25–29 Sept 2006
Europe/Zurich timezone

Dashboard for ATLAS and CMS LHC experiments

26 Sept 2006, 17:00
2h 30m


CICG, 17 rue de Varembé, CH - 1211 Geneva 20 Switzerland
Board: 7
Demo Users & Applications Demo session


Julia Andreeva (CERN)


Dashboard project for CMS and ATLAS experiments has to provide a single entry point for the monitoring information collected from the distributed computing systems of the corresponding experiment. One of the main functionalities provided by the experiment dashboard is job monitoring. Dashboard job monitoring service presents a complete view of the experiment activity on the Grid infrastructure independently of the Grid flavour and compiles a comprehensive picture of the overall success rate. Dashboard combines Grid-related monitoring data and experiment specific information. One of the main purposes of the experiment dashboard is to indicate any job submission/execution problem and to help to identify the reason of the problem of any origin. In addition to job monitoring experiment dashboard covers other experiment activities on the Grid, like for example data management for ATLAS and data transfer tests for CMS.


Demo and presentation will aim to demonstrate the beneficial use
of the tool by
individual users, experiment computer and site managers,
coordinators of the
experiment production and analysis groups.

Primary authors

Mr Benjamin Gaidioz (CERN) Mr Catalin Cirstoiu (CERN/University of Bucharest) Mr Juha Herrala (CERN) Julia Andreeva (CERN) Mr Pablo Saiz (CERN) Mr Ricardo Brito Da Rocha (CERN)


Mr Fu-Ming Tsai (CERN/ASGC) Mr Ilja Livenson (CERN/KBFI) Mr Shih-Chun Chiu (CERN/ASGC) Mr Tao-Sheng Chen (CERN/ASGC)

Presentation materials

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