Salvatore Scifo
(INFN Catania)
AMGA Web Interface is the implementation of the metadata
interface designed by the
ARDA team and it is the official metadata service of the
EGEE gLite middleware. It
provides many interesting features: metadata organization in
a hierarchical
structure, users, groups and ACLs handling with X509
certificates/proxies support,
powerful SQL-like query language, replications. However,
interacting with the AMGA
services is not always user friendly especially for the
non-expert users because the
provided clients are unix command line tools and APIs. So
the need for a simple and
user friendly interface to manage metadata with AMGA arises.
We thought to a web interface to achieve access from any
platform: the user just
needs a web browser and a VOMS proxy to be authenticated to
the AMGA server. After a
successful login, he will be able to browse the hierarchy of
AMGA collections, to
inspect their schema and permissions, and to list their
entries. He also has the
ability to create a new collection, to define a metadata
schema for it,
add/edit/delete its entries, and finally to perform queries
against its attribute. In
all the previous operations, the respect of the collection
and entry permissions will
be guaranteed allowing users to access information for
which he is actually
authorized, thanks to the underlying usage of the AMGA APIs.
In future versions, a module to handle users and groups will
be added. At the moment,
a user needs to own an account in the underlying AMGA
server, and he can only set
permissions and ACLs per collection, granting access to
already existent AMGA groups.
AMGA WI is a J2EE (Java 2 Enterprise Edition) web
application developed with pure
Java technologies (Java Servlet, Java Server Pages, Custom
Tag Libraries). The
application design follows the standard multi-layer web
application architecture
consisting of a data presentation layer, a logic application
layer and a data access
layer. All these layers are built making use of the official
The data presentation layer consists of all web pages that
make users able to access
all provided features. These pages have a dynamic contents,
according to the data
stored into the AMGA Server backend. The web pages work with
both logic components to
perform data manipulation and with access components to
retrieve and publish data.
The logic application layer is made up by all the software
modules that encapsule the
implementation of the provided feautures (metadata handling
and manipulation). Every
AMGA logical entity (collection, entry, attribute,..) is
mapped to a specific
software module. This ensures a very clean and simple
software architecture with an
high degree of cohesion and decoupling. These components
work as services invoked by
the overlying web pages.
The data access layer implements all the software components
than ensure the data
extraction from the AMGA server.
These components work as services invoked by the web pages
and they provide a
mechanism to retrieve data and publish dynamic content.
A working beta version will be showed during the demo
session at EGEE 06 conference.
Salvatore Scifo
(INFN Catania)
Antonio Calanducci
(INFN Catania)
Vincenzo Milazzo
(IR&T Engineering s.r.l.)