Kerstin Ronneberger
Stephan Kindermann
Climate research is generally very data-intensive.
Observations, analysis and output
data of climate simulations are traditionally stored in
large archives and central
databases. In order to make this data searchable and
accessible for further analysis
and/or data comparison on the grid appropriate interfaces
between the existing data
storage systems and the EGEE infrastructure need to be
established. This interface is
realized in close collaboration with the German C3-Grid
project, which currently
establishes a common metadata model, and metadata publishing
infrastructure as well
as data access mechanism. With respect to metadata these
developments are based on
international standards like the ISO 19115 / 19139 XML
metadata schema and the OAI
(open archives initiative) metadata harvesting approach. For
data access a common
community web service interface is developed which triggers
complex data selection
procedures and makes the result available on gridftp
accessible storage.
As a prerequisite for the data access a metadata catalogue,
containing information
for discovery and access of available datasets is needed. To
make the metadata
descriptions of the existing databases available on the EGEE
infrastructure the AMGA
catalogue is used. The catalogues is updated by means of XML
descriptions, which are
harvested on a regular basis from the existing datacenters.
The upload of discovered
data files from the external database to the EGEE
infrastructure is based on
webservices and gridftp: Based on information from the
metadata catalogue the
appropriate webservice endpoint is contacted from within an
EGEE data analysis job.
This webservice triggers data preprocessing functionality
and delivers the result to
a local gridftp accessible workspace from where they can be
retrieved, stored on an
SE and registered as EGEE accessible.
In order to exemplify the added value for the climate
community we will show
components of a complete workflow of searching, accessing
and analysing climate data
supported by the established interfaces.
Kerstin Ronneberger
Stephan Kindermann