/Zurich timezone

Venue plan

The Workshop takes place at the AGH University of Krakow, Faculty of Physics and Applied Computer Science.

The main address of AGH is:  30-059 Krakow, 30 Al. Mickiewicza street, Poland 

Make note that AGH University Campus is huge (~40 hectares, 0.4 km²). The Faculty of Physics is in middle of Campus, in three buildings: D10, D11, D7. The nearest street is called Kawiory (a map).


The AGH Campus is centrally located in Krakow, making it easily accessible from various parts of the city.


To walk from Krakow Main Station (Kraków Główny) to AGH University:

  • Distance approximately 3 kilometers (2 miles).
  • Walking time about 35-40 minutes.
  • Route: head west from the station, passing through the Planty Park, and continue along Aleja Adama Mickiewicza until you reach the university. Alternatively, take direction to the Old Town (Pawia street), continue along Basztowa, Garbarska streets, and through Wisława Szymborska Park (a renowned Polish poet, essayist, and translator; won the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1996), see a map.


To walk from the Main Market Square (Rynek Główny) to AGH University:

  • Distance approximately 1.5 kilometers (1 mile).
  • Walking time about 20 minutes.
  • Route: head west along Szewska street, then continue on Aleja Adama Mickiewicza until you reach the university.


AGH University is well-situated near the Old Town, making it convenient for visitors to explore Krakow's historical and cultural sites.

We are in bulding nr D11, room 104 (first floor).

Faculty of Physics is in three buildings (Physics headquarter on the map nr 15): D10 (main entrance), D11, D7. Entrance from all sides.

True photo of Physics headquarter

Wydział -- Wydział Fizyki i Informatyki Stosowanej AGH