May 9 – 11, 2007
Manchester, United Kingdom
Europe/Zurich timezone
The EGEE (Enabling Grids for E-sciencE) project provides the world’s largest production Grid infrastructure as well as user support services for an increasing number of diverse user communities. The EGEE User Forums are strategic events for the project and a key opportunity for participants to interact with other initiatives and communities.

The second User Forum 9-11 May 2007 will take place in Manchester, UK in conjunction with OGF20. This combined event will further strengthen the links between EGEE and the Open Grid Forum, bringing users and standards bodies together to ensure that the future of the Grid is complemented by the establishment of key standards.

EGEE continues to foster innovative use of its infrastructure and technology by encouraging collaboration between diverse scientific disciplines. The vision is to evolve and to expand the services offered to the EGEE user community, maximising the scientific, technological and economical relevance of Grid-based activities.

The EGEE User Forum provides opportunities for discussions between users and Grid service providers, as well as the chance to interactively demonstrate the status of prototypes and of the applications already in production. Participants will be able to establish contact with EGEE and with its user communities, to explore possible cooperation between academic users and business partners, to contribute to plans for the future usage of the EGEE Grid infrastructure, and to discuss the evolution of gLite, the EGEE Grid middleware.

As for the first User Forum, EGEE invites abstracts to be submitted from the scientific and business community, via the event web site for presentations, live demonstrations and posters. The call will open on 1 December and close 31 January 2007 (postponed to <bf>February 14th</bf>). The main areas of interest will cover key topics in Grid technology such as experience with and development of data access tools, interactive usage of the Grid, running complex workflows on the infrastructure and Grids as collaborative environments.

The programme committee will review the submissions and notify selected contributors by 6 March 2007. Selected contributions will be included in the EGEE User Forum Book of Abstracts.

For more details on the OGF 20 programme, please refer to

Abstract submission opening: 1 December 2006
Abstract submission deadline: 14 February 2007
Acceptance Notification: 6 March 2007

Manchester, United Kingdom