25โ€“29 Sept 2006
Europe/Zurich timezone


Swiss Grid Initiative

28 Sept 2006, 11:00


CICG, 17 rue de Varembรฉ, CH - 1211 Geneva 20 Switzerland


The aim is twofold:

1. Promotion of Grid projects with Swiss involvement,
making the projects known to each other and to the
wider community, as a basis to find synergies in the
Swiss Grid landscape

2. Unveiling the Swiss Grid Initiative as a supporting
organization, representing the interests of the Swiss
Grid community, promoting its goals and defining its
focus. Building a Swiss Grid community with the Swiss
Grid Initiative as the supporting umbrella. The Swiss
Grid Initiative will have to represent the Swiss Grid
community towards international bodies and the EU so
it should be formed properly with all interested parties

In addition, of course the EGEE community may learn
about the Swiss Grid activities and vice versa. Visit also
The Swiss Grid
Initiative Website

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
Prof. Manuel Peitsch (Novartis)
28/09/2006, 11:00
Dr Peter Kunszt (CSCS)
28/09/2006, 11:20
Mr Alex Waehry (EUResearch), Mr Patrick Furrer (EUResearch)
28/09/2006, 11:40
Christoph Witzig (SWITCH)
28/09/2006, 12:00
28/09/2006, 12:20
Dr Michael Podvinec (University of Basel), Prof. Torsten Schwede (University of Basel)
28/09/2006, 14:00
Dr Patricia Hernandez (Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics Geneva)
28/09/2006, 14:15
Kevin Cristiano (Ecole d'ingรฉnieurs et d'architectes de Fribourg)
28/09/2006, 14:30
Dr Sergio Maffioletti (CSCS)
28/09/2006, 14:45
Dr Derek Feichtinger
28/09/2006, 15:00
Michaela Thiemard (EPFL)
28/09/2006, 15:15
Dr Wibke Sudholt (University of Zurich)
28/09/2006, 16:00
Dr Andreas Bach (ETHZ)
28/09/2006, 16:15
Prof. Pierre Kuonen (Ecole d'ingรฉnieurs et d'architectes de Fribourg)
28/09/2006, 16:30
Dr Henning Mueller (University of Geneva)
28/09/2006, 16:45
Dr Cesare Pautasso (ETHZ)
28/09/2006, 17:00
Prof. Heiko Schuldt (University of Basel)
28/09/2006, 17:15
Building timetable...