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6–12 May 2012
Peniche, Portugal
Europe/Lisbon timezone

Gluon mass through massless bound states excitations.

9 May 2012, 10:00
Peniche, Portugal

Peniche, Portugal

Hotel Praia Norte, Av. Monsenhor Bastos, 2520-206 Peniche, Portugal


David Ibáñez Gil de Ramales (University of Valencia)


Recent large-volume lattice simulations have established that, in the Landau gauge, the gluon propagator is infrared-finite. The most natural way to explain this observed finiteness is the generation of a nonperturbative, momentum-dependent gluon mass. Such a mass may be generated without compromising the gauge-invariance of the fundamental QCD Lagrangian by employing the famous Schwinger mechanism in d=4. The main assumption underlying this mechanism is that the interaction vertices of the theory contain masslesss poles, originating from the dynamical formation of massless bound-state excitations. In this work we demonstrate that this key assumption is indeed realized by the QCD dynamics. Specifically, the corresponding Bethe-Salpeter equation describing the aforementioned massless excitations is solved under certain approximations, and non-trivial solutions are obtained.

Primary author

David Ibáñez Gil de Ramales (University of Valencia)

Presentation materials