12:30 PM
--- Lunch ---
2:00 PM
Douglas McKinley
(until 3:30 PM)
(Conf. Room 4)
2:00 PM
Robert B. Cohen, Fellow, Economic Strategy Institute - European Auto Firms and Grids
Robert COHEN
(Conf. Room 4)
2:20 PM
Piero Poccianti, Staff Planning and Strategic Development Consorzio Operativo Gruppo Monte dei Paschi Group (MPS) - From Web Services to Grid: Internal ad external use. Grid in Banks (Finance)
(Conf. Room 4)
2:40 PM
Moritz Weiten, Coordination of Research Projects ontoprise GmbH - Establishing Interoperability in Data Grids: The Automotive Use Case in the SIMDAT project
(Conf. Room 4)
3:00 PM
Hannah Cumming TOTAL E&P UK PLC, Geoscience Research Centre - Total External Grid Project
(Conf. Room 4)
2:00 PM
Central Europe Federation
(until 3:35 PM)
(Conf. Room 17)
2:00 PM
(Conf. Room 17)
2:20 PM
(Conf. Room 17)
2:30 PM
NA3 activities
(Conf. Room 17)
3:05 PM
NA4 activities
(Conf. Room 17)
2:00 PM
ETICS Technical Meeting (Closed meeting)
(until 3:30 PM)
(Conf. Room 11)
2:00 PM
EU China Grid, IPv6
(until 3:30 PM)
(Conf. Room 16)
2:00 PM
Document "IPv6 guidelines for GRIDS’ programmers"
Valentino Carcione
(Conf. Room 16)
2:25 PM
IPv6 code checker tool
Salvatore Monforte
(INFN Sezione di Catania)
(Conf. Room 16)
2:45 PM
GOS on IPv6
Yongjian Wang
(Beihang University)
(Conf. Room 16)
3:00 PM
Report "IPv6 and Grid middleware"
Paola Celio
(Università di Roma Tre)
(Conf. Room 16)
3:10 PM
Panel: EGEE and EUChinaGRID interactions about IPv6
(Conf. Room 16)
2:00 PM
Grid Applications (NA4)
(until 4:00 PM)
(Conf. Room 3)
2:00 PM
International Telecommunication Union Regional Radio Conference and the EGEE Grid
- Dr
Andrea Manara
(Conf. Room 3)
2:10 PM
Experience on Grid Production for GEANT4
- Dr
Patricia Mendez Lorenzo
(Conf. Room 3)
2:20 PM
Integration of the ATLAS Production System with the Distributed Data Management on the EGEE Grid Infrastructure
- Dr
Simone Campana
(Conf. Room 3)
2:30 PM
Enabling Grids for Neutron Science
- Mr
Tony Lam
(Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation)
(Conf. Room 3)
2:40 PM
The ATLAS and CMS Experience with the gLite Workload Management System
- Dr
Andrea Sciaba'
(Conf. Room 3)
2:50 PM
Preliminary results from the LHCb Data Challenge 2006
- Dr
Roberto Santinelli
(Conf. Room 3)
3:00 PM
Instruments and Sensors on the Grid: the GridCC project
- Dr
Gaetano Maron
(Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro)
(Conf. Room 3)
3:10 PM
GENIUS Grid Portal for e-Science community: a new experience for managing workflow in a SOA
- Ms
Livia Torterolo
(Bio-lab, DIST, University of Genoa)
(Conf. Room 3)
3:20 PM
The Diligent prototype and the experiences gained joining the EGEE PPS infrastructure
- Dr
Pasquale Pagano
Pedro Andrade
(Conf. Room 3)
3:30 PM
Summary/discussion of the session
(Conf. Room 3)
2:00 PM
Grid Security Vulnerability Group (Closed meeting)
(until 3:30 PM)
(Conf. Room 15)
2:00 PM
Review of Grid Security Vulnerability Issues process
- Dr
Linda Cornwall
(Conf. Room 15)
2:50 PM
Vulnerability testing
(Conf. Room 15)
3:10 PM
SWE contribution to the Grid Security Vulnerability Task
(Conf. Room 15)
