Peter Kacsuk
Robert Lovas
The P-GRADE portal plays more and more important role in the
life of various
Grid user communities. After several successful demos at the
conferences and Grid user forums in Europe, Asia and the US,
representatives of several Grids and Grid based Virtual
Organizations have
approached us and requested to support their communities by
the Portal. As a
result, the P-GRADE portal is already the official portal of
the VOCE (Virtual
Organization Central Europe), HunGrid (Hungarian VO of EGEE)
and the eGrid
(Economic Grid) VOs of the EGEE Grid. It also provides
service for the users of
GILDA (the Grid training infrastructure of EGEE), Croatian
Grid and Turkish Grid
infrastructures. Moreover, the P-GRADE portal is the
official portal of SEE-GRID
which operates a Grid infrastructure in the South-East
Europe region. Besides
LCG-2 and gLite based production Grids the portal is
successfully used as
service for the GT2 based UK National Grid Service (NGS) and
it was also
successfully connected to the GT4 based Westfocus Grid (UK).
Our latest
achievement is that the P-GRADE Portal has been connected to
the ARC
middleware, thus now it is able to execute Grid applications
in the Nordugrid
too. After a successful demonstration at the
Supercomputing'05 exhibition the
representatives of the US Open Science Grid and Teragrid
also expressed their
interest to connect the portal to their Grid. Consequently,
the P-GRADE Portal is
now connected to both OSG and Teragrid, reaching the users
of many large
production Grid infrastructures of the World. Moreover,
recently the GIN (Grid
Interoperation/Interoperability Now) Grid of GGF is
supported by the portal
enabling the simultaneous access to all of its resources
coming from different
As P-GRADE portal becomes more and more popular among users
we have
received important feedbacks asking for new features of the
portal. One of
those requests was the support of parametric studies at the
workflow level.
The idea of parametric study applications is that the same
workflow should be
executed with a large number of different input data files.
Moreover, different
jobs must be fed by different number of files and the portal
should be able to
automatically generate the cross-product of these input
files and run the
workflow for each element of this cross-product. Obviously
handling large
number of workflows and files raises many new problems. Here
we mention
only some of them just to illustrate the problems:
1. Where to place and how to organize the necessary input files?
2. Where and how to store the output of each execution of
the workflow?
3. How to prevent flooding the Grid and the portal by large
parameter study
4. How to specify the parametric study workflows in a way
that simply extends
the specification of normal workflows?
5. How to manage the large number of workflows by the portal?
The main principles of supporting parametric study
application by P-GRADE
portal are as follows:
1. Any port of a PS-WF (parametric study workflow) can be
used to feed many
files to the WF. Such a port is called as PS-port and
distinguished from the
ordinary input ports both in the UI and in the inner
representation of the WF.
For each PS-port in a PS-WF there is a unique integer
identifier (an ordering
number starting from 0) generated by the portal.
2. A PS-port represents a set of input files that are stored
in the same directory
of a SE (storage element). It is the responsibility of the
user to place these
input files into the SE before submitting the PS-WF. Such a
directory must not
store any other files, only the input files belonging to the
associated PS-port.
3. If there are several PS-ports in a PS-WF, then the portal
RS (run-time
system) takes care of producing the necessary cross-product
of the input files
of these PS-ports.
4. For each element of the cross-product the RS generates an
executable WF
(e-WF). The internal representation of an e-WF is the same
as the normal WF.
5. Once the RS generated an e-WF it submits this e-WF in the
same way as
normal e-WFs are submitted (since they are the same).
6. The number (N) of e-WFs that are generated for parallel
execution is the
decision of the portal. When a PS-WF is submitted, the
portal RS generates N e-
WFs of the cross product and submit them simultaneously to
the Grid. Once an
e-WF is completed the portal RS generates the next element
of the cross
product and the related e-WF and submits it into the Grid.
7. An extra global parameter of a PS-WF is the target output
directory of the
workflow results. The target output directory must be in a SE.
8. Once an e-WF is completed the portal moves the zipped
result into the
target output directory. As a result not more than N partial
WF results should
be stored on the portal simultaneously for one PS-WF. Any
post-processing of
the results is the task of the user and not of the portal.
9. To avoid the flooding of the Grid and portal by a single
user, one user can
submit only one PS-WF at a time. The next one can be
submitted if the
previously submitted PS-WF is completed. Moreover, the
portal administrator
can set the maximum number of e-WFs that can be
simultaneously generated
from a single PS-WF as well as the maximum number of jobs
that can be
submitted by the portal to the Grid.
During the demo of the portal we will demonstrate how the
new PS support
feature of P-GRADE portal works. We hope that this new
feature will
significantly increase the usability of the portal and will
open doors for many
new Grid user communities.
Primary author
Peter Kacsuk
Gergely Sipos
Robert Lovas