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6–12 May 2012
Peniche, Portugal
Europe/Lisbon timezone

Latest QCD results from the PHENIX Experiment

10 May 2012, 09:00
Peniche, Portugal

Peniche, Portugal

Hotel Praia Norte, Av. Monsenhor Bastos, 2520-206 Peniche, Portugal


Dr Aneta Iordanova (University of California, Riverside)


The PHENIX experiment has produced an extensive array of measurements in heavy ion collisions in order to study the created strongly interacting medium. This medium is seen to modify the properties of many global and high-momentum observables; a strong suppression relative to that expected from p+p collisions is observed. The medium forms after the initial hard-scattering of partons, which they then traverse prior to fragmentation. A comparison of the final measured jet (a stream of particles with large transverse momenta in a localized region of phase space) in heavy ion and p+p collisions represents the energy loss of the partons within the medium. In order to systematically study this effect, PHENIX uses a suite of methods: full jet reconstruction, single-particle spectra, and correlations, all measured in different collision systems. In this talk, I will present our latest QCD results, focusing on inclusive jet production and two-particle correlations in heavy ion collisions.

Primary author

Dr Aneta Iordanova (University of California, Riverside)

Presentation materials