2:00 PM
Grid operation CIC on Duty (COD-10) (closed meeting)
(until 3:30 PM)
(Conf. Room 18)
2:00 PM
Feedback from DE-CH and SWE federations
(Conf. Room 18)
2:30 PM
Operations procedures and tools update
(Conf. Room 18)
3:00 PM
Failover procedures and tools update
(Conf. Room 18)
2:00 PM
(until 3:30 PM)
(Conf. Room 7+8)
2:00 PM
Welcome, Introductions and Update
(Conf. Room 7+8)
2:30 PM
Engaging the Educators
(Conf. Room 7+8)
2:00 PM
Life Sciences (NA4)
Christophe Blanchet
(until 3:30 PM)
(Conf. Room 2)
2:00 PM
Status of Bioinformatics in EGEE-2
- Dr
Christophe Blanchet
(Conf. Room 2)
2:05 PM
Service to Encrypt Biological Data on Grid
- Mr
Remi Mollon
(Conf. Room 2)
2:15 PM
Enabling bioinformatics applications to access files over the grid via a GFAL plugin to Parrot
- Dr
Giacinto Donvito
(Conf. Room 2)
2:25 PM
GPS@, Web interface for Protein Sequence Analysis on Grid
- Dr
Christophe Blanchet
(Conf. Room 2)
2:35 PM
Blast In Grid (BIG)
- Dr
Ignacio Blanquer Espert
(Conf. Room 2)
2:45 PM
Bringing 3D-EM to the Grid
- Mrs
Germán Carrera
(Centro Nacional de Biotecnología CSIC)
(Conf. Room 2)
2:55 PM
Parallelised Monte-Carlo simulation of large biological networks using the EGEE grid
- Dr
Christoph Wierling
(Max-Planck-Institute for Molecular Genetics)
(Conf. Room 2)
3:05 PM
Status of the Biomedical Applications in EELA
Vicente Hernandez-Garcia
(Polytechnical University of Valencia)
(Conf. Room 2)
3:15 PM
- Dr
Giacinto Donvito
(Conf. Room 2)
3:25 PM
Perspectives in Bioinformatics area
- Dr
Christophe Blanchet
(Conf. Room 2)
2:00 PM
NGI Workshop
(until 3:30 PM)
(Conf. Room 13)
2:00 PM
Summary of NGI questionnaire responses
(Conf. Room 13)
2:30 PM
Discussion on the questionnaire responses
(Conf. Room 13)
3:00 PM
Discussion on the next steps - Towards a European Grid Initiative
(Conf. Room 13)
2:00 PM
Poster session
Massimo Lamanna
(until 7:30 PM)
2:00 PM
A fully gLite metadata approach to access files for bioinformatics applications
- Dr
Ivan Porro
(Department of Communication, Computer and System Sciences (DIST), University of Genoa)
2:00 PM
A Novel Security Approach on Open Grid Service to Validate Certificate by using XACML
- Mr
Indrajit Indrajit Sahoo
(B.Tech,SASTRA Deemed University,India)
2:00 PM
A VO-oriented AAA framework
- Dr
Andrea Ferraro
2:00 PM
AssessGrid - Advanced Risk Assessment and Management for Trustable Grids
- Dr
Felix Heine
(Paderborn Center for Parallel Computing, University of Paderborn, Germany)
2:00 PM
Building gLite based scalable Grid environment with HP SFS
- Mr
Péter Dóbé
2:00 PM
Cardiology Services and the EGEE Grid
- Dr
Thomas Clark
(Complete Cardiology Services Ltd)
2:00 PM
Computational Chemistry Achievements within VOCE Environment
Martin Petrek
2:00 PM
CRAB a user-friendly tool to perform CMS analysis in grid environment.
Federica Fanzago
2:00 PM
ELFI: EGRID LCG Filesystem Interface
- Dr
Antonio Messina
(ICTP Trieste)
2:00 PM
Execution of windows binaries in gLite
- Mr
Shih-Chun Chiu
(ASGC, Taiwan)
2:00 PM
Fusion_RDIG applications
- Mr
Vladimir Voznesensky
(Nuclear Fusion Inst., RRC "Kurchatov Inst.")
