Claudio Grandi
(Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN))
With the release of gLite 3.0 EGEE reached the
important milestone to converge to a unique
middleware stack. gLite 3.0 is the merge of the LCG
middleware (LCG 2.7.0) that was deployed on the
production infrastructure and of the EGEE middleware
(gLite 1.5) developed in the first phase of the project.
This was done following the new software process that
foresees the Technical Coordination Group as the driving
body, the new integration and certification process
controlled by the SA3 activity and the use of the tools
provided by the ETICS project.
In this presentation an overview of the gLite 3.0
middleware and of the new software process is given.
Furthermore the future development plans and the
collaborations with other projects are discussed.