Sep 25 – 29, 2006
Europe/Zurich timezone

Call for Abstracts

  • Opening day
  • Submission deadline

Call for abstracts: Users & Applications

During the EGEE conference, EGEE will provide an important opportunity for all applications to establish contacts with EGEE and with other user communities, to plan for the future usage of the EGEE grid infrastructure, to learn about the latest advances, and to discuss the future evolution of Grid middleware.

There are 4 main slots to present your activity and interact with other user communities (and with the middleware teams and the deployment experts):

  • Demo and Poster session
  • Application parallel sessions parallel sessions
    • Life sciences
    • Grid application
  • User Forum

Demos and Posters and User Forum

This session is organised by Massimo Lamanna. Based on the good experiences of the first EGEE User Forum, EGEE has decided to organise a large demonstration and poster session at the EGEE'06 Conference. The idea is that a full afternoon will be dedicated to show results, experience and plans in a open and somewhat informal way. This session will be coupled to a general User Forum session putting in contact applications and other part of the project (still in preparation).

It would be very interesting to get more information from applications on the following points:

  • The application context and scientific goals as well as relevant links to publications, project descriptions etc;
  • The Grid added-value focusing in particular on sharing and collaborative aspects. This should include the scale of the problems and potential user community as well as the impact EGEE might have. It should also highlight the key Grid services needed for achieving these goals;
  • Key issues to be addressed for the promotion of the use of Grid technology in the application area.

A good demo and poster should also demonstrate:

  • Enlargement of application community: showing the Grid as a place to collaborate, join forces, compare results;
  • Cross-application synergies: how knowledge from one application community benefits others;
  • Visual impact: while not all demos are visual, visual impact is a key factor for attracting new users.

The demo and poster session is coupled to a series of sessions organised to discuss specific technical issues, giving the possibility to applications to share and compare their experience and requirements with other applications and with G rid service providers.

EGEE applications, application from related projects and possible new applications are invited to subscribe to these sessions sending a short abstract. Important, check the tick boxes "Users & Applications" when submitting your abstract.

Application parallel sessions parallel sessions

Two parallel sessions: Life Sciences (responsible Vincent Breton) and Grid Applications (responsible Roberto Barbera) will give applications the opportunity to present their results, plans on using the EGEE infrastructure and share their experiences. EGEE applications, applications from related projects and possible new applications are invited to subscribe to these sessions by sending a short abstract.

We are interested in gathering information on:

  • the application context and scientific goals as well as relevant links to publications, project descriptions etc;
  • The Grid added-value focusing in particular on sharing and collaborative aspects. This should include the scale of the problems and potential user community as well as the impact EGEE might have. It should also highlight the key Grid services needed for achieving these goals;
  • Key issues to be addressed for the promotion of the use of Grid technology in the application area.

EGEE applications, application from related projects and possible new applications are invited to subscribe to these sessions sending a short abstract. Important, check the tick boxes "Users & Applications" when submitting your abstract.

The call for abstracts is closed.