2:00 PM
g-Eclipse - a integrated workbench for Grid users, Grid operators and Grid developers based on the Eclipse plattform
- Dr
Harald Kornmayer
2:00 PM
GENIUS Portal and EnginFrame FrameWork: new features and future perspectives
- Mr
Maurizio Melato
(NICE srl)
2:00 PM
Grid and Agents: a Unified Approach
- Mr
Lee Mathew
(University of Greenwich)
2:00 PM
Grid-enabled SEE++, A Grid-Based Medical Decision Support System for Eye Muscle Surgery
- Dr
Bosa Karoly Jozsef
2:00 PM
ICGrid: Intensive Care Grid
- Dr
Marios Dikaiakos
(Dept. of Computer Science, University of Cyprus)
2:00 PM
IMRT Planning and Verification on EGEE
- Dr
Javier López
(Centro de Supercomputación de Galicia)
2:00 PM
Initial experience with Tycoon, a new approach to resource allocation
Grehant Xavier
(CERN openlab / HP)
2:00 PM
Job reliability
Pablo Saiz
2:00 PM
LcgCAF: CDF submission portal to LCG resources
- Dr
Donatella Lucchesi
(Departement of Physics, University and INFN of Padova, Italy)
2:00 PM
LiveWN, CPU Scavenging in the Grid Era: Expanding EGEE Infrastructure to the Millions
- Mr
Fotis Georgatos
Giannis Kouretis
2:00 PM
Mathcell.Ru: Integrated Mathematical Model of Living Cell in GRID
- Dr
Nafisa Nazipova
(Institute of Mathematical Problems of Biology RAS (IMPB RAS))
2:00 PM
MediGRID - Medical Grid Computing
- Mr
Yassene Mohammed
2:00 PM
Molecular Dynamics study of Propane system in a Egee Grid parallel platform
- Dr
Alessandro Costantini
(University of Perugia)
2:00 PM
Monitoring and Ranking of Grid Failures using FailRank
- Mr
Kyriacos Neocleous
(University of Cyprus)
2:00 PM
Potential of Semantic Web Services in realizing Semantic Grid
- Mr
Omair Shafiq
(DERI Innsbruck)
2:00 PM
Service classes for job submission: a policy based solution
- Dr
Vincenzo Ciaschini
2:00 PM
Special Interest Groups - a Grid Service
- Dr
Algimantas Juozapavicius
(associate professor)
2:00 PM
The AMGA Metadata Service
Nuno Santos
2:00 PM
Towards a Grid infrastructure for Services and Intelligent Content Objects
- Mr
Ioan Toma
(DERI Innsbruck)
2:00 PM
User Level Scheduling for improved Quality of Service in the Grid
- Mr
2:00 PM
VO AUGER.ORG - Preparation and First Applications
- Dr
Jiri Chudoba
(Institute of Physics and CESNET) Mrs
Jaroslava Schovancova
2:00 PM
VO VOCE - Availability and Stability of Resources
- Dr
Jiri Chudoba
(Institute of Physics and CESNET)
Jaroslava Schovancova
2:00 PM
XtremWeb-CH : Towards a true Peer-To-Peer platform for High Performance Computing
- Prof.
Nabil Abdennadher
(University of Applied Sciences Geneva. (HES-SO))
2:20 PM
International Telecommunication Union Regional Radio Conference and the EGEE Grid
- Dr
Andrea Manara
3:30 PM
--- Coffee break ---
4:00 PM
(until 6:10 PM)
(Conf. Room 4)
4:00 PM
Tomasz Szepieniec, Senior Consultant at GridwiseTech, Poland - Connecting large industry to EGEE grid
Tomasz Szepieniec
(Conf. Room 4)
4:20 PM
Sverre Jarp, CERN openlab CTO. Grid-related activities in CERN openlab II
Jarp Sverre
(Conf. Room 4)
4:40 PM
Giuseppe Ugolotti - NICE Italy - GENIUS Portal and EnginFrame FrameWork: new features and future perspectives
Giuseppe Ugolotti
(NICE Italy)
(Conf. Room 4)
5:00 PM
Discussion - With chairs from each session acting as Panelists Bob Jones, Ian Osborne, Mike Doran, Silvana Muscella, Monica Marinucci Chair: Nathan Hill - Qi3 UK.
