26–30 Mar 2012
University of Bonn
Europe/Berlin timezone

Probing colour flow with jet vetoes

28 Mar 2012, 09:50
Small Lecture Hall, Mathematical Institute (University of Bonn)

Small Lecture Hall, Mathematical Institute

University of Bonn

Hadronic final states/diffraction and vector mesons Combined: Hadronic final states/diffraction and vector mesons


Simone Marzani (IPPP / Durham University)


I discuss jet vetoes as a means of probing colour flow in hard scattering processes in hadronic collisions. As an example, I describe a calculation of the dijet cross-section with a jet veto which resums the leading logarithms of the veto scale and it is matched to a fixed-order computation. I compare this prediction to the measurement performed by the ATLAS collaboration as well as to other different approaches. Finally, I outline future developments in this research area.


Simone Marzani (IPPP / Durham University)

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