Roberto Pugliese
(ELETTRA (Trieste))
Traditional developments in Grid technologies have
concentrated on providing batch
access to distributed computational and storage resources.
The requirements to
access, control, and acquire data from widely networked
distributed instruments
trigger the need to include a variety of new components. For
instance, scientific
equipment like sensors and probes are a need in nowadays
Grid infrastructures. This,
in turn, raises the need for supporting real-time operations
and interactive work,
thus opening a new frontier of research and development in
this field.
The GridCC Project, launched in September 2004 by the
European Union, addresses these
issues. The goal of GridCC is to exploit Grid opportunities
for secure and
collaborative work of distributed teams to remotely operate
and monitor scientific
equipment. In addition, GridCC will allow to exploit the
Grid’s massive memory and
computing resources for storing and processing data
generated by this kind of equipment.
In this talk we present first the status of the GridCC
Project, focusing then on the
real applications that have been equipped with our
middleware. We have three main
running use cases, from the run control of a high energy
physics experiments, to the
remote control and monitoring of a grid of small power
generators and, finally, to
the far remote operation of a particle accelerator. Other
applications that have
adopted our approach will be also presented; their field
ranges from meteorology, to
education, to the control of the territory (geo-hazard) and
to the remote control and
monitoring operations of telecommunication measurement
Lastly, the integration with the gLite components will be
highlighted, showing how
the services’ orchestration through a workflow engine has
been introduced. Our
approach, based ontwo levels (namely, strict and loose) of
guarantees to support and
monitor the real-time and interactive requirements will be
also shown.
Primary author
Roberto Pugliese
(ELETTRA (Trieste))