- Dr
Bob Jones
Nathan HILL
Monica Marinucci Lopez
Mike Doran
Silvana Muscella
(Conf. Room 4)
4:00 PM
(until 5:30 PM)
(Conf. Room 17)
4:00 PM
OMII-Europe: Status, Plans, and Interactions with EGEE & ETICS
Steven Newhouse
(Conf. Room 17)
4:20 PM
ETICS: Status, Plans, and Interactions with OMII-Europe & EGEE
- Dr
Alberto Di Meglio
(Conf. Room 17)
4:40 PM
EGEE: Status, Plans, and Interactions with OMII-Europe & ETICS
Erwin Laure
(Conf. Room 17)
5:00 PM
(Conf. Room 17)
4:00 PM
EU China Grid, Interoperability
(until 5:30 PM)
(Conf. Room 16)
4:00 PM
- Dr
Giuseppe Andronico
(Conf. Room 16)
4:10 PM
gLite view on interopereability
Salvatore Monforte
(Conf. Room 16)
4:25 PM
GOS vew on interoperability
Yongjian Wang
(Behiang University)
(Conf. Room 16)
4:40 PM
Proposed roadmap
- Dr
Giuseppe Andronico
(Conf. Room 16)
5:00 PM
Panel on gLite-GOS interoperability
(Conf. Room 16)
4:00 PM
Grid Security Vulnerability Group (Closed meeting)
(until 5:30 PM)
(Conf. Room 15)
4:00 PM
DSA1.3 deliverable
(Conf. Room 15)
5:00 PM
(Conf. Room 15)
4:00 PM
Grid operation CIC on Duty (COD-10) (closed meeting)
(until 7:00 PM)
(Conf. Room 18)
4:00 PM
Parallel session #1
(Conf. Room 18)
5:30 PM
Parallel session (cont'd)
(Conf. Room 18)
6:30 PM
Wrap-up , actions list and conclusions
(Conf. Room 18)
4:00 PM
(until 5:30 PM)
(Conf. Room 7+8)
4:00 PM
Planning and producing publications of the ICEAGE forum
(Conf. Room 7+8)
5:00 PM
Wrap up
(Conf. Room 7+8)
4:00 PM
Life Sciences (NA4)
(until 5:00 PM)
(Conf. Room 2)
4:00 PM
WISDOM: from docking to virtual screening
- Mr
Vinod Kasam
(Conf. Room 2)
4:20 PM
H5N1 data challenge: status and results
- Mr
Hurng-Chun Lee
(Conf. Room 2)
4:40 PM
WISDOM-II: status of preparation
- Mr
Nicolas Jacq
(Conf. Room 2)
4:00 PM
NGI Workshop
(until 5:30 PM)
(Conf. Room 13)
4:00 PM
Discussion on the next steps - Towards a European Grid Initiative (continued)
(Conf. Room 13)
5:00 PM
Demo session
Massimo Lamanna
(until 7:30 PM)
5:00 PM
AMGA Web Interface
- Dr
Salvatore Scifo
(INFN Catania)
5:00 PM
An advanced Grid data management for distributed analysis of neuroimaging studies
Livia Torterolo
(University of Genoa)
5:00 PM
ARTE and ImpECt: exploiting the Diligent prototype
Veronica Guidetti
5:00 PM
Browsing through AMGA metadata
Danilo Piparo
(Univ Milano Bicocca and CERN)
5:00 PM
Climate data analysis on EGEE
- Dr
Kerstin Ronneberger
Stephan Kindermann
5:00 PM
Dashboard for ATLAS and CMS LHC experiments
Julia Andreeva
5:00 PM
Demonstration of Application Migration to EGEE using GridWay
- Mr
Jose Luis Vazquez-Poletti
(Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Spain)) Mr
Rafael Gil-Herrera
(Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Spain))
5:00 PM
GPS@, Web interface for Protein Sequence Analysis on Grid
- Dr
Christophe Blanchet
(Institut de Biologie et Chimie des Protéines (IBCP UMR 5086); CNRS; Univ. Lyon 1;)
5:00 PM
Grid-enabled high throughput virtual screening against neglected and emerging diseases
- Mr
Nicolas Jacq
5:00 PM
Interactive Virtual Screening on the Grid
- Mr
Hurng-Chun Lee
(ASGC, Taiwan)
5:00 PM
Migrating Desktop Platform – graphical interactive framework for running grid applications
Marcin Plociennik
5:00 PM
Rapid determination of Earthquake centroid moment tensor
- Dr
5:00 PM
Supporting Parametric Study Workflow Applications by the P-GRADE Portal
Peter Kacsuk
Robert Lovas
5:00 PM
The UNOSAT-GRID Project: Access to Satellite Imaginary Through the Grid Environment
- Dr
Patricia Mendez Lorenzo
Daniel Lagrava Sandoval
Jukka Antero Kommeri
Alberto Falzone
(NICE (Italy))
5:00 PM
Using GridCC for Remote Operations of an Accelerator
- Dr
Roberto Pugliese
(ELETTRA (Trieste))
5:30 PM
Short Deadline Jobs
(until 7:00 PM)
(Conf. Room